Alcala Yearbook 1995-1996


ou 't?e always been a special blessing to our farnily Ji·orn the moment you were born, sharing your inclit?iclualisrn, intelligence, and great sense o.f hurn,01: Congratulations! !tour years o.f hard u:>ork ha1Je brought you past another rnilestone in life. J?ou're ready to share your gifts with theworld. Cwpe

Missjoanne clizabeth i)illones

the y ears ahead! i:g1Je, Morn~· <.Dad

Michelle Murphy Salas

William Congratulations! We are all proud ofyou. find remember we will always support you. J:gi:ie, <.Dael, Mom,~ Sis

'Jf appiness is the full use of your powers along· lines of excellence in a life affording scope." We are proud and honored to be your parents. iJ}ve, Mom ©ad


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