U Magazine, Fall 1987
from Simmons College, Boston in 1984. . . Kathryn Kearney has been named assistant director of college counseling at La J olla Country Day School. Kathryn will manage the school's college counseling process, which will involve organizing tours of east and west coast colleges for juniors and sen iors, supervising the application process and sending letters of recommendation to col– leges. Kathryn fomerly was director of alumni and assistant director of development at University of San Diego High School.
wi ll be travelling to the Far East and Europe to do research during 1987- 88. He spends hi s winters at the Davis Writers Colony, 72 miles northeast of San Francisco, where for the past two years he has held a prestigious Regents Fellowship in creative wri ting and served as ed itor of the California Quartedy, the University of California's official literary magazine... . Karen Barlow will marry Bud Boulineaux on October 10, 1987. Karen is currently working as an accou ntant in a Boston CPA firm. Diego and works as an associate for Mutual Benefit Finan– cial Directions ... Maria Brightbill is li v ing in Tiburon, Calif. and attendi ng the second year of law school at the University of San Francisco. . . Keith Mullin is engaged to Michelle Peterson and wi ll be married next April. .. Carrie Malec is a high school Engli sh teacher and professional artist - spec iali zing in portraits and grap hi cs. . . Desiree (Wharton) Collings and husband, Jim , had a visit from the stork in March . They have a new baby g irl - Katelyn Kennedy. Katie was baptized recently and her godmother is USD alumna Roberta Joslin Barry '83. Need– less to say the Collings are "thrilled" to be parents.. . Andrew Alan Totman has a new position begin– ning this fall as assistant professor of art, head of printmaking at the U ni versity of Alaska at Anchor- age. . . WilliamThomas is attending Georgetown University for the next two years where he is specia li zing in orthodontics. He will then return to San Diego .. . Martie Carr has been teaching religion at Mater Dei High School for the past three years while also pursuing a master's in counsel– ing. She will be starting he,– internship this fa ll and continue teaching at Mater Dei, located in Orange County. . . Ron Miller has recently been chosen "Rookie of the Year" fo,- 1986 by C. W. Clark Inc. Commercial Real Estate. ) 84 Cheri (Danielson) Jefferies has married and moved to Scottsdale, A,-iz . .. .David Braam man-ied Paula Larson on August 25, 1987 ... Rita Mary Daly graduated from the School of Dentistry, Un iversity of Len Sauallo lives in San '83
the Pacific, San Francisco, on June 19, 1987 . .. David Cruz is employed by Central Realty where he special– izes in commercial and industrial investments. H e will go to the People's Republic of China with the Citizen-to-Citizen Ambassador Program and with Small Business Administration representatives in August.. . Karen Reilly is human resources manager for Moore Data Management Services Divi- sion . . . Guy Swanger is a Sigma Pi charter member at USD. He has been married for two years. His wife, Suzi, is a kindergarten teacher for E l Cajon U nified School District. Guy has been a police officer since May 1984. He is assigned to the WECAN na,·cotics team in Southeast San Diego.. . Alison Edith Tinckler is a graduate student in speech pathology. She will be married to L. Mark Payne in Los Angeles in the summer of 198 8. Ma,-k is an audiologist in the Sac– ramento area .. . Kimberly Pavel married Elliott Wooley in Founders Chapel during the summe r. A gar– den reception was held at the Point Loma home of the bride's parents. After a wedding trip to E urope, Kim graduated from Hastings College of Law in May 1987. He is currentl y working as a law clerk for the Honorable Edward D. J el len, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of California, located in Oakland. ) 85 Jeffrey Poindexter is a naval officer aboard the USS Tuscaloosa. H e would like to get in touch with anyone who attended American Graduate School of International Management for a master's deg,·ee. .. Christine Kenihan is looking forward to completing a teacher's credential in the near future. She lives in San Diego and wou ld love to hear from classmates from '84 and '85 .. . Dave Bretch li ves in Naperville, Ill . He slowly is getting used to the humidity in the summer but not look ing for– ward to winter. H e says if any MBA classmates are in the area, give him a ca ll 1•• • Anthony Reuss married KimCostelloonJuly II in E l Cajon. Anthony is a professional basketball player in West Ge rmany, whe,·e the coup le make their home. . . 1st Lt. Patrick Norris married Deborah San Filippo '87. They moved to and Zeke are living in Del Mar ... Charles Palmer Jr.
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Kathryn Kearney '82 Rob Noriega has recently left a Los Angeles law firm to practice with hi s father in Bakersfield .. . Jim Kelly was recently promoted to audit manager with Peat, Marwick, Main & Co. in San Diego.. . Debbie Anderson mar– ried Shawn Cole on June 27 , 1987. They honeymooned in Yosemite, Lake Tahoe and the California coast, and now make their home in Orange, Calif. Debbie is a computer special ist Bomel Construction Co .. . Jeanine Deighan-Fagan will be finishing up her master's degree in the fall and plans to work in the field of health care marketing. H er husband, John , just completed his internship year in fami ly practice medicine, and will continue his residency at San Bernar– dino County Hospital. . . Katie (Trotter) McMaster taught at Mater Dei High School for three years after graduat ion. She married 1st Lt. H. R. McMaster, U.S. Army, in 1985. They li ve in Texas with their I 0-month-old daughter, Katharine . . . Lisa (Distilli) and Gerald Glutz '85 and their son, Gerald Jr., have been blessed with a baby gi rl , Marianne J eanette . She was born on May J I , 1987. Both parents are surviving (barely) with two in diapers.. . Robert Clark Young has been awarded a $14,000 grant from the state of Cal iforn ia to comp lete hi s novel, Green Rivei-. He for ITT Cannon and Shawn is a construction superintendent for
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