U Magazine, Summer 1990

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Around the World - for a Better Environment

Failure isn't a concept familiar

money. And many lesse r devel– oped co untries resent res tri ctions on their activi ties and are crying environmental imperialism." Mu rray's global trek invo lved some eight countries, including

to Linda Murray '9 1. T he evidence to support that claim includes her Na tional English Merit Award and a United Scares Nati onal Merit Leadership Award. But it was failure char opened the door fo r perhaps Murray's mos t significant accomplishment to date: a $6, 200 gra nt she received spring semes ter from the C ircumnavigato r's C lub. T he grant funded a trip around the world this summer so Murray could study "rhe socio-economic and political factors which influence th e manipulation of rhe natural environment. " "I was really disappoin ted last fall when I fail ed to fi nd a

Ptolemais, Greece, where residents demonstrate daily against air pollution fro m a

nea rby power plant; Ca iro, Egyp t, where the dumping of untreated was te and garbage is common practi ce; and H ong Kong, wh ere recycling has become a routine way of life. "Seeing what other countries are and aren' t doing to address environmental issues, and learning how the U.S. eco nomy

The Hopes acknowledge the crowd's reception.

bigger role than herediry in affecting che development of talent among children. Kimberlee J ubala, who received a master's degree in special education, presented the valedictory address. She urged her fellow graduates to use their talents co help others. The School of Law presented degrees to an estimated 385 graduates May 19. Honorary doctorates were presented co Homer Kripke, a USD distin– guished professor oflaw, and W. Willard Wirtz, former U .S. Secretary of Labor and a Wash– ington , D.C. , attorney.

going and cake intelligent risks. You don't have to do things perfectly to enjoy chem," she advised, then encouraged her listeners not co put off pursuits such as skiing or a visit to Europe. ••• An estimated 165 graduate students received advanced degrees during a May 27 morning ceremony in Torero Stadium. Dr. Benjamin Bloom, who has dedicated more than four decades to studying the field of teaching and learning, received an honorary doctorate. Dr. Bloom cold the audience a recent study he undertook indicates that environment plays a

chi ldren," Murray expl ains. "So I fo cused my energy on vo luntee ring for G reen- peace Action," an organization devo ted to environmental concerns. M urray's work fo r Greenpeace Acti on -

creating fil es of newspaper and magazine articles from

aro und rhe wo rld pertaining to the

enviro nment - proved to be a valuable reso urce when she wrote her application for the C ircumnavigato r's grant. "I heard about the grant from my friend , Francine Engel, and my politi cal science professo r, Dr. Dickson," M urray says. 'They bo th encouraged me to apply." Combining her conce rn fo r rhe environment and knowledge of internati onal business, M urray's proposal said, in part, "I believe rhe manipulation of rhe natural enviro nment by man is due primarily to socio-economic and poli tical pressure. Many countries are laying waste to thei r natural reso urces in an attempt to compete with rival trad ing nations. Large corpora ti ons are fo rego ing safety co ncerns to save

affects the environments of och er co untries will broaden my perspective on our counny's pro blems and solutions co nce rn – ing the environment," the O range Coun ty resident exp lains. Murray was one of three students in the U.S. to rece ive rhe $6,200 award. She hopes rhe wo rldly experience also will help bring a global perspecti ve to her on-campus enviro nmental effo rts, whi ch include invo lvement with rhe Conservation C lu b and rh e USO Earth Day Coaliti on.

wweiled a painting ofthe bishop that will hang in one ofMaher Hall's conference rooms. USD rmsree George Pardee Jr. preseuted the bishop with fl Steube,, lion 011 behalf ofthe trustees. Bishop Maher at/ended the cere– mony in a wheelchair. The dedication was his fim public appearance since 1111dergoing surgeries far brain cancer in April and May.

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