News Scrapbook 1982-1984


EVENING TRIBUNE JAN 2 7 1983 USD will ho t tennis elite


JAN 2,7 ,19~

By Elson Irwin Tribune Sportswriter

Where is Jon Freeman?

The first major tennis tournament for male college players - the San Diego Intercollegiate Tournament is sc~eduled for t_he ,University of San Diego Feb. 17-19. The ehte of the nations teams have been invited. according to Ed Collms, tournament director. Teams scheduled to play here melude: Pepperdine, US~, U~ A, USD, San Diego State, U. . Interna ional Umver~1ty, UCSD, Point Loma College and Southern Methodist. The f~rst ma:Jor open adult tournament. in San Diego County 1s the Heart Tennis Tournament at Morley and Robb fields over two weekends Feb. 19-20 and 26-27 Below is a list of San Diego County adult tournaments through August of this year: Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26: Men's Winter Doubles League various locations 465-9575. ' ' Feb. 8, 13, 20, 27: Mixed Winter Doubles League various locetions 465-9575. ' ' Feb. 5-6, 12-13: Vista Tennis Club Open Prize Money Tournament Vista Tennis Club, men's and women's open singles, 459-1541. • Feb. 12: Heart-to-Heart Mixed Tournament, Martin Luther King Park 421-1648. . Feb. 12·13: TLC _Merchandise Tournament various high schools open, B, C, novice singles, 295-4777. ' ' _Feb. 17-19: San Diego Intercollegiate Tournament. USO and San Diego State, singles, 291-4888, ext. 4272 Feb. 19-20, 26•27: Heart Tennis Tournament, ey and Robb fields 296-4888or287-1417. ' _Feb. 26: Martin Luther King Jr emonal Tournam nt, Martin Luther King Park, smgles, doubles and m1x'ld 421· t\48 Mar. 5, 12, 19, 26: Men's W1nt&r Doubles League, 465-9575 Mar. 6, 13, 20,, 27: Mixed Winter Doubles League, 5-9575 Mar. U: Pacific Coast Doubles Championships, La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club, 454-7126. M • r. 5-6: TLC Merchandise Tournament, 295-4777. Mar. 5-6, 12-13: Vista Tennis Club Open Prize Money Tournament Vista Tennis Club, singles only, 459-1541. • Mar. 18-20, 26-27: March of Dimes Tournament, Morley Field, 296· 4888 or 435-1255. Mar. 24-27: Helix South Seniors Tournament. Helix South tennis Club 35s to 75s, singles and doubles. 444-0416, 465-0155. ' Mar. 26-27: TLC Merchandise Tournament, singles. 295-4777 Mar. 26-27: Women·s Tennis Tournament various private courts 224- ' '

"BROVELLI saw him in that CIF championship game and he decided to take a chance on Jon, He wanted to get some good kios mto the program. "I tried to tell Jon to come to South• western, play 30 games a year for two years and he would increase his sellability. You don't get any better sitting on the bench or just prac- ticing.'' Foley said that the Freeman situation is typical of what he has lo fight against with kids coming out of high school. "We have to convince more local guys to come here and play, 'said the coach, "The key is whether you are going to get to play at a four-year school right away. Just look _t Aaron Combs at Oklahoma. He's redshirting this year. "I REALIZE that some high school kids have to go away to go to college, but we can compete with anyone at this level and we move kids along to a four-year school at an average of two a year." Freeman could have played im- mediately at the semester break this season for the Apaches, but he realized after a year and a half of inactivity he needed a full season to get back to his proper level. What did Freeman learn in his time on the four-year level and does he have any regrets? "Maybe going in as a freshman I should have been more confident," said the player. "Maybe I could have played more. I had a real good time at USC. I had fun with the academics, but I wanted to play basketball.

He's alive and well atSWC

By JEFF NAHILL Star-News Sportl Editor

The College basketball team is not having what one would consider a good season. The Apaches had a 6-13 record and 1-5 mark in Pacific Coast Conference play heading into this week. The present might be dimmed but the future could be bright for Bill Foley's crew. YOU SEE, the long-time South Bay mentor will have the likes of George Stuart, Thoi: Dekker, Paul Nelson, Larry Irwin and Jon Freeman returning next year. What's that, you say? Jon Freeman doesn't appear in any of the South- western boxscores? That's true, but he will next year. The All-CIF guard out of Bonita Vista has left the University of San Diego and is currently redshirting at swc. "I left USO simply because I want to play," said Freeman, who saw limited playing time as a freshman last year and even less at the beginning of this season. "During my freshman year, I just s id to myself 'I'm a freshman, maybe I houldn't Southwestern


JAN 2 ? 1983

be playing.'


USD on Probation I ·Year -F • or ·NCAA Rules Violations ''_rhe Rev., Patrick Cahi!l, q;lV 1 lJ, of San Diego Athletic m,edi11

LEMON GROVE REVIEW JAN 2 7 1983 USD Hoops te rs To Pla y Pai r usn Toreros start their sec- ond season th:s w~kend as they open up the West Coast Athletic Conference with St. Mary's CoUegP on Fritlay and Santa Clara Unh·ersity on Sat- urday. Both gan:es wm be played in the 'l"Sfl Sports Cen- ter with s. tip-of! time of 7: 30 p.m. St. 1\faiy's College is coining off an u.1i; season from a year ago and a 7th place fin- ish in the WCAC with a 3-11 record. The Gaels lead the se- ries ! games to 2 with the Toreros winning thE: last con- test by a score of 71-G2. The Gaels have had their ups and downs so far in this 7-7 sea- son with their biggest victory coming aiainst Fresno State on the road (52-51). The Gaels return four starterH from last year's squad, indud ing three freshmen. The only two sen- iors on the team are for- wards Pete1· Thibeaux and Drandor:. Next week's action has the Torer os hosting Loyol.1 Mary- mont Frida~, Jan. 29, and Pepperdine Saturday. t3 o th gamPs start at 7:30 p.m. in the USD Sports Center.


(Tribune, Union, L.A. Times) re';)ort~ rmd coipmenq the reporter~ and their sour- ces. Now chat we are fr<"?e qt' NCAA rt:~tri<:tions, I can say that the :-eporters and their sources, w ith one· e-

Director, has ar,nounced that . in the ~.Pring of 19_(!2 informa- tion repot-ted to him by a stu- dent iJldicated possible viola- tion of Universltv and NCAA reg11lations regarding tl)e con- d4ct of :the :Uni\'ersity's Divi- sion III football program. Investlg;itlon dating back to 1978 ,involverl 2 coaches, one of whom w_al' dismi ssed last . spring. ' The Universny reported the vfolatlons 'to the NCAA when the lnv:c>stigation was complet- . ed in early summer. This week, NCAA released its ac- tion a gainst the USD .football pr,ogram. Cal-iU ss id "it Is unfort11 nate that NCAA rules were violated, becausc the Univer- sity does everythi ng possible ta preclude any irregularity. J.n this case, a few misjudge- ments were made and we have to pay the prices. More than 300 stud e II ts have gone through this program since 1978 and ·they must not be · overlooked :because of the poor judgement of a few Indi- viduals. We havP a healthy Di•. vision III footba ll program at at USD, and from the flood · of Inquiries I have received . for the head coaching position evidently a lot of others think so too." . "I ~ead with lnte:reat the


Toreros seek WCACwins The University of San Di- ego will host Loyola Mary- mount and Pepperdine in a pair of West Coast Athletic Conference basketball games this weekend. The Toreros will be look- ing for their first con- ference win when they play the Lions Friday at 7: 30 p.m. USD and the Waves play at the same hour Sat- urday. The Toreros are 0-2 in WCAC games and 6-10 overall. The Lions are 2-0 and 9-8. Pepperdine is 1-1 ,and 11-7.

Sta• New, photo bv on1<

JON FREEMAN Shooting hoops at SWC

"THIS YEAR I felt 1 was in the same position as last year so I figured it was time to move on . " There was no conflict between Coach (Jim) Brovelli and myself. He had guards playing ahead of me and 1 wasn't one of them. {le only plays about three guards ." So Freeman has returned home and he couldn't be happier about the future. ' Freeman, who hails from a family long on basketball talent (Jim played at P oint Loma College and David played at Southwestern and is now at UC Riverside), made his mark in high school in one game. Although he had a steady senior year (15.3 ppg) and led the Barons to a Metro co-championship garnering Star-News "Co-player of the Year" honors, Freeman had an absolutely outstanding game in the CIF title contest against La Jolla. THE VIKINGS were led by prep All-American Ken Johnson, who dominated the game, but every time Johnson tried to pull La Jolla to a big lead, Freeman responded. The latter finished with 23 points, four steals and a scholarship offer from the Toreros. Most local observers felt Freeman

• "ON THE COURT, 1 ne d to worK on my defense. The player are a lot quicker in college. Al o my ballhandling tll nre aver g . They put a lot of pre urc on you bringing the ball up court. "There were only a couple of schools I could have trnnsferred to, but I know Coach Foley and hi system becau e a lot of th stuff we ran in high school and it's only 10 minutes from my hous .'' "l look for him to 'h ve sup r season next year," said Foley. 'H has the r at things point gu rd needs plus he has slz:,e. We h ve a lot of key player coming back and with him nt point guard th t jumps us up n little bit.'' For the Southw tern basketball program, having .Jon Freeman around two years late Is better than not having him at all.


JAN 2 S 1983 U~D Pl.~_ys Host to Loyola Marymount J, rom u 1imes Stuff Writer SAN Dil<'CO 'l'hc U . ~ost to Lo;ola Marymomvers1ty of San Diego will play Sports Center. unt tomght at 7-,'30 in the USD Loyola lead~ the West Co . ' a 2-0 record and is 10-6 ast At~let1c Conference With overall. USD is 0-2 and 6-10.

needed the experience of playing two years of JC ball before moving on to a four-year school, but one doesn't often turn down a free ride. "I didn't talk to USD until later that final game," said Freemon. "I considered coming to Southwestern and if I hadn't gotten a scholarship I would have but USO was a good possibility for me." "I wanted him out of high school," said SWC's Foley. "To have two All- CIF guards (Juan Aguirre is the other one) would have been an enjoyable experience.



8 Part III/Saturday. January 29. 1983/) *

league Play


SF's Absence HurtiAg U

USD Shoots Past Loyo a Marymount Davis Controls Tempo. Leads Toreros to a 75-67 Victory By TIM GILLMAN, Times Staff Writer

only one conference game th t week the Toreros. " t's hurtmg us." Toreros coach Jim Brovelh says. "Every team :we play h , just us to prepare for : Last Friday. t)!e entire Santa Clara coaching staff took m our ame with St. Mary's. We re not getting anyone unpre par d on the second p1g\lt . . Th week, the Toreros O 2 m WCAC play and 6-10 overall host Loyola arymount tomght and Pepper- dine tomorrow mgh at 7 30 at the USD Sports Center. Lovola Marym" nt s Lions, 9-8, feature two of the confer- ence's top sc r UJ guard Greg Goorj1an (24.9) and 6· foot 7 forward Forr 'It Mr Kenzie (21.4. 7 2 reboun?s) while 11-'I Per.,erdme IS defending WCAC champion with such notables a· forwards Orlando Phillips (6-7, 20.4 pomls, 10 3 rebounds) and B111 Sadler (6-6, 14.? pomts, 8.3 • , rebounds), §-8 (;enter victor Anger (~1.3 pomts, 8.4 re- bounds and guarct Dane uttle (22 2 ~mts). . USD is makmg a maJIU' lmeup adJus~menl S1x-foot-8 freshmen center Mano C ronado, commg off a strong effort against ~anta Clara, will start with Robby Robe:rt5 (9.3 points 6 9 rebounds) moving to forward ?ppos1t~ M1~e Whitmarsh (11 4 points). Bill Penfold and Rich Davis will open at guard. - Bill Center

No team in the West Coast Athletic Association ts more affected by the University of San Francisc?'s d~cision last spring to drop basketball than the Umverstty of. San , USF and USD were to have been travelmg partners th1 season. When USF dropped the sport, USD became a lone wolf in scheduling. Each WCAC team that faces USD has Diego. .


JAN 2 9 198J

The visitors came mto the game averaging 79.2 points per game Although Greg Goo11ian ,on of Loyola Coach Ed Goorjian. hit his average of 26 points hts teammates were well under lhcrrs. · "Gool")1an earned everyth ng h got tonight," Brovelh said. Indeed. His pomts came on turn a ou,d Jumpers and 20 footers with hands waving m his face. Another about-face for U D at the foul ,me. The TorE'ros who had been av ragmg 65%, made 'n of 35 (77% ). "We finally made our free throws at the end or the game," Brovelh said. "If we had don<' this earlier, we'd throws came off the palms of forward Mike Whitmarsh who led the team with 20 pomts. He was SIX for SIX from the lme m the last mmute of play and that closed the door on the L10ns, have five more wms now. Most of the successful fre good, 52-50, on a field goal by Whitmarsh with 7:15 left, 'l'he Lions. who had gone mto a full-court press only minutes before, were only ablC' to force one turnover. The Toreros also were a.hie to contra the backboards, outrebounding the Lions, 31-23 Whitmarsh and center Robby Roberts, who had eight points, each had seven rebounds. Forward Marlo Coro ado, who startC'd for the first time this season but had foul trouble early m the second half, fimshcd with 12 points Lion guard F.orr t Mc riz e had 12 points, nine under his average. USD can't C'Ven avor th victory It entertains WCAC pre-season favorit<' <'pperdme (11-7, 1-1) tonight at 7.30 at the ports Center. Pepperdine. which has already been upset by Gonzaga, 69 68, didn't los<' a WCAC ame last ear.

SAN DIEGO-The fortunes of war did an about-face Fnday night at the University of San Diego Sports Center USD, rtding a three-game losing streak. knocked o(f Loyola Marymount, ndlng a four-game winning streak. 75-67. The Tareros are now 7-10 overall and 1-2 in the West Coast Athletic Conference. Loyola Marymount dropped to 9-9 and 2-1. The victory was accomplished because for the first time in recent games USD's control offense actually controlled the tempo. Guard Rich Davis orchestrated the floor game and his ballhandling was large y responsible for dropping the Toreros' turnover total ;o five from 22 against Santa Clara last Saturday. "He played a very heady game tonight," said USO Coach Jim Brovelli. "He played an excellent floor game." Davis credited the win to an intense week of practice. "We worked hard on our control this week in practice," Davis said. "We took the good shots tonight.' While Davis, who finished with 16 points, and company were takmg the good shots, they also were trying to stop the high-scoring Lions from takmg theirs.




TOREROS W IN/ Forward Mik hit- marsh, formerly of Monie' Vista ll1gh School • nd Grossmont College. sank 20 points nd hauled m seven rebound Frida) night kadmg the Untver 1ly of San Dtrgo to a 7~7 baskctb II victory over Loyola Marymount m a We t Coast Athletic Confercnc·e game at the USD port C nter The triumph gan! the Toreros their first conferenec win ol th~ se.1 on They improved th 1r overall mark to 7-10, 1-2 m th WCAC. The Lion. lipped to -9 overa ll , 2 1 m conferencE' play With 512 remaining, USD held a 58-56 lead after being hehmd at th• half 34-32 But during the final five• minute , the Torero out <'Ored the Lions 17-11. movn'lg out to a 75-65 advantage with 20 seconds left, their biggest 1 ad of the gamc. Guard Rich Davts ~cored 16 points for USD Freshman center Mario Coronado, starting hi fir t gamt> of the year, contributed 12 points.

The Lions actu Iv led at halftime, 34-32, with the help of a thrce-pomt play by guard Darren Lee, a graduate of Sweetwater High. with two seconds left. But USD tted the game at th start of the second half, ._--------~---------------, and the lead seP-sawed until the Toreros went ahead for

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