USD Annual Report 1982/83
Student growth . ..
Numbers are part of the 1982-1983 story: a record enrollment of 5,003; a record number of graduates- 1,082; students participated in more clubs and intramural sports than ever before; the Campus Ministry and career counselling staffs were busier than ever keeping up with student enthusiasm. But numbers are just part of the story. The most meaningful message comes from the students themselves, such as these statements by members of the Class of '83: "This was the best school I could have chosen, for size, for the quality of faculty, for the opportunity for spiritual growth. At USD, I've learned how to learn-how to think, how to study, how to communicate .... Comparing myself now to myself as a freshman, I'm less self-centered. I believe what you should do in life is work to improve the community and find your self-fulfillment through that effort .... Students at USD experience what college is all about, but from a much more human perspective and with more opportunities than on a bigger campus .... The values the University professes are truly transmitted. This place is people-oriented ... .Being here has taught me to be open to experiences, to shoot for my dreams, to develop a serious attitude but also to have the right balance of fun . I'd come back here a thousand times."
(1:) Peggy Weave,: women:~ baskelball team . .. (far 1:) Joanne Hylmzd. R.N.. senio1· student in the School of Nursing. al
Actil'ity ill /be USD dances/uclio .
!be Linda Vista N11rsi11g Cli11ic.
A bappymoment during Commencemen I .
(belou• I.) Founders Cbapel, campus cell/er of spiritual grou•tb . .. (belou•. top r.) The USD mens creu•team during a regal/a on the Bay... (bPlou.: bouom 1:) !'.-/ark Bostic mid Eric Mussleman talk over strategy for tbe next To,·eros · baskethall game.
(fen- I.) Sludellfs in tbe Scbool of Lau• concenlrale on a lec/ure. . • (cenler I.) Eric Swee/ of the 7breros "joolba/1 squad...(/.)Maureen McCarlhy and Mimi Dia Oil lbeir way IO the tennis courts.
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