U Magazine, Summer 1990
A Day for Children: Manchester Center Dedicated
Dr. DeRoche said another key word in the facility's title is "development. On the one hand development means nurturing of each of the children who attend this center - intellectually, socially, physically and spiritually. And on the other hand, develop– ment means training graduate and undergraduate students to work with preschool children," he explained.
The university community celebrated its commitment to families and children during an April 5 ceremony formally dedicating the Douglas F. Manchester Family Child Development Center. That commitment begins with the name of the center, School of Education Dean Ed DeRoche told the crowd attending the festive outdoor ceremony. "We are not here to dedicate a day care center," Dr. DeRoche said. "We are here to dedicate a family child development center. Note the word family...it is the key word in the title of this building - from the Manchester family to the families who will use it." 0 F NOT E The Right Formula f 7 Dr. Don
"/ get euonnons satisfaction seeing o ploJ,er improve ... ·· soys Ed Collins. He's Service Ace to San Diego Tennis Community
When Ed Collins gave tennis lessons to a certain Author E. Hughes in 1977, he had no idea that his student wo uld one day change th e course of his life. "One day Art asked me if I wo uld be interested in applying for the position of men's tennis coach at USO," the boyish– looking Co llins explains. "That was in 1978, and I've been here ever since." Although he says he's "made eve ry mistake I could possibly make as a coach," Co llins has achieved a lot more pluses than minuses in the coaching ranks. T his year he was named Region 8 Coach of the Year. No small feat considering five of the top six teams in the nation compete in the region. Collins is proud of the award , but more fo r his players than himself. "We beat teams who definitely had more talent than we did ," he says. "Bue our guys work hard and have a lot of heart. " T he same could be said of their coach. Worki ng with limi ted scholarshi ps (4½ chat Collins divides among six players) and minimal recruiting - "Our best recruiting is wo rd of mouth" - Co llins' teams have fin ished in che NCAA Division I top 20 fo r six of the pas t 11 years. T he pas t two years have been Collins' mos t successful. His nette rs advanced to the NCAA playoffs both years,
fi nishing 14 th in '89 and 12th in '90, their hi ghest ranking ever. Collins remains painfully modes t about his accomplish– ments and says he considers himself a teacher, not a coach. "I get enormous sa tisfaction seeing a player imp rove and fulfill his potential," he explains. "It means more to me to win with guys who have to work a lot harder and may n?,t have as much natural talent. When th e conversati on turns co Co llins' achievements in the junior arena, he allows himself a smile. Pointing to the 1988 Volvo/TCA Coaches Communi ty Service Award hanging on his wall, he reluccancly admits, 'Tm ki nd of pro ud of chat one." Collins' awards also incl ude the '8 1 O live Pierce Award fo r service to San Diego junior tennis and San D iego Uniced Scates Profes– sional Tennis Association Coach of che Year Awards in '80, '82 and '86. In additi on co the councless hours of coaching and promoti ng the sport, Collins volunteers with the San Diego Tennis Association Patro ns, runs summer tennis clinics at USO , and chis past semester caught a beginning tennis class for the first time ever at the university. "] had as much fun teaching chat class as I did coach ing the team, " he says with a liccle laugh .
The M,mchesters mu t a new ji-im d
faculty fo r outstanding teaching, scholarship and service. "I doubt there is anyo ne who has given as much to the unive r– sity," says Or. Mitch Mala– chowski , assistant dean of arts and sciences and a chemistry pro fessor. "Ir's not just chat Don has probabl y been on every committee there is at the univer– sity, it's his level of participation on those committees. His dedi cation has been phenom– enal. " Commitment to students is another of his colleague's virtues, observes Or. Malachowski . "Office hours mean nothing to Don. His door is always open to the students. " T he Davi es Award was established in 1983 by Darlene Davies in memory of her husband, Or. Lowell Davies, a fri end of the univers ity. Past
Peterson isn' t one to res t on his laurels. After devo ting 25 years at USO to j/ specialized study
of alternate fuel sources, the
Dr. Don Peterson
chemistty department chair has jumped energeti cally in to the computer programming and resea rch fi eld. T hat energy and zes t fo r learning are two of the reasons Or. Peterson was selected to receive the 1990 Lowell P. Davies Award , an honor presented annually co a member of the College of Arcs and Sciences
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