News Scrapbook 1985

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business News (Cir. 2xM. 3,500) NOV 18

, lllf,11'• PC 8

People Parade by

Suzi E. Cole jomed ,9tJMat Properties Co. as building manager for their Rio Vista building. Nick Bruno and Brian Yui have been pro- moted to tax supervil.ors in Coopers & Lybrand's~ Diego office. Jan Ellz.abelh Vaine Jomed Founders Title Co. as a major accoun l sales representative. Bo Donovan, president of Silven ree, Inc., a San Diego based music production oompany, has accepted the position as chairman for the 1986 Homburg Awards. Ahm 8. Lord, executive vice president of The Bank of San Diego, was voted pres1dent-t:lect of the California Chapter of the American ln- stilule of Banking.

ourt11ey Davis


Julianne M. Adamik joined Johnson & H1g- gins/ SJn Diego as employee benefils analyM .

R. Dun John on,

J0mcd l·11Lgerald,

Dub111a .i~ a partner.

I rrtllliUl Debbie of I a Jolla

lnd!t,r Joined MlKcllar Development e row coordinator and Carolyn proJc.,t \ale, manager for Fairway


V1,1.1., J11Ck •. Roth and Gre ory a",..:uued "'1th 11.lalll! Stevem &

. llelmer are now


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Troble Vaine Robin Billucci was appointed 53Jes repre.en- tative at the Bren Company's Park Rim in Rancho Penasqu11os. Klmberely Lundblade has been named project coordinator for Lomas Santa Fe Development Corporation. Guy Mt-C ·Ide was promoted to vice president of contract mangemenl at Trepte Construc- 11on Co. Roger D. Anderson has been named chief financial officer of the Case Companies. Daniel C. Schwimmer joined AI.tlli_a1ed LcndP[S C95p. as assistant vice presiderrtarul Joan~nderwriter. Grq Rkbard joined the Copytcx s1aff as sales representative for its Color Copying Center, in Clairemont. Roy J. Brown was named managing partner of Ernst & Whinney's San Dielo office. Jerry w. Cole, dirc.:tor o development of Buss Silvers Hughes & Associates, was elected to the position of Pacific Southwest regional director of the Society for Markeling Profes- sional Services. Gcorae W. Martin has been promoted to oogeneration account manager for Hawthorne Engine Systems.



Barb11n Mendelson was appointed assistant director for programming, law development and alumm relations at the University of San Diego Law Ss;hool. C. Arthur has been named assistant con- troller for The Fields1one Company. Wllllam S. bans, chairman of the San Diego Area District Export Council, received a special award and comrnend~n early this month from the National DE~onference in Washmgton, D.C. Ina Callander was appointed controller or Gullman Construction, Inc. Jane Mobaldl J0tned SEG/ Corrigan, Inc. Commercial Real Estate Servc1es as a retail specialist . Bre da Stieb! was appointed staff supervisor with McGladrey Hendrickson & Pullen cer- tified public accountants. Joaathaa A. Boyaloa has been named vice president of legal and regulatory affairs and Jane E. Sinclair has been named vice president of operations of Private Ledger Financial Ser- vices. Tom AnuUch has been appointed general manager of the Mission Valley West Trav- .elodgc. Sarah H. Trible joined the Building Industry Association of San Diego County as com- munica1 ions director and Denise A. Walker as advertising representallve/communications assistant. Rona Sandler hall been named manager of the commercial sales division of Del Mar Office Produc1s. Donald W. Agan has been appointed senior loan officer of Four Seasons Financial Ser- vices . Da~id J. Garman is the new vice pre,ident and chief financial officer of the Robert L. Childers Company, Inc. Kann J. Moller was appointed vice president and manager of the main office of Rancho Santa f-e National Bank. Ktnnelh W. Shaw has been promoled 10 ~nior engineering geologist of San Diego Soils Engineering, Inc. I.auric J. Caln and Rhonda D . 011rk are new project coordinators for Ulilily Specialists, Inc. Barton Ottoson is the new director of sales and marketing for Sermed, Incorporated in Rancho Bernardo. onnan J. k res.wr has been promoted 10 operations specialist for Ce~gl(cd Mortgage.

Schwimmer MkbMI lbs Goua!e,, a director for the San Diego unit or the Awcicao ancer Society, ha.1 been elected to the San Otego Opera board of directors. P • ul C. Gnicy, Mark R. Wicker and Cecilia R. Wolfe joined the San Du:go office of 1he law firm of Lj)Jici Mtljo!>C & Chari as asoo- ciatcs Dr. lnua A. Kaurm • n of Children's Hosp11al tn n D1eao h been named chairman of the dep.irt111cnt of pedi mes at Scnpps Clinic and Re\earch Foundalton. Alkt J. C..J1111W1p, v,ce pr~dent of markcung for Brehm Commun111es, was the recipient of lhe "Markctmg Director of lhc Year" SAM award, ~ponsored by the Sal~ and Marketmg oun~1l of the Buildmg lnduslry Assoc1a11on of San Dtcao County, for clo mg S45 million ,n c•.uows in 1985. Cbrtltopher . e • u.Jru., a partner at the La Jolla office of Gray, Cary, Ames and Frye law firm, has been elccled 10 the board of directors of Medi al Biology Institute in La Jolla. Gene ly jomed American Asset , Inc. as a proiect coordmator. I.aunt Joh loa has been promoted 10 mar- keung si tant for 1he F1dd~1opc (o. Ro~n Beynon was appomted vice pre ide111 / a,,1 I.ant manager of lhc La Jolla office of La Joll,1 I;) nk and Tru t ompany. Ooutcw J. l.kman j med Koll Construction Company as a proJCCl ~upenntendenl . Al the \amt li111e, John hchogl will be an assistant uperintcndent. Also, Mark E:. Bccktll and t-tilh A Slhone will jom as proJect engmeers. Kathy OUn,n has been named as assistant dc,rn of tudcnts at National Vnivers11y and • ITY llllw trr ha~ ii 1milar po, i11on in 1he u111versity's downtown learmng center. I .arry F..dwards, Jon 1·o~ar11ut and Ron R ynoldi jomed 1he commercial brokerage d1v1s1on of C. W. Clark, Inc. as lea,;e agents. Pe • ny Martla hall been promoted to market- in11 manqer t McKellar Development of La Jolla. At the same lime, Joyce V u&Jin Amick joined ales administrator and Marsha !,tdarld41 project sales manager at Pacific Beach.

/ Zieman

Zlmballat Bonnie S. Peartman joined fo~gg & Hig- gins/San Diego as senior Account Adrninistra- m casually department. Weslle J. HoRaad became a project architect with Woodford & Bernard Architects. Judith Scott 7J.mbalisl, has become a part of the San Dieguito Group as vice president of the real estate division. Alex Ameuua joined Pacific Insurance Agen- cy as an accounl executive specializing in coverage for hotel developments, auto dealer- ships and developers. D

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

NOV 1 91 5

.JI/m's P C B

' i,,,. Literal reading of Constitution a must for judges, claims Bork B-r~\ intention" is "little more than arro- ple was the inaugural address of the Y evm gance cloaked as humility" while S~aron Sieg~n Me~orial Lecture Se- Tribune s11111 Writer Justice John Paul Stevens said nes, established ID memory of the The power of federal judges must Meese's argument was incomplete late w!fe of USD law professor Ber- he limited by strictly following the because it "overlooks the importance nard S1egan. Constitution as it is written, Judge of subsequent events in the develop- "The provisions of the Bill of Robert Bork said last night at the meat of our law. Rights ... have limits," Bork said. l,J,ni~rsiW of.San Diego Law School, Bork a U.S. District of Columbia "They do not cover all possible or adding his voice to the growing eon- court of appeals judge, is considered even all desirable liberties. Freedom troversy over the proper role of the a strong candidate for the next U.S. of speech covers speech not sex- federal courts. Supreme Court vacancy according ual conduct. The fact of limits means Bork sided with the views of U.S. to USD Law School ne'an Sheldon that the judge's authority has limits, Attorney General Edwin Meese, say- Krantz. and outside the designated areas, ing that the intentions of the Consti- Formerly a Yale University law democratic institutions govern." . tution's authors must be followed, professor, Bork joked that his view- Bork acknowledg~d that followmg leaving determination of broad prin- point of original intention is shared the framers' 1Dtentl?ns c?uld_cause ciples of individual freedom and by a tiny fraction of law school pro- problems when ~eal1Dg with c1rcu!11· equality in the hands of legislators. fessors: "There were five professors stances ummag!na~le two centuries Last summer, in the opening salvo (who thought this way) at the 10 most a.go.. But he said Judges ~ust then of the current debate, Meese called prestigious law schools, and Presi- !IDd meach case under cons1deratl?n recent Supreme Court decisions on dent Reagan has appointed four of a core value that the framers ID- religion "bizarre," and said that the them to the bench." tended to protect." court was not interpreting the Con- As solicitor general in 1974, Bork ~y .limit!ng the~selves ~o explicit stitution in the way it was meant to followed then-President Nixon's or• pr1Dc1ples m the Bill of Rights, such be read by those who wrote it almost ders to fire Watergate prosecutor as freedom of the press or freedom 200 years ago. Meese called for a Archibald Cox in the so-called "Sat- from unreasonable search and "jurisprudence of original intention." urday Night Massacre" after Attor- se.izure, "entire ranges_of problems Last month, two Supreme Court ney GP.neral Elliott Richardson and will be plac~d off-hm1ts to. Judges, justices took the unusual move of re- Deputy Attorney General William thus preservmg democracy .ID those sponding publicly to Meese. Justice Ruckelshaus had refused to do so. areas where the framers mtended William Brennan said that "original Bork's speech in front of 130 peo- democratic government." .

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