News Scrapbook 1982-1984
C-4 THE SAN DIEGO UNION .:.:.;:_...:.:.:~:::..:.::.::.:::.=..::.:.:;;~----------- A WCAC Challenge: Top Last Year By BILL CE, TER from the floor Su tic and Ph1lhp · were second-team all- Steff wr~er, TM San D,ego un,on WCAC p r a ye r ago. The one question 1s a lack of C f depth , Th re I o way the ~est Coa t Al h letic on eren ' anta ta a (1~-4) - Three of the Broncos' lo,ses have ba. ketball race can be better than it wa a yf'ar ago T e b to l (' Lom vtlle and North Carolina A balanced Univ rs1ty of San Francisco dropped its program Thal in atta k fe tures 6-3 sophomore guard Harold Keeling (15.8 it.~ II ha hurt the WCAC's piestige a nd powei point.,, 43 rebounds), 6-7 forward Gary Hopkins (11.0 and Sl1ll, lJSJ,' did not win the WCAC till 8 yeai ago 3.7), rxlh man Scott Lamson (11 0 points) and 7-foot, soph- • PPpperdine did omore c nter ,ck Vanos (7.5 rebounds). Forward Mi Yd the Wavt• . featuring two of th e WCAC lop four chael orman 1 a hne all-round player. The Broncos· corers m guard Dane Suttle and power forwa rd Orla nd0 regularly u • e1ghl mm A very physical team. Ph1lhp , rank as no better than presca on co-favorites St. Mary' (7-7) - Forward Peter Thibeaux (6-8, senior) with th~ l nivcrs1ty of Santa Ciara " ond cam all-WCAC a year ago and ranks fifth in "from top to bottom, the prcad between th c teams 1 · cor n thi season at 17 6 points. Also average· 7.5 re- not a grc.1t this year," say University of San Di t> 0 bound and shoots 62.5 percent from the floor to rank coach Jun Brov lh, who e Torero ha\ e made teady seeond n the 'C C SL Marv s beat Fresno State in progr in their first three WCAC sea ons. Fre no to er'.I Bulldo_gs' tring of 26 straight home-court USD, wh1l'h tJt,gins 11.s WCA ea on tonight at th e U D victone Guard Paul Pickett averages 14.3 points, fol- do n thts w k .tnd talked about its ~hooting problems •a on 10 pre-WCAC play, the Toreros ranked la t .imong Torero are shooting Just 45 percent from the floor and 63 l'Onfercnec team' in held goal • hooting at·t uraC) a nd pen·ent from the foul hne Hall the pre· ason lo ses (by next to-last m frre-thro" percentage To make its ball margms of 2, 2, 5 and 3 pmnts) wen• directly the result of control tad1c work again t faster, tronger V.C C oppo- poor foul hooting ·V.e're rebounding better than T nents, llSD h,1 to hit a high percentage of it hot thought we would and .ire playing better in some re ' I think w1•'ve re,1chcd the point where we can spet ts • Brovelh ys, but our shooting is terrible We anyone m th1 conference," Brovelh says We're compe cant win unlL"S~ we shoot better" Toreros will be better iltve All that's left 1s to wm the game we're competitive with the return of 6-6 forward Mike Whitmarsh (10.4 in 'H' t•re's a I k al the WCAC r • Jim Brovelli . phomore forward David Cooke (9.1 points, :,__________ Broncos Rap USD 71-57 ball back to Santa Iara When Davis ran over the back of Santa Clara' Terry Oav·s, the Bronco went lo the line and hit two free throws lo make t 2:l-19 with 10 seconds showing. Then, Prunty double-dobbled to turn the ball back over to anta Clara with six sec- ond to go As lime ran (!own, Kenilvort hit ah 18-footer lrom .along he baseline - 25- 19. With freshmen guard Kenilvort and l av1s each hitting tor 12 points in the best games of thelf careers, Santa Clara pulled out to a 50-32 lead before USD rallied but pulled no closer than 62-53 with 1:49 lo play USO made 12 of its 22 turnovers in the first half while blowing several opportuni- ties to take a larger lead. Mike Whitmarsh had his best game of the season for USO, hilting 8 of 12 shots from the floor while scoring 18 points and pulling down 10 rebounds. Davis scored 17 points while Robby Roberts had 10 points and seven rebounds. Brovelli last night started Bill Penfold at guard, used 6-9 freshmen center Mario Coronado a season-high 15 minutes (three points. six rebounds) and determined that both will be getting more playing time the remainder of this 6-10 season. Santa Clara, a prcscason WCAC co-fa- vorite. improved to 13-4. Slaff wr fer, The San D,ega Un 1111 The l nivers1ty of ~an Diego didn't wait until !,he final mmu to los .a basketball game last mght. It lo ·t 1t m the final 38 seconds of the first half l 1p until then. the Toreros were battling the l mversitv of Santa Clara to a 19-19 draw at tbe °tJSD Sports Center But the Broncos. capitalizing on two crucial mis- takes by Torero point guard John Prunty, scored six points in the final 38 seconds to go up 25-19 al the b1 Lak. After expanding the lead to as many as 18 points midway through the second half, Santa Clara held off a late USO surge to score a 71-57 West Coast Athletic Confer- ence victorv 'The last hall minute of the first lialf killed us." said Toreros coach Jim Brovelli. ··We can't afford to make mistakes like that." Although the Torero:; led only briefly in the first half. neither team had held more than a two-point lead when USO guard Hlcti Davis downed a lfl-foo er to knot the score at 19-19 with 1:03 to go Steve Kenilvort hit a 25-foot bomb to put Santa Clara back up un top and the Toreros seemed satisfied lo work for the last shot o I he half and a tie when disaster struck. F1Tst, Prunty. trapped along the sideline, bounced a pass out of bounds to hand the the WCAC m scoring 124.6) and ranks third m assists (5.7). And 6-7 forward Forrest McKenzie averages 21 7 points and 7.2 rebound. 1x 1x runmngmate Johnny Brown av- erages 13 7 points and rank second m WCAC rebounding at 9 7 Lion average 79.5 points a game, the second most in the WC~ Th y ~lso allow 78 Portland (6-10) - The WCA lowest-st'ormg team (581 points a gamP), but al ·o the ting1e ·t 1~9 5) and most di c1plined. The halanced attack i pared bv 5-9 guard Brian Funchng~Jand (9.3 points, 5.0 a ts . 6-7 forward Denni Black (9.2) guard K
DAILY CALIFOHNIAl\l JAN 2 4 1983 LOS ANGELES TII.JIES Santa Clara whips Torero 8 Steve Kenilvort, Gary Hopkins and Terrv D . 12 points apiece to lead the Santa Clara Broncoasv;~ :c~r~~ West .coast Athletic Conference season openin b11sket- ball v1ctorv over the Umversity of San 0 . Sg · 1ego aturctav. Although former Monte Vista High School and mont College player Mike Whitmarsh scored 18 . t d grabbed 10 rebounds for USD and Rich Davl~~~!da~ 7 pomts. it was not enough to put the Toreros on to Toreros ma~e 22 turnovers. 14 of them in the first tialfThte Santa Clara s 16. • o USO pulled lo within 10 points (45-35! with 14 . 36 l I but never came any closer · 0 Pay. . .£ 7 anta Ca • playeq the l 01 ers1ty ol San .l<'rancisc;o Fr1- maU •fay nig . but Rmcc U SF jl.etball after last ,eascm that date 1sopon. We P,racticed aH week for Saf\J?-! go," said Williams. "But J111 1 (Bravclh) had to split his time between St. Mary's 11.d u~. It's not fair " Brov Ill used nine players, again try ,ng to find a com- bi a•1on that will make USO (6-10) a winner. Forwa, 1 M1k Whitmarsh led the team in scoring with 18 points and in rebounds with 10. Guard Rich Davis had 17 points. Santa Clara was led by Kenilvort, forward Gary Hop- kins and Davis, who each had 12 points.
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