Alcalá 1986
Bruce pringsteen remained "The Boss" of popular music as he got bigger with the # l album of the year.
County which takes up where Doonsbury left off. For those of us who went to catholic grammer school, catholic high school and a catholic college (such as U.S. D.) there was Growing Up Catholic. Late Night with David Letterman fans were treated when the show became a book. Steven King flooded the market with so many books that his publisher asked him to write under a pseudonym. He gave us keleton Crew, The Talisman, and Thinner. As Richard Bachman, King published The Bachman Book. Fiction novels that were most popular this year included Sidney Sheldon's If Tomorrow Come ,James Michener's epic Texa , and North and outh 's continu · ation called Love and War. The Color Purple a pulitzer prize winning novel by Alice Walker was released in paperback as the movie of the book came to the screen. Cold War books such as The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy made be tsellers in paper back as did Moscow Rule by Robert Mos as Rea– gan approached the summit with Gorba– chev. Popular authors to make appearances on the bestseller list were: Kurt Vonne– gut with Galapagos, E.L. Doctrow with World's Fair, Carl Sagan with a fiction book called Contact and Mario Puzo with The icilian.
This year in the publishing world the most popular books were autobiogra– phies, comedy books and family epics. Autobiographies to make the best– ellers list included books like IA. COCCA, An Autobiography. Lee Iacocca presents his life and how he saved the Chrysler Corporation. Chuck Yeager had "the right stuff' for his autobiography titled YEAGER: An Autobiography. In this book he recounts his adventure as the Fastest Man Alive. Another book with an original title was Ansel Adams: An Autobiography. which covers his magnificent photography career. For the more spiritual there was Shirley Mac– Lame's Dancing in the Light. For the more sen ational there was Priscilla Beaulieu Presley's Elvis and Me which gave trashy romance novelists a run for their money. Non. fiction that was popular in San Diego was Captain Money and the Gold– en Girl which recounts the story of the J. David Affair. The book covered recent politics in San Diego and the investment company behind Hedgecock's re-elec– tion campaign. Comedy books appeared everywhere. It started with Jim Davis' Garfield. (He' now up to book umber #11.) Then there was Gary Lar on's Far Side Gallery and Valley of the Far Side: A les on in how comics can be warped and funny at the ame time. ow we have Bloom
This has bttn a great year for rock & roll The music was everywhere. Live Aid's worldwide telecast and Bruce Spnngstttn's mas 1ve tour brought the be t of rock roll to a wider audience than ever before. This ytar, u became clear that rock not only 1s an essential part of our culture bu1 speaks for social good. While the censor took tht'1r crusade to Cap, . tol Hill, rock & rollers turned the music's innuence and en rgy mward pos1t1\IC change. And they did 1t their WI)"· Bob Gddof showed that a benefit for a worthy cause can also be a ~reat concert The- passionate performances at Lave A,d - from u 2· " Bad .. to M,ck Jagger's duet w11h Tina Turner . carried 1t off, m the rock and roll tradmon, wnh high energy and style In a field dominated by young whue malt- . Tina's sue. ces and urvival t csptt1all)' nottwonhy. For three decades she had conmbuted ro rock·s body and oul. At rhc agt of forty-seven. he came back. b1Agtr than ever. The break– through of talented new groups loke Los Lobo , Tear for Fears and Lone Jusuce hkew1 demonstrated that rock & roll I a musical form capable of uetchmg n boundarits and continually regeneraung 1t cl{ Other mus,c,ans, inspir
The # 2 & # 3 album, of the year were Phil C'ollin;, & MJdonna.
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