News Scrapbook 1986-1988

& n Diego, CA ( an [?1 90 Co,) Sa!l D, go Union (Cir. D. ?.17 08 ) (Cir, S. 341,840) D C5

Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D 50,010) (Cir. S 55,573) oE.C

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Et ceter

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.} Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,092}





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Toreros aim to get even (2-2) ,!!!}!.1:t Sound tonight ~ill try to improve its record lo 2-_2 tonight when the Toreros host Division Il chool Pugel Sound. Game tlme 1s 7:30 al the US~rts Center. After opening the season with back-to-back win , Pugel Soui'ld has lost three straight The third loss was a 64-60 setback at Boise State on Saturday. The Loggers are led by center Jay Bre er, who wa averaging 20.7 points and 8.7 rebounds gomg into the Boi e State game. USO coach Hank Egan started three fr hmen in Friday's 61•56 victory over the University of Montana center Keith Colvin. forward John Sayers and guard Randy Thompson - and he indicated he II go with the same lmeup . Joining the three freshmen in the starting lmeup will be forward Mike Haupt and guard Danny Means. . . Senior Marty Munn, now coming off the bench, lead the Toreros m scoring, averaging 16.6 points. He scored only six points against Montana and was 1· of-6 from the field. Means is averagmg 12 points a game a!ll Colvin 113. The Torero hit th road for three straig t games - although one 1s Dec. 19 agamst San Diego State at the Sport.~ Artna - and don t return to Alcala Park until Dec. 28 against Brown.

: USO sophomore pl nty of h lght to


Getting som

Cottr II (24)


SD b at Montana for first win

Freshman trio hel s


cerned because we had lost two straight and we had to turn back Montana's run." "I wasn't ner ·ous wi h them play- ing," said Haupt, who, with point guard Danny Means was the only ex- perienced U D player on the floor at the tip-off "Im sure they (USD's freshmen) were nervous. But nerves can pump you up. T ey did a good job." ·•r thought I'd be on the bench this season, waiting my turn,'' said Col- vin. ''There doesn't seem to be a lot of difference on this team in talent. All I've done is worked hard.'' Last night. the work produced re- sults.

Egan admitted he probably will come back with last night's lineup against Puget Sound on londay "If I'm successful with something, I'll abuse it," he said, "but nobodv has e tabhshed himself yet. We're learn- ing and earning." There remain a number of ques- tions, however "I'm nervous about the unknown, and there are a lot of unknowns about this club,'' Egan said Thev all seemed to surface in the second half, when Montana, a veter• an team that went 18-11 last eason, made a strong run at the young Toreros. "It's a game of shovei;," Egan said "You've got to shove back. I was con-

succe . Colvm had 15 points and seven re- bounds Sayers the eldest of the tno at 19 had eight points. Thompson had six pomt , four assists and that one big teal. Among them, the freshmen \\ere 11-of-19 from the floor and 7-of- 9 from the · e. Egan's I for starting the three freshmen w simple 'They ea 1t this week in prac- tice," he sa1 "I've always operated under the 1d • that the people who have been wi I you get the first shot. After that if open for grabs. You earn 1t, you got it ·· But nothing about this team i etched rn stone. The starting lineup could change frequently although

pound center Wayne Tinkle scored on a 5-foot baseline jumper. Young. inexperienced teams typi· cally fold at ·uch times. USD ju t went to the foul line Colvm, who has started ince the o ner, hit two free throws after being fouled while going fo r a re- bound basket with 2:16 to go. Then Thompson stole a pass, was fouled and sank two free throws with 32 econds to play After Tinkle to ed home his 22nd and final point to halve the deficit, U D fornard Mike Haupt hit thr of four free throw on two intentional fouls to chnch the game U Dhad it first win and the three freshmen had their first real taste of

Colvm, 6-7 forward John Sayer and 6-6 guard Randy Thomp on - as fter last nigh~ U U had only one g 1e lx!fore a tough ro d tnp (Boise State, o tat , Fullerton State) An• other lo s could ave triggered an 0-7 art. • ow the Torero bright future E n for hi young team I n't far off in the distance not that tbts club 1s over the hump. Paced by the thre fr hmen who cored 10 of thr first 14 pomts, USD jumped to a 1 3 lead after six mm- utes From th t moment on. Montana (3·1) battled b ck and pulled even at 52 with 3:42 to play when 6-9, 250- mor horn thre -gam n D1 much a the chedule

By 81II Center

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San Diego, CA (San Diego C.:o.) San Diego Union (Cir . D. 217,089) (Cir . S. 341,840) 1987




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nor La Jollan as 'Woman of the Year'

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per person. Call 279-8722. Daughters of the British Empire. The Bond Street Chapter will offer cucumber sandwiches, scones, shortbread and more at the Christ- mas Tea and Fashion Show (by Beryl's Fashions) next Sunday, 2 to 5 p.m., The Springs, 8070 Orange Ave.~irMesa, $7.50, call 447- 8331.

tertainment by the Brazzinia Group and Christmas Money Tree for work of Sisters of Social Service. Social hour. 11 a.m, Thursday, Bahia Hotel. $18. Call chairwoman Lynn Kinder, 454-0231. Charter 100. Sparkling Ball '87 is Sunday, Dec. 13. Reception. 6:30 p.m., dinner and dancing after- ward, Sheraton Grand Hotel, $60

7516. Uniyer•ilx o1 Sao Piwto Auxili• ary. "Christmas Past and Present,' Thursday, social hour, 10:30 a.m. followed by luncheon and fur pres- entation by Revillon of Saks Fifth Avenue, Omni San Diego Hotel, $25. Call 276-2631. Social Service Auxiliary of San Diego. Christmas luncheon with en-

-p~ce Museum Balboa Park $75 ;er person. Call Mary Muelle~. 233- Globe Guilders. Black-tie open- Ing night celebration before 8 p.m. curtain of "Holiday" Thursday at the Old Globe Theatre. No-host cocktails, 5:15 p.m., dinner, 6:15 p.m., Pavilion Ballroom, US. Grant Hotel, $27.50 per person. Call 449-

"• hree bands,

On unday Der

The,~~r Deis," "The Half- otes" and Lil Elmo and the Cosmos" are 8797. donatmg their musk for a dance to

lx!n ht UCSD Med1ca1 Center pedia- tric pro rams. (The band members toured the medical facility to see and r ut the work th re The Sh t n Harbo I land, Champagne B.lllroom, ha been donated for the dance from 8 pm to midnight. Tick- ets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door Corporate tables are 1,000, in- clu n a VIP reception. can 581 1650 SPINDRIFTS St. Vincent de Paul Center. Party hanormg R r Adm Bruce Boland wil re, money for Christ- m dinner tor th homeless, host- d cocktails d hor d o uvres, 5 30 to Bp.m., Wednesday, Aero-

Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co.) Los Angeles Times (Cir. D. 1,076,466) (Cir. S. 1,346,343) DEC6


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P. C. B


MEN STENN1so2qs:-.S:: U~ t'le Tcip seed , defeated teammate and third seeded David Stewart 6-0 7-6 n the final of the San Diego All College Tournament at USO Russell Meyers and Julio Norieg.:r of San Diego State will play Stewart and Patridge 1n the dol bles final Monday at 2 30 p m San Diego s Scott Patridge,

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