USD Annual Report 1982/83
Growth in community service ...
faculty and administrators served in important professional and civic posts, too numerous to record here but perhaps best symbolized by President Author Hughes ' presence on the Commission on White House Fellowships and the board of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities and his presidency of the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities. USD's outreach extended internationally through the establishment of the Mexico-U. S. Law Center, a program of the School of Law created to enhance mutual understanding of the two nations' legal systems and to serve as a center for scholarly research.
Never an "ivory tower" university, USO is concerned with the community of which it is a part, and that concern has never been more evident than in the range of activities studding the 1982-1983 calendar. USO's services literally spanned the nation, reaching out from Linda Vista-the immediate neighborhood- across the city, the state, and across the nation to Washington, D. C. Here at home, the University sponsored an Unemployment Fair, designed to bring the city's unemployed together with business firms and agencies ... it took its legal and health expertise to its neighbors through the Linda Vista Legal Clinic, enabled by a two-year grant from the Parker Foundation, and through the Linda Vista Nursing Clinic, a project of the Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursing ... the San Diego Law Center, a joint project of the School of Law and the County Bar Association, established San Diego's first neighborhood mediation center, in Golden Hill, and concluded plans for the downtown, business-oriented Alternatives to Litigation Center, the only one of its kind in the nation-both centers enabled by a grant from the Weingart Foundation, both focussed on non-litigation dispute resolution ... the Alcala Women's Club, a student service group, organized the University's participation in Women's Opportunities Week, a city-wide, week-long recognition of the significant role of women in society... and Continuing Education, through its University of the Third Age, a "mini-university," brought new color to the lives of some of San Diego's senior citizens. On the regional and national scene, the University played host in September to the Southwest Regional Border Governor's Conference, which brought to campus some 600 conference delegates and the Governors of California and Baja California .. .in July, USO hosted the three-day White House Conference on Productivity, one of four such high-level regional conferences held throughout the nation during the year. And many USO
Bemard Brady, president of tbe
Linda Vista Pla1111ing Commission, talks u,ith
Julys Wbite House Conference 011 Pmductivity brougbt top-lel'el govemment leaders, corpora.le execiiliues. economists, academics, and agency officials to "the campus.
President Hughes during a campus luncheon held to acquaint tbe 11eigbborhood tl'itb USD"s community sen•ices.
An estimated 1,000 1111employed came to USD s U11employme11t Fair to leant of career opportunities from potential employers a11d to attend u,orksbops led by USD professio11als.
Sheldon Kmnlz, LL.B., Law Scbool dean, an11ounced tbe 11ew Mexico-U.S. Law Center at a campus lune/Jeon beldfor tbe Soutbwest Regional Border Governors Conference in Septembe1:
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