News Scrapbook 1986-1988

San Diego, CA (San (?,ego Co.) Sari Diego Union (Cir , D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341 ,840) DEC5

Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D 50,010) (Cir. S 55,573) oEC 5

9 7



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P rry had b r strugglmg at tn free throw line, shooting 55% be• fore Friday's g me Purdue. But it was Perry's eight straight fr thro n the ma\ thr e m tes help d e Aztecs beat Pur 80-74, fo third place m th rs women basketball tournament al Boulder, Colo ~- w d 3(). and 16 re un ~- made 10 of 12 sholS from th hne SD U Brooke 1eadows added 14 points and 9 r<'bounds The Aztec.s -2) w r playing without start r J c Hayne who aggrava d a Thursday. Purdue 1S 3-2 •

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,092)



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Toreros aim to get even (2-2) ,,!!,~}.~t r"~~et Sound tonight ~ill try to improve its record to 2-2 tonight when the Toreros host Div 15 ion I school Pugel Sound. Game time is 7:30 at the Center. After openmg the season with back-to-back wins, ~uget Soumi has lost three str;,1ght The third loss was a 64-60 tback at Boise State on Saturday. The Loggers are led by center Jay Brewer, who was averaging 20.7 points and 8.7 rebounds going into the Boise State game. USO coach Hank Egan started thrP,e freshmen in Fr day's 61-56 victory over the Umversity of Montana - center Keith Colvin, forward John Sayers and guard Randy Thompson - and he indicated he'll go with the same lineup tonight. . Joining the three freshmen in the starting lineup will be forward Mike Haupt and guard Danny Means. . . Senior Marty Munn, now coming off the bench, leads the Toreros m scoring, averaging 16.6 points. He scored only six ints against Montana and was l· of-6 from the field. Means is averaging 12 points a game am! Colvin 11.3. . The Torero hit the road for three straig t games - although one 1s Dec. 19 against San Diego State at the Sports ~rtna - and donl return to Alcala Park until Dec. 28 against Brown.

The San Dlt'go l nlon Rom Galgano

air snare this rebound, as the Toreros beat Mon- t . /"""'\. · _ Fleshman trio hel s SD b at Montana for first win s< Bv Bill Center 1·,11 Wro r pound center Wayne Tinkle scored on a 5-foot ba eline jumper. Egan admitted he probably will come back with last night's lineup against Puget Sound on Monday. cerned because we had lost two straight and we had to turn back Montana's run." t1m . USD sophomore (24) g t plenty of height to Cottr 11 tana, 61-56 Story, C-2 '--"'" --...----"-./ .

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succe ·. Colvm had 15 pomts and seven re- bounds Sayers, the eldest of the trio at 19. had eight points. Thompson had six point , four assists and that one big steal. Among them, the freshmen Y.ere 11-of-19 from the floor and 7-of· 9 from the line. Egan's lo ' for starting the three freshmen w simple "They ea e

Colvin. 6-7 forward John ayer· and 6·6 guard Rand Thompson - as much a th chedule. fter la t night, USO had only one more home g me before a tough three-garnc road tnp (Boise State, n D1 o tate Fullerton State). An- other los could ave triggered an 0.7 tart Now the Toreros re 1-2 and the bnght futur E n s for his young team 1. n't far off in the distance not that thil club is over the hump. Paced by the thr fr ·hmen, who cored 10 of the first 14 points. USO Jump d to a 1 -3 lead alter six mm- utes. From th t moment on, Montana (3-1) battled b ck and pulled even at 52, with 3:42 to play when 6-9, 250·

Young. inexperienced teams typi• cally fold at such tunes. USO ju t went to the foul line Colvm who has started smce the opener, hit two free throws after being fouled while going for a re- bound basket with 2:16 to go. Then Thomp on stole a pass, was fouled and sank two free throws with 32 seconds to play After Tinkle to~~ed home his 22nd and final point to halve the deficit, liSD forward Mike Haupt hit thr of four free throws oo two intentional fouls to clinch the game. USD had its first win and the three fre hmen had their first real taste of

"I wasn't nervous with them play• ing," said Haupt, who, with point guard Danny Means, was the only ex- penenced USO player on the floor at the tip-off "l m sure they (USD's freshmen) were nervous. But nerves can pump you up. Tltey did a good job."

"If I'm successful with something, I'll abuse it," he said, "but nobody has established him elf yet. we·re learn- mg and earning." There remain a number of ques- tions, however. "I'm nervous about the unknown, and there are a lot of unknowns about this club," Egan said. They all seemed to surface in the second half, when Montana, a veter- an team that went 18-11 last season, made a strong run at the young Toreros. "It's a game of shoves." Egan said. ''You've got to shove back. I was con-

"I thought I'd he on the bench this season, waiting my turn,'' said Col- vin. "There doesn't seem to be a lot of difference on this team in talent. All I've done 1s worked hard." Last night, the work produced re- sults. La Jollan as 'Woman of the Year'



r. C 8 f'J1. 1111 adassa

per person. Call 279-8722. Daughters of the British Empire. The Bond Street Chapter will offer cucumber sandwiches. scones. shortbread and more at the Christ- mas Tea and Fashion Show (by Beryl's Fashions) next Sunday, 2 to 5 p.m., The Springs, 8070 Orange ·A>1e:;•C.-lrMesa, $7.50, call 447 8331.

tertainment by the Brazzinia Group and Christmas Money Tree for work of Sisters of Social Service. Social hour, 11 a.m, Thursday, Bahia Hotel, $18. Call chairwoman Lynn Kinder, 454-0231. Charter 100. Sparkling Ball '87 is Sunday, Dec. 13. Reception, 6:30 p.m., dinner and dancing after- ward, Sheraton Grand Hotel, $60

7516. Uniyersity...ol Sao DilUl.,o Auxili- ary. "Christmas Past and Present," Thursday, social hour, 10:30 a.m. followed by luncheon and fur pres- entation by Revillon of Saks Fifth Avenue, Omni San Diego Hotel, $25. Call 276-2631. Social Service Auxiliary of San Diego. Christmas luncheon with en-

-p~ce Museum Balboa Park $75 ~er person. cai1 Mary Muelle'r, 233- Globe Guilders. Black-tie open- ing night celebration before 8 p.m. curtain of "Holiday" Thursday at the Old Globe Theatre. No-host cocktails, 5:15 p.m., dinner, 6:15 p.m., Pavilion Ballroom, U.S. Grant Hotel. $27.50 per person. Call 449-

On Sunday, Dec 1.,, lirce band~, "Th~ M~r Deis,"' The Half-Notes" and 'Lil Elmo and the Cosmos" are 8797. donating their music for a dance to

. __

..__ benefit UCSD Medical Center pedia• tric programs. (The hand member toured the medical facility to see and r the wor there The Sh r t n H rbor I land, Champagne B llroom ha been donated for the dance from 8 p m. to midnight Tick- ts re $20 m advance, $25 at the door Corporate tables are $1 000, m· cluain a VIP reception Coll 581· 1650

Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co.) Los Angeles Times (Cir. D. 1,076,466) (Cir. S . 1,346,343)


St. V cent de Paul C nter. Party honor ng Roar Adm Bruce Boland w II rai e money for Chrlst- m dlnn r for the hom ess, host- ed cocktails d hor d'oeuvres, 5:30 to 8 p.m., Wednesday, Aero-



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1 ., 1888

MEN STENNISe?q5""~ U~San D1ego·s Scott Patridge. the lop seed. defeated teammate and third-seeded David Stewart 6-0. 7•6 in the fma, of the San Diego All-College Tournoment at USO Russell Meyers and Juho Noriega of San Diego State will play Stewart and Patridge ir the dol bles final Monday at 2:30 p.m

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