USD Football 1999

Assistant Coaches


GREG QUICK Offensive Coordinator & Offensive Line Coach - - 1st Year

Greg brings a wealth of coaching experience to USO where in hi s fi rst season he wi ll be the Offensive Coordinator and Offensive Line coach. The past five seasons he was head coach at St. Norbert College, an NCAA Di vision Ill program in De Pere, Wi sconsin . Included in hi s 2 1-25 career mark was a 6-3 fi ni sh and a tie for the North Di vision title in 1994; a 5-4 record with a North Di vision runner-up fin ish in 1996 . Last season the Green Knights fini shed 5-5 overall. Pri or to St. Norbert, the Painesv ille, Ohio nati ve was head coach at the Uni versity of Chicago, where he rebuilt the program, culminating in a 5-5 record in 1993, the most wins since the Amos Alonzo Stagg team of 1929. His teams led the NCAA Di vision III in total rushing yards hi s last two seasons. Other coaching stops have incl uded Claremont-Mudd Coll eges (Def. Coor.; 1988-89), Edi nboro Uni versity (Def. Coor. ; 1986-88), New Mex ico State (LB 's; 1985-86), Heidelberg Coll ege (Off. Coor. ; 1984- 85), St. Edward HS (Def. Coor. ; 1983-84), and Emporia State (Def. Coor. ; 198 1-83 and Off. Line; 1979-8 1). An accompli shed motivational speaker, Quick has deli vered hi s "Quick Success" message to numerous businesses and organi zations. Greg and hi s wife Jeannie have been marri ed 20 years and have six children : Phil , Nate, Bonnie, Ben, Brittany and Corey. The Quick Famil y res ides in the Scripps Ranch area of San Diego. BOB TOMPSON Defensive Coordinator & Linebackers Coach - - 3rd Year

Bob begins hi s first year as USD's full -time assistant where he will be defensive coordinator and linebackers coach. In addition to hi s coaching duti es, he will pl ay a major role in USD's recruiting efforts. Tompson coached USO quarterbacks fo r two seasons ( 1996, 1997) before taking a positi on as quarterbacks/wide receivers coach last season at Marietta Coll ege in Marietta, Ohio. Pri or to USO he was defensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach at Montcl air Prep HS in Van Nuys, Californi a for two seasons ( 1994, 1995). The 1994 squad won the CIF Champi onship. Pri or to Montcl air he held coaching positions at Occ idental College ( 1993); head coach at Bishop Montgomery HS ( 1992); head coach at Pius X ( 199 1); head coach at Danie Murphy HS ( 1990); quarterback/ wide receiver coach at Occ idental ( 1988, 1989) where they were two-time SCIAC Champs; and wide receiver coach at Nevada ( 1983-84), where they won the Big Sky title in 1983. Bob earned hi s B.S. degree in Physica l Educati on & Health in 1982 from Western Michigan (he played wingback for four years); and more recentl y earned hi s M.Ed. (emphasis in P.E.) from Azusa Pacifi c. Bob and hi s wife Jeannette have one son, Jami e (age 7). MIKE RISH Wide Receivers Coach - - 16th Year

Mike is beginning hi s 16th season on the Torero staff. After coaching the running backs last season, Mike return s to coach the receivers, a position he handl ed hi s first fo urteen years on staff. Mike pl ayed fo r USO from 1979-83 where he posted career numbers that make him one of the best receivers ever to play at USO -- IOI receptions, 18 touchdowns and 1,722 receiving yards. He held the school marks in all three career receivi ng departments from 1983 th rough 1997; thi s past season current Torero receiver Dylan Ching surpassed him. In 1983 he was selected the team's scholar-athlete by the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame. In the Toreros nati onally-telev ised game between Occidental in 1982, Rish was named the CBS Chevrolet Pl ayer of the Game. Mike graduated from USO with an Accounting degree in 1984. He is the Vice President for Secondary Marketing fo r Guil d Mortgage Company in San Diego.

KELLY JEFFREY Quarterbacks Coach - - 2nd Year

Kell y begins hi s second season with the Toreros where he will again coach the qu arterbach. Pri or to USO he was running backs coach for two seasons at Northern State Uni versity in South Dakota. During the 1994 and 1995 seasons he was receivers coach at Dickinson State Uni versity. He earned hi s Health and Phys ica l Educati on degree from Dickinson in 1996, and later earned hi s Master of Science degree in Phys ical Educati on from Northern State in 1998 . He pl ayed qu arterback fo r Southern Oregon between 1990-93 where hi s teams won two league titles in the Mt. Hood Co lumbi a Football Assoc iati on.

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