U Magazine, Winter 1991
W i n t e r 1 9 9 1 V o I. 6,
N o. 2
University of San Diego
Fr. Michael McKay: Shepherd of USD's Catholic Spirit
Home-building expeditions to Tijuana. Weekend retreats. Daily masses. Softball games. It's all pan of campus chap lain Fr. Michael McKay's effons to fa n the flames of USD's Catholic spirit.
By John Sutherland
Graduates of USD's School of Education are sociP.ty's teachers. They also are society's counselors, therapists, admini– strators, government officials and company executives.
Teaching Teachers... and aWhole Lot More
By Jacqueline Genovese
'Magic Moments' No Illusion at Homecoming '90
More than 700 alumni discovered a wealth of "Magic Moments" during Homecoming 1990 festivities.
By John Sutherland
II Alcala Almanac
IJ Alumni Gallery
ID Kaleidoscope
UMagazine is published four times a year (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) hy the University of San Diego for iL~ alumni, parents and friends. The magazine seeks to tell the story of the USO family in an editorially and grnphically compelling manner. Ideas are welcome. Magazine address: Public-.itions Office, University of San Diego, Alcala Park. San Diego, CA 92110. Telephone (619) 26o-4684. Reproduction in whole or in pan without written permission is prohibited. Third class postage paid at San Diego, CA 92110. Postmaster: Send address changes to UMagazine, Publications Office, Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110.
UMagazine Editor
USD President Author E. Hughes, Ph.D. Vice President for University Relations John G. McNamara Director of Alwnni Relations John Trifiletti '78
John Sutherland Assistant Editor Jacqueline Genovese Art Director Sharon Thompson Writer ll-;a Dennis Daly Photographers Rodney Nakamoto Ken Jacques '79
On the cover: Fr. Michael McKay, USD's campus chaplain. Photo by Rodney Nakamoto.
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