Alcalá 1986


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Artist United AgaiMt Apartheid released Sun ity, An .1/bum and video in October to upporr black South African activists. De igners, wearing their commemorative T– shirts, donated threads for two Fashion Aid hows to sew up T3 million. TAKES A POLITICAL TURN

nizat1on a Tran africa, Ca a 1caragua, and Job With Peace. The band wants to spread the word about world tnJU ttce, and they are not alone in their fight against the apathy and ignorance found in the world today. The trends in music are a strong indication of the future attitudes of the young people of Amer– ica ( ie. Beatie , Boy George and related andro– gyni t , Elvis Presley, Madonna, etc.), who will be voting oon, if they are not already. Thi awaken– mg of a global responsibility to peace, freedom and Justice will influence the way thi country, and other , are run m the years to come. This coincides with the strtct control the ov1ct n1on has over the music to which it Citizens listen. Realzing this important correlation between the opinions of young people and the muste to which they listen, the Parent's Music Resource Center (PMRC) has succe sfully lobbied for vo – luntary compliance to their request fot labeling of albums they feel are suggestive and/or offensive All thi show 1s the power of a medmm that ha never really been thought of as a force in the

only people who didn't know about 1t were the people it was to benefit. The music industry i still reeling from the inten e waves of success when it addrcs cd the famine in Africa. The country took an introspective view, the result of which was FarmA1d, designed to benefit the needy farmers o f the United States. Out on the horizon, rumors are still reverbating about a ""heavy metal aid "" pr<>JeCt which would follow in the footsteps of it predeces ors. The wave has spread to our neighbor to the south, where Latin American artists did a similar work to benefit the hungry in Africa. All thi i well and good, the band RESI - TA Cl" and other like it eem to say, but 1t has not solved all the problems that we have so don 't stop. RI'. ISTANCE has released a 45 on Trigger Record this fall for potential airplay, it 1s enmled ·· outh Africa o Turning Back"" and it is aimed at the Apartheid situation RF I TANCF formed about a year ago through a shared intere t in acttv1sm. ince then they have played at many benefits for such orga -

Canadian artists formed the Northern Lights for Africa ociety. A hit record in J.farch led to a July telethon, an October mo,ie and Jj8 million.

The aloha pirit of Hawaii for Africa, I 14 enter· taineu, collected SI 5,000 with sales of "The Way of Lo,e," made in April.

In April 65 go5pel singers-Christian Artist Unit· ed to a•e the Earth-recorded "Do om ething No"," which made $500,000 for Africa.

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