Alcalá 1986
HOW A VICE BECAME A VIRTUE "Miam, V1ec" wa , and ,s, the show most responsible for moving television into the event1es, at kast, if not into the Eighties. It was probably the first TV show ever to ad. vance the look . Even though that look was imply a matter of moving the high contrast voluptuousness of Thief. a film written and directed by Vice executive producer Michael Mann, to the small screen. The brash combi– nation of temperaments in Viet wa n't an immediate succe s. although the show did catch on with most of the viewing public by the end of the first sea. on. Th,s led to the Vicecapades of 19!15, and m the d, torted spmt of ,m,ration-is-the-smcer– est-form -of-avarice that has made network television what 1t ,s today, the show led to pallid reproductions. Fven commerc,als . one of which duplicated preci ely a un et-over– the-Atlantic cenc from a Miami Vicecp,sode • 1umpcd aboard . Wh,lc shows such a Th, Ins,dt·r and the 1ncred1bly out -of-touch lfol– l;wood Bcar missed the point in their exec . s,ve zeal to get a Vicc -like grip on the viewing audience, the original it elf wa becoming the v1ct1m of too many nights on coo little lecp. f\,fiam, Vice. which was getting by on twcnt>· minutes of stor}' near the end of last season, evidently thought it would be some – thing of an innovation this sea on to do away with plot altogether The two-hour fall pre– miere. set ,n ew York, wa an excuse for the boys to hit the 13,g Apple and check out the Hugo 13oss fall collection. A recent episode depicted Crockett's heartbreak after h, Ferrari had been repossessed . This trend probably· means we can look forward to future episodes m which Crockett has an anxious night of the soul after bemg ordered to wear socks and Tubbs nearly resigns after he loses h,s Afro pick Article, u~ed in 1he Ne"< ,ecrion indude original copy by Pablo Mendoza, John Blair, Mar)- Marko•ino,ic & Karhy Ro,ke/1. ·ome material, "ere raken from ours,de ;ource.,. We \\Ould like ro rhank Roi/mg Srone, Life, People, Time, and alw photograph, from A sociared PreH.
made for T.V. movie called An Early Frost. The bad being the network overhype of the disease. Other overdone topics included: Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedys, Hiiacking in the Middle East, and Ronald Reagan's warts. In– teresting topics to make the news were the Reagan/Gorbachev summit and coverage of the 40th anniversary of World War II. othing wa new in late night television. late ight with David letterman wa better
Telev1s1on m 1985. as in past years, had its hare of the exceptional and the ab urd. hows ranging from sitcoms to soaps splat– tered aero s the screen as viewers went m search of entertainment. Th, year was the year of the sitcom. Bill Cosby brought family entertainment back to the small screen with hi number l rated show The Cosb; Show. Other popular sitcoms in– cluded: Famil; Ties, Who 's The Bos?, The Goldeh G,r/ , Kate & Albe, ewhart, and Cheers. Mo t of the better hows on telev, ,on were not new hows but older hows re-vamped and revitalized. Moonlighting gamed popular. it)' over the summer through rerun and Fam – ily Ties got better scripts and higher ratings as M,chael J. Fox made 1t big at the box office. Another show that became more popular was Miami Vice. It became known for its flashy cloches and camera angles rather than script content. It was a trendsetter rather than a enous drama such as H,1/ treet Blues Cagner & Lacey till hung on to their title a best pol,ce drama Remakes were b,g this year a T.V once agam entered The Twilight Zone while Alfred llirchcock Pre enrs med to scare audiences. teven pcilberg brought hi talents to T.V with Amazing wne . The re ult being an amazing budget and critics telling pe1lberg to stick to the big creen. Mm, enes once again appcarcd hut th, nme with less ucce . Epic A.D and Musso– lini were so bad the networks decided to repcat Tht Thorn Birds for tht fourth time Duds such a Lady Blue ' l lellcmm wi:rt out hone by pen er for I I,re and l\,furder ht• U:'mte, For real drama there was Dust1,1 Hoff– man's De.1th of A alt· man. ,ghtime soap still came into our living room week!}. This >·ear Bobb> died off Dal– las, Val found her twm bab,e on Knots L.inding and Falcon's Crest gm a new chap– lain. Drnast} suffered from several cases of pl1t p<:rsonalit1es a Krptle became R,ta, fal - lon became Randall, and Drnaso became Tin Colbp. Lmda Fvans was m the center of controvcr– S\ when it was revealed that her Dyn,lSry k,ssmg partner. the late Rock Hud on, had AID As a re ult. Hollywood .ictrc sc re– fu,ed to do love scene . AID had its good and bad cffect on T.V. The good being a
than ever. The new aturday ,ght lfre was still in critical cond1t1on The p<>pularit> of Cable telcvision contin. ued but with less strength than m previous years. MoM cable networks suffered from "merger fever", MTV till remained one of the most watchcd programs Its h,ghl,ght was the dar long pre entat,on of l11eAid Other h,ghl,ghts were Faerie Tale Thearre. comedy pecials b}' Martin hort ( aka Pee Wee Her- man). and Martin Mull's / hstor} of \~hm• People in America. Telcv1s1on and cable' biggest problem was the mcrea ed number of V R' that were pur– chased last year The movie tudios finally real11cd that they could make m<>nC\ off of movie rentals. Better and newer movies were ava,Iable g,vmg viewers the ability to watch what they wanted when they wanted.
Acror Don Johnson fo und fame co· ,earring with Phillip Michael T homas in M iami Vice.
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