U Magazine, Winter 1991









Treasure The rainbow beckoned from, miles away, offering tidings of treasures untold Goodbye, be said, to his wife and his kids, witb apromise to return, afo1tune in band So be scaled the mountains andj orcled the streams, seeking tbefuture be saw in the clouds. But tbefa1tber he wandered fro1n bis bom,e and bis heanh, the u.;eaker tbe ligbt that bad dazzled his~-

He struggled to climb one last rocky hi!~ thenjell to his knees as begazed beyond For only blackness greeted bis cries, a wid without riches, a night witbout stars.

Hepulled himselfup and staggered back home. He burst in the door and called to bis bousebold. As begazed at tbeirf aces be saw wbat he'd missed The light of tbe rainbow glou.;ed in tbeir~-

Excited About Nursing Story

which has heen underappreciated as a profession, even by institutes of higher education, will he thrust into the forefront of developing and implementing health care delivery. All of us who graduated from the USO School of Nursing share a proud heritage from Florence Nightingale, but also are equipped to partake of an exciting future. It will be nurses who will impact the policy of health care on a daily basis. USO can do no better than to continue to support and expand its commit– ment to those who choose this cha11enging profession.

To the editor,

I was thrilled when I read in your magazine that the 1990 USO valedictorian was a nurse. However it was nothing compared to the excitement of reading your article on the School of Nursing lUMagazine, Fa11 1990). As a graduate 0976!), I have long appreciated the quality of the nursing education I received from USO. It seems to he a long-kept secret that USO has such a high-quality nursing program. The next decade will see enormous changes in the health c-are system in America that will affect a11 of us. Nursing,

John Sutherland Editor

Yours truly, Sharon Bashor '76, R.N.. B.S.N.

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