U Magazine, Fall 1987


... Pat laccino and hi s wife, Kri sty, have been marri ed fi ve years. They have two children , J oseph, two-and– a-half and Ashley , one. Pat is cur– rentl y teac hing and head baseball coach at Palmdale Hi gh School . .. Laureen (Bohlig) Pittman is the proud mother of Sean Christopher , born March 7, 1987. Sean has a three-year-old brother , Steven. izing in business rep resentati on including franchising, real estate and trademark law .. . Candy (Valente) Blough married D oug Blough in 1982. They have two children, a 20-month-old and a newborn. The fa mily li ves in Con– cord , Mass. .. Marty Sturgeon has been promoted to corporate consult– ing manage r for Schlumberger Ltd ., a di versified French company. H e li ves in Sugarland, Tex ... . Catsy (Hopkins) Schafer was appo inted nati onal chairman for H eraldry Coats of Arms by the Nati onal Soc iety Colonial D ames of th e 17th century with headquarters in Washington, D.C. for th e 1987- 1989 term .. . Mary (Madok) Carey was manager at Peat, M arw ick, Mitchell, CPA's in Los Angeles before giving birth to her first daughter, Cather ine Marie. Now she and her husband are partners in their own CPA firm in San Diego. They have two daughters and reside in Scripps Ranch.. . Edward Bondy has traded in hi s beach chair for an umbrella! A recent appointment to vice president and director of sales for The Pi oneer Group of Funds (a 60-year-old in vestment management co.) has taken him to a new home in Lake O swego, Ore.. . . Ed and Lor– raine (Lienhard '8 l) Coles Ii ve in San Antonio with their children, E dward and Natalie. Ed g raduated cum laude from Georgetown Uni– versity M edi cal School in 1984 . H e just fini shed hi s resi dency in internal medi ci ne at L etterman Army H osp i– tal in San Francisco where he was named the outstanding medical offi cer in residency training . He is doing a fe ll owship in gastroenterol– ogy at Broo ke Army Medical Cen ter.. . Carol Casillas graduated from USD Law School in 19 83. She is practicing law in L as Vegas. She and Jim M ayberry married on J anuary 24, 19 87. H e is also an attorney practicing in Las Vegas. Teresa Major has started her own law offi ce, spec ial–

em Cali forn ia alums to get together for USD athl etic events in th e area .. . Lance Langlotz is a tele– marketing manager for a home imp rovement company in Houston. H e is in the process of a major ca reer change to a secu rities analyst. Anyone know of a position open?? L et him know .. . Christine Hokans g rad uated in May, 1987 from J ohn H opkins U ni versity with a master of computer sc ience degree. She is employed as a software engi neer at Grumman Data Systems, M cL ean, Virginia, working on gove rnment contracts in Washington, D .C . .. .Robin (Huffine) Kruk was in San Diego in July visiting family and fri ends. She has recentl y moved to D ove r, D el. Her husband is now working with Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. They have a two year old son, Nicholas. Robin moved her hyp– notherapy business to D elaware and also works for Weight Watchers .. . Susan Winters and Thomas Milton Jr. were married April 11 , 19 87 in a garden wedding at the San Marino home of Mr. & Mrs. Phelps Wood . Susan is a teac her for g ifted/dyslexic students at Newport Community School in Costa Mesa. Tom is general manager at C.H . M otorca rs in Costa M esa . .. Therese Rossi is an arti st and an art consultant with "Art by D esig n".. . Anne (Borchard) Friel says "all is going well." She has been marri ed for two years, is expect– ing her first child and working as an R. N. in the operating room .

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Nick Croce '81 and Laurie Meintzer


Steve Loomis li ves with

hi s wife, Diana, and new– born daughter in Cherry Valley, Ca lif. H e works for L oomi s Insur– ance Service. . . Chris Levine owns a baby furniture chain in Chicago . . . Navy Ensign Scott Jacobson recently repo rted for duty with H elicopter Anti-Sub– marine Squadron-JO, Naval Air Station North Island . . . Harry Henke is on the move aga in - now residing in Rancho Santa Fe and pursuing the real estate fi eld .. . Cheri Peterson and Michael Roddy's son, Michael, was born March 20, 1987 at M ercy H ospital and chri stened May 3, 1987 in Founders Chapel by Fr. Owen Mullen .. . Nick Croce Jr. and L aurie Meintzer were marri ed August 15 , 19 87. They just bought their first home, built in 1914. Nick started business five years ago with hi s father. H e is vice president of N. I. Croce Co. The company pro– duces and di stributes li censed charac– ter g iftware ofGumby, Bullwinkle and now "Spuds Mackenzie" .. . Ka– ren Davidson will marry J erry Barnett on June 18, 1988 in L os Angeles. Kai-en is currently employed with Eaton Corp in Los Angeles. J erry is an accountant wi th the business/entertainment firm of Nigro, Karlin and Siegel in Century City. . . Brian Hamilton was recently promoted to Product Line Manager at H amilton-Av net. H e and hi s wife, Diane, are expecting a baby in September. .. Sandra Mitchell Hill married J ames B. Marine1-June I, 1987 in Kapulua, Hawaii .. . Deborah Barlow has been appo inted assistan t professor, art li brary, at Queens College, City U ni versity of New York. She had been art librari an for visual resources at th e Cooper Union, New York city, since 1985. She received a maste r of arts in art hi story from Boston University in 1985 and a master in library sc ience

Kris Sorenson '79 Kris Sorenson recently was promoted to GS-11 budget analyst at the Naval Medical D epartment headquarters in Washington, D .C. H e is responsible for nearly $100 million in fede ral fund s, including such programs as OSHA , drug testing and decedent affairs programs.. . William Enquist is a sales representati ve for Stryker Corporati on and lives in L a Costa. H e and hi s wife, Li sa,

recently became the proud parents of Kelsey-Christine, born May 5, 19 87

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