News Scrapbook 1985
n p 1· ..,IDE r T-oreTIA , IJJ>E • RIBUUE
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)
0\1 141985
NOV 1 51985
NOV14 1985
Jlflt11 '1 P C. B IXX X / Luncheon T / ,1
Jlllm'• P. c B
, ,,
;_q55 OnMexican Law A luncheon lecture on Mexican law will be held at t he Town and Country Hotel on Nov. 18 featur• ing Jose Luis Siqueiros, president of the Inter-American Bar Associa- tion and senior partner in a Mexico City law firm. The program is part of a eries of lectures sponsored by the Mex- ico Umted States Law Irutitute at USD JU).d the Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies at D
P. c. B
/:st. 1888
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 21 7,3 24) (Cir. S. 339,7881
~Gwtarist to perform AN?--rlii~ - 1n Founders Chapel at the 1,l_niversity of n Diego. The recilal will fer.lurcfu transcription of three 1te for unaccompam('d violin by Johar o ba fan Bach T1cket.J which may be purchased at th door are $5 for adults and $2 for tudl'1 t For more mformation, call J hn Nunes at 260-4682. _....- Guitarist ol Golu~es ,.,. ill gi ·e a rec1t~l a l 8 pm Friday, ov. 15,
Jlllen '• P. c. e
fo. r888
Students to help seniors For the eighth year, U~ty of San .Dii>go students will give up a weekend to help senior citizens with hou ehold chores. ;J.. 9 S-S-- On Saturday and Sunday, students will help seniors in 15 to 30 selected homes throughout the county, said Senior Citizen Outreach Weekend Coordinator Debbie Dyar. /
Chula Vista, CA (San Diego Co.) Star News (Cir. 2xW. 24,418)
San Diego, CA (Sa n Diego Co.) San Diego Un ion (Cir. D. 217,324) (Cir. S. 339,788) NO\t
NOV 14 198S
Jltlen ••
p C. B
I 88~
/ ,,
creenwriting seminar to be offered at USD Hollywood s !'f Mi~h~el Hauge will present a sere nwntmg seminar this weekend at Manchester Conference Center on the campus of the University of San Diego. "Screenwnting A lo Z: Writing and Marketing for Film and Television," will run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomor- row and Sunday. The fee will be $125. Hauge's credits include involve- ment in several television movies, in- cluding "Aunt Mary," "When She Was Bad," and "Escape." He is staff producer for Robert Guenette Pro- ductions and is president of his own company, Hilltop Production~
• • • 'Guitarist Nicholas Goluse will perform three suites for violin at the University of an Diego Founders Chapel at 8 p m. il'ickets are $5 for adults and $2 for students with ID. J. o/>"---:r • • • / I
La J olla, CA (San Diego Co.) La Jolla Light (Cir. W. 9,293)
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)
NOV 141985
NOV 181985
• !J /1,,. •~ p C 8 I ~anhh cla · es will be offered in La Jolla through Jan . 31, with two week\ Chnstmas vacation. Conversational Spanish classes for adults will be taught by arlos G. Herrera at Casa de anana, 849 Coast Blv~q t;'j' Herrera, who grad?a;ed at the University of San Diego, has more t an20 years o teaching experience with an Diego Com- munity Colleges . Spani. h I (continuation) will be offered on Mondays from 9 a.m. to 11 a .m . Spani. h I is set for Tuesdays from 9 a .m. to 11 a.m. Spanish 2 is offered Tuesdays from 9 a .m . to 11 a.m. , and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Spanish 3 and 4 is offered Wednesdays from 9 a.m . to 11 p.m. Evening classes are also scheduled, in the library at Stella Maris Academy, on the Southeastern corner of Herschel Avenue and Kline Street. Spanish 1 will be offered Thursdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Spanish 2 is set for Mondays is set for Mondays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Spanish 3 and 4 will get under- way Wednesdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Classes are also offered in Pacific Beach on Tuesdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The fee is $2 per hour with seven students. Students may register in the classroom. For more information, call 459-7515. / I I
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 21 7,324) (Cir S. 339,7881
P C. B ,,,.. terior Department chief at- torney David Lindgren and state geologist Jamee Davis will be among the panelists at an Envir- onmental and Natural Resources Law Forum at 6 p.m. Nov. 21 at UfID. Law School, open to the public. Municipal Judge Robert Coates put the program together to discusa the law, treaties and trade arrangements over minerals essential to the U.S. but f~d in other countries. :::ZC/c,::, _,,,.,,,.,, *. * _,,,,-~ / ,r I Ni> x
0 1 7 1985
Jll~n '•
P. c. B
F.s,. , 888
P. Zoroza.~al's
SD 02-ER
"laTabeTiera del Puerto (in Spanish) and Mark Bucci's "Sweet Betsy from Pike" will be staged at 8 p.m. Friday and Satu~day and 2:30 p.m. next Sunday in the Cam- ino Theater, University of San Diego. ,2')!35>_/
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. 0 . 127,454)
NOV 1819
NOV 18 1985
Jlllen '• P. C B
C~~rt-to-court link being tried ,.;;11
/ ,r
an Diego will
D Universi~ of
pre~\,I~ Rig'tf\;[am!
lee ure on "Economic
e Comti'ution' by Dis- trict of Columbia U.S. Circuit Court Judge Robert Bork, at 8 p.m. today at the university Law School on Linda Vista Road. A reception will follow the talk.
tant to Supervisor Leon Williams, said he believed Simmons' proJect Review Commis ion. He said the project is scheduled to go before the commission on Dec. 2 The in- stallation of the eq1ipment at the downtown sites has been financed The addition of t hr North County court to the program is essential, Simmons said. He :;aid the court serves a wide geog.•aphical area. which increases travel time for at- torneys. Under Simmons' plan, telephone conference lines will be rnstalled in the three courts ne ' able to tal k to each other He _said a speaker will allow non-pa rticipants the conversation when The main goat of the experiment that telephones can replace personal appearances in court on routine civil and criminal pre-trial actions. Simmons ,aid an average civ il case has four such is to show The telephone conferences could be used in most hearings where evidence 1s not necessar) such as arraignments, bail motions and discovery motions .-\ record of the proceedmgs could be kept by giv- ing court reporters access to the conference call, Simmons said. The use of the telephones . Sim- mons said , will save both the at- torneys time and lhe client, money . "The average <:11ent in a civil case would save an average of $150 per case." Simmons said. / to hear necessary . actions. Staff Writer v 1STA - Attorneys may be spending less time in the North County uperior courts under an experiment which will allow them ti; conduct court business over a teh,phone conference line. The demonstration project. d~igned by l'ni\,:ersjty of San D1~w school professor Bill unmons, will be te ted for three months in the downtown superior and federal courts and, if funding is made available, the North County superior courts in Vista. The board of supervisors last week referred Simmons' request for SS,000 to fund the North County experiment to the county's Cable Review Commission. The commis- sion is being asked to allocate the $5,000 from cable telev1s10n fran- chise fees paidto the county. Wesley Pratt, executive assis- San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (C ir. D. 217,324) (Cir. S. 339,788) NOV 18 1985 .Atltn 1 1 P. C. 8 F,1 1888 /A newly created position of assist- ant director for programming, law development and alumni relations at the .San Diego Law School has been filled by Barbara Mendelson. :zqs,5 /
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