News Scrapbook 1973
fJNltA/ /0/11 USO Plans Homecoming The University of San r ego will celebrate its 1973 1 home<'oinmg tn honor of the classes of '53, '58, '63 and '68 i during events scheduled Oct • 30 through 'ov 4 I The program wm ; with an address by SD e- f s1dent Author E. Hugh at 9 · a.m. Oct 30 m De Sales Hall. Hugh will talk about the new structure of the um er- s1ty's admmistrat1ve offices as well as changes n the academic program 'ov 2, there will be a presid nt s reception at 8 p.m m the Hilton Inn, fol- low by the Homecoming Ball m the Bount} Room Tailgate parties will honor reunion clas es ·ov 3 precedmg the homecoming football game agam t Azusa .•Pacific Colleg tn the USD tadium at 7 30 p.m. Homc,.omrng fest1v1t1e , will come to an end ·ov. 4 with a fam1h folk 1a in ' the college chapel at 9.30 · a m. and a clergy evemng to t honor special members of the diocese and ordmation 1 claSS(' of 1953, 1958, 1963 and ' 1968. Among clergy members returning for the reunion will be th Rev Robert Bu- chanan, , th Rev Al J Chylewsk1, '52; the Rev W1l- ham A Kraft, '51, the Rev. eal Dolan, '60, R v Ivan F1tzwllham, 48, the Hev Msgr I. Brent Eagen, '56, the Rev Vincent E l,or- enz, 53 , the Rev Phillip F Stralmg, '59 , and the Rev John Wagner '64. On
Art World
'BATTLE MOUNTAIN' a 1973 videotape by Paul Kosi 1s 1nclud d in th three-man show at the la Jolla Mu eum of Cont mporary Art.
1)/J 73 Three Arti ts To Show In La ~olla
exh1blllon, will be on·v1ey, this month In Studio 25, Span!. h Village The shoy, represents selections from about a hun- dred entries In a variety of media and was Juried by San Diego art1 Lenor Simon. Art shows opening this week m the San D ego area mclude "Dim ns1ons of Polyni>SJa," a mult1-facetE'd exh1b1t1on treating tradltiOnal arts and crafts of the Polyn an ts- land , Fme rts Gallery, starting today . Howard Y.est oils, Art Barn, beginning today Jorge Irnana, one- man show, La Jola Art Assl:>- clatlon, starting 'f'llursday Milford Ellison pa ntmgs Art and De n Shop, starting nPXt Sunday Thre!'-man ~how of multi-media p La Jolla luseum of Contemporary Art starting Saturday
The Most Rev Leo T Maher, bi hop of the Romar Catholic Di of San Diego, yesterday opened Synod II at St Joseph's Cathedral. Priests and prelates, as well a
·eS<' who are taking part m the in diocesan regulations partici-
lay mbers of lhe di study.of proposPd cl!ange pated in the cerC'muny
Synod II Ope
r Study Of Diocesan Regulations Includes Laity For First Time
By JOHN BURRlJS "Synod II should promote and give to ecclesiastiral life a new style," the .\:lost Rev. Leo T. Maher, bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego, said yesterday in formally opening a study of diocesan regulations. Bishop :\Iaher outlined two goals of the diocesan study during a High ~fass yester- day afternoon at St. Joseph's Cathredal. "Th(' first," he said "IS a distant goal to prepare for the union of all Chris 1ans m one body. Our second or proximate goal should be the urgent task of bringing our communit) m contact with the vivifying, perennial en- ergies of the Gospel FRESH PRESE. TATIO~ 'I see the synod as an occasion for a fresh presen-
talion of Catholic doctrine and diRcipline in tPrms of the age. It ls my view that the synodal decrees should be msistent pleas for an intensi- fied spirit of faith, a fresh flowering of Christian life, a renewal of pastoral activi- ties as well as legislation gPared to the drmands of our time ' Bishop :'11aher officially op ned Syn ,d II durmg a crremony Saturday at St. Catherine's Church in River- id for the northern portion of the 6 000-squarP-mile d1- oe1•se He is schPduled to open the synod 111 the eastern part of the dioce e during a cerC'mony at 7 p.m. tonight at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Calexico. The study of diocesan re- gulations, in line with changes m church doctrine made by Vatican II, marks the first time lay members of the diocese have been invited to participate in re- ommendations for changes in church law. The bishop said he was particularly pleased with the response from laity and cler- gy to his invitation to work together in the preparation for the synod. At Synod I, called more than 30 years ago by the :\lost Rev. Charles Buddy, former bishop of the diocese, only the clergy participated in the one day study. During the present synod, much of the work will origi- nate in a "speak-up" session scheduled in every parish in commissions that have been established by Bishop Maher. The commissions will make formal with revisions expected to be 'y approved about May. The Rev. Phillip Straling, Synod II executive secreta- ry, 1s supervising the work of the commissions. The ceremony yesterday opened with a procession of priests and prelates down the central aisle of the ca- thredal to the altar. Music was provided by the St. Jo- seph Cathredal Choir, a brass section and a vocalist a companied by a guitar. "We have entered an age of activism and all the stress is on doing," Bishop Maher said. "Christian action in the community cannot be sus- tained or advanced in an intelligent and effective manner unless it is support- ed by doctrinal convictions that have achieved some de- gree of clarity." He said the social gospel needs a theology to make it effective, but theology needs the social gospel to vitalize it. Any valid understanding of worship can be attained only by viewing it in the context of the whole Chris- tian religion and by con- stantly relating it to faith on the one hand and to action on the other, he said. 'e.
Show Ai Mod --r=u set "tamorm leadmg-lady dre, beyond that to lon1 black siren-type slit wilh feathers. Furs, especially alwavs combined w er, suede or contra !ors in furs, were a attraction, adding ti touch that will be project this year DOUBLE FEATUR To get that IUXUf) feature combinatio the winning ticket.
" rtl t Showcase," the C.1atr• emont Art Guild' 11th annual
Su~d•y O t b r 7, ,
Two San Diego-area Roman Catholic priests have been made monsig- nors by the Vatican, 1t wa 0 announced this week by the Mo Rev Leo T Maher bishop of the San Diego Roman Catholic Diocese. y are the Rev. Joseph g, diocesan director St. Vincent de Paul the Rev. es • cG inley, pastor of Pius X Church in Chula Four other pnests m On ano, Chino, Corona and Palm -~-,-• re also made monsignors. of t 1ety and
USO s m le,
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Stoff Photo by Bob Redding eel del Coronado Wednesday, when wing of a Great Theacer collection rn Robinson's of Fashion Valley helped e about $4, with chiffon or furs with wool. Gemstone colors, sap- phire, ruby, diamond, opa- line or pale topaz, with silver f • Donald lirom la re-brown chi! for rhis lace me University of "Silver Curcair I . . ' ., d I .. . !1/i ( l!J 8J Pl! ln or gold. f I This year, every woman ' I ., • •• I ,. • I ' l-J! Jal( iew1 : .; f . . .. ' • I I: " ' I ' I I I ' " . I ·, I I • I TH SAN DIEGO UNION © ruesdoy, October 23, 1973 f ', . ': ' . C-2 ' .. I I I I • rt; USO Stars . o I • : I ' ' I I I~ I . I I . ' I Gamel By CHUCK SAWYER K- . • SAN DIEGO UNION PIONEERED BY MUEHL Racquetb By WAYNE LOCKWOOD T and badminton ' M recalls ''I 1 , Uehleisen for seven P ayed PaddlebaU gi w~ WOUldn't go t:;;s; And I "l or them. 0 any of do ' no Play competence Yfu~/evel_ of attr, tennis and g~lf rf,.11 ts l1~e appe much fun unw Y aren t limit1 at them." you get g00c1 Playe "I can pl · As ilnybod . ay With almost B Y and enjoy ·t ,, may rumfield echoes 1 • Withe These two, obviou 1 mobbl evangelists for their! Y, are "Th, Just as obvious1 port, CharJi1 one is listening Y, some- sport ''I . I n 1969, there were abo t gf'owin, u take it s C . ,"Racquetball is alo tak of~ t!!/ust plain fun. Tha·t•t~ "It~a~ I can describe it. It's th un for everybody. nat e Only sport I kn Where you ca h 1me right from the matter what ow 300, t' n ave • gOOd Tl s the diocese. Recommenda- ar 17 1973 lions will be forwarded to 14 --'-'-- , . • t I . ,. : I ... I . " I• ' I I • reports l 15 . , I • • I I University of San Diego In the third and have kept plays what roach Andy Vinci lee packs on the ankle ever calls "the key game to our since." season" Saturday at Hum- The win over St. Mary's boldt State. was the fifth straight for But: th e Toreros ~ay do USD to tie a sebool record, so _withou~ th e servi~ of the Toreros having suffered the1r leading ground gamer their nl 1 ,h te - and scorer, tailback Rich Q Y oss "' ~a m the Paulsol). 20-16 season~nmg game Paulson and uarterback with UC Riverside. • Bob Dulich boi were m- But, Vinci sees Saturday's jured in USD's 46--0 romp game as the probable high- over St. Mary's College last light of the entire season. Saturday. "Humboldt State is only !- "Paulson's is much the 4-1," he points out, "but they more serious of the t~o," will be the biggest team we Vinci admJtted yesterday. have faced thls season aver- "_He really got drilled on the a~g about 240 pouiids in sideline and has a severe the1r front line. They beat charley horse. We will have Sacramento State 7-0 in a to see how it goes this week. downpour last ~k .md in If he can't run by Thursday almost every one of their he won't play Saturday." ' losses they have had touch- The S-11 and 180-pounder downs called back or los. by has scored 1 touchdowns a missed field goal." and h a 7.0 rushing aver- As the Victories roll up games. l!SD's :.eason statistics u~ with a increase in stature. The Tor- but IS expect- eros now have 2 503 yards in early m the game games compared to 1225 for ~turday,' Vmc1 explained, the opposition. This' gives but st1ll played on It for Vinci's crew an average of almost the entrre first half. 417.l yards per game against We had to take him out early the six rivals' 204.2. to be He got Y by Saturday total offense ior the six : I • . ,. • . • I ,. ,. I • . I" ' ' . . • . I ., • ' I . f ' , t's a of th:aches the finer ment, so t~~i'f:tball equip- n's s game at MeJ from exposur e can benefit Bearh~rts Center in Br~mfield a:d to J:i7;'Ple _like ; leisen has . While getting his de ehleisen N tal eonfmed That's gree, f Practice to two RawJin s so~ething like .:k to be_tter laUl)ch ster to ~oil sending a Young. ure Which designs so that ege m Green Bay Is racquetban faciJi. the Pacf::rian Practice with is a r There are a 1 t 3mate ine line Serots out the o of Steve in ra urs and pro- more every dayre, however, . cquetball In "I'm - ' lS no line . did ,, glad J Won When J IJy haven't defined a few B~umfieJd admits. "In 's Brumfield a able t/• ars, I might not be lbcr of the spo'rt•s T hat's progress. I ' • . dent from s . t. Louis who Will 'J~iise~ concedes. "Bu~• I Und!~ending San Diego State ies ~~~i!i sti ~g. And it to racq~!fb~S1ances unique h Mu o t e sport." Serot Will . field ha~~ 1 ! 1 sen and fan with a s;g~~:here next ig • t ore than a Leach 1 d . 1p from 1eJd1~ erest in that. makes r n ustr1es, Which gimmick sur ,, be ., I I •
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