News Scrapbook 1973
VNICI/ /0/11 USO Plans Homecoming The University of San r ·ego Will celebrate its 1973 I homecoming in honor or the classes of '53, '58, '63 and '68 dunng events scheduled Oct. , 30 through ov 4 Toe program will ; with an address by 1,JSD sident Author E. Hugh t 9 · a.m. Oct. 30 in De Sates Hall. Hughes wiil talk about the new structure of the um ·er- s1ty's administrative offices as well as changes in the academic program On Nov 2, there wru be a presid nt's recept10n at 8 p.m tn the Hilton Inn, fol- low by the Homecoming Ball m the Bounty Room. Tailgatr parties will honor reunion cla. srs Xo · 3 preceding the homecoming football game against Azusa ·Pac1f1c College m the USO 1 stadium at 7. 30 p m - Home('omrng festivities will come to an encl , ·ov 4 with a family folk Ma In the college chapel at 9:30 a.m and a clergy evening to honor special members of r the dioce · and orclmation classes ofl953 1958, 1963 and : 1968. Among clerro members returning for th reunion Y. ill be th Rev Robert Bu- chanan, · , the Rrv Al J Chylev.sk1, '52, the Rev Wil- ham A. Kraft, '51, the Rev eat Dolan, ' , e R v. Ivan F1tzw1lham, ·48, the Hev tsgr I Brent Eagen, '56; th Rev Vincent E. ~r- enz, 53 the Re\ Philhp F Stralmg, 59, and the Rev. John Wagner, '64.
Art World
'BATTLE MOUNTAIN' a 1973 videotape by Paul Kos Is ,nclud d in the thr man show at th la Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art.
Three Arti ts To Show In La Jolla
exhibition, will be on·view this month in Studio 25, panlsh Village. The show represents lectlon from about a hun- dred entrt s In a var! ty of media and wa Juried by San Diego artl Lenort' Simon. rl shows opening this week In the San Diego area Include "Dim nsions of Polyn sta. ' a multi-faceted exhlbllion treating traditional arts and crafts of the Pol) neslan IS· lands, Fme Arts Galler,, starting today Howard West oils, rt Barn beginning today . Jorge Imana, one- man shoY., La Jolla Art Asso- ciation; starting Thursda} MUford Ellison pamttngs, Art and Design Shop starting next Sunday Three-man hoy, of multi-media pl , La Jo la \tu um of r..ont rr porary Art, starting Saturda) . Alfred
fully or you destroy
©J 310"' • %0Sa~ S9NIAVS s3:,11d sno,·~•-
Toe ~1ost Rev Leo T Catholic D1oc of San D1e at St Joseph's Cathedral. I
0 = 11d':"':'J.~ 0N-~ ... _ .lOHdlt, 010) 'IJ,\- 'Old LON lOHd" '11 'B •--.. Show Aids USD Student Loans
"Ar11 ts Showcase," the Clair- emont Art 1;u1ld·s II th annual
Modes: American, Elegant B\ LUCRE'fl \ STEH,ER Ra1smg a ' ilver curtain ' r the t: mverslty of San
TWO LO AL PRIESTS NOW MONSIGNORS Two San Diego-area Roman Catholic priests have been made monsig- nors by !he Vatican, 1t wa 0 announced this week by the. ~lo t Rev. Leo T Maher bishop of the San Diego Roman Catholic Diocese. y are the Rev. Joseph g, diocesan director St. Vincent de Paul the Rev. s 1cGmley, pastor of Pius X Church in Chula ta Four other priests in On no, Chino Corona and Palm re also of t 1ety, and
Suncl•y O t ber 7,
scn--en and m ,y 1 \en out- dazzlP it tl'ts fall and w1rtn \l DIE CE APPROVES ThP c ud ••nr of San Diegr, womrn, fashior.. bly drPssecl in brown , amels and blark w1t'J a flash of tur- quo1sc- ard morc- hats than Js1,al, thought v.ell of the how. "ThP things ar reall) wearable, elass1c," re- marked one enthusiastic pa tron. "YP , hPr lunrheon companion n·pl1ed, •·and I, for one, ran't wait to ar lhPlll. '. She s1ghC'cl. It's bC'Pll a long time sil c I \ :Pen things to really
Diego's mming year ong 25th anmver;;arv celebra- tion, the USD Woman s Aux- iliary presented a glittenng fashion luncheon Weclnesclav at Hotel Del Coronado s new Grande Hall. Attended by about 650 San Diego women, who were helping raise $4,000 toward the university's student loan program, the fashion lunche- on was "a chairman's dream,'' according to chair- man Mrs .John A \\'alt•rs Jr. FEATHERS, Ft;RS AftPr her introduction, 1t was 'ltghts. camera, ac lion' for the two doze clc-1s who brought fea furs and a new fashion d1rc-r- Uon clirectlv from two ellout shows in Los Angeles. Planned as part of Hobm- so n's "Amenc an Film Theater" offering of eight classic films -a sellout in San Diego----the stage show was 'a documentary of v.on- clerful and witty new direc t10ns," according to com- mentator :\1rs Florence Van Wagner Watched over by huge por- traits of Fredric :'.larch and Katharine Hepburn at each side of the stage, the San Diego show proved that fash- ion has moved from the streets of Paris to the sound Except for the St. Tropez skirt, a bias-cut swirl of ankle-showing panels, the clothes were as American as blue jeans but as elegant as crepes suzette. Beginning with country girl simplicity, the show swept through tweed skirts topped with twin sweater sets into camel, bronze and russet " .ali orma o ' Jpading-lacly dresses and beyond that to long, vampy black siren-type slinks afloat with feathers. Furs, especially mink but alwa vs combined with leath- er, suede or contrasting co- lors in furs, were a featured attraction, adding the luxury touch that will be easy to project this year. DOUBLE FEATURES To get that luxury, double- feature combinations were the winning ticket. Feathers with chiffon or furs with wool. Gemstone colors, sap- phire, ruby, diamond, opa- line or pale topaz, with silver or gold. This year, every woman stages of America. BIAS-CUT PA~ELS
To go with her stainng wardrou , \!rs. Van Wagner acl\lsecl "star-struC'k h:ur " close, SIPC'k and short, aC'- rcnt •cl '.>y giant r>arrings and gleaming makP-up Simple l'l•Jtrh and envelope• pursf'S, and prelt), high hPelrd shoes rompleted thr It aclmg- lady p1ct ure ¼ Ith sl!imng Iur x w ater ~ets and matching 1 SJ1c can hav' fun \11th a huge rPd peon:r f 1rt 'lg unex pPCtPdly Cron! the low bark of a long black clres or a collection of rrcyelr>d blue Jeans stucldPd \\ith bnll!ants and worn slung low over sequined T shirt~ CD ruesday, October C-2 TH SAN DIEGO UNION USO Stars K- Gamel By CH CK SA YER University of San Diego in the third and ha plays what coach Andy Vinci ice packs on the ank calls "the key game to our since." season" Saturday at Hum- Toe win over St boldt State was the fifth But, th e Toreros may do USD to tie a school so withou the serviees of th T . their leading ground gamer e oreros havmg s and scorer tailback Rich their Qnly loss tq dat1 Paulson ' 20-16 season-opening Paulson and quarterb ck with UC Riverside. Bob Dulich both were ain- But, Vinci sees Sat1 jured in USD's 45,-0 romp game as the probabl over St. Mary's College last light of the entire sea: Saturday. "Humboldt State ls "Pau1so;11's Is much the 4-1," he points out, "b( more senous or the ·o," Will be the biggest te; Vmci ad1I11tted yesterday. have faced this season "_He really got drilled on the aging about 240 pou SJde ne and has a severe their front line. Toe charley horse We will have Sacramento State 7~ to see how ii goes this week. downpour last w~k 1 If he can't run by Thursday almost every one of he won't play Saturday." ' losses they have had The 5-11 and 180-pounder downs called back or J has scored l touchdowns a missed field goal." and _h a ? .0 rushing aver- As the victories ro age 1 six games. USD's season statistio D~~1p;a,µ,e up with a mcrease in stature Tot sprairi.=,...-..-. but is expect- eros now have 2 503 yai to be nia y by Saturday. total offense for thE He got t early u1 the game games compared to 1 2: ~turday," Vinci explained, ~e opposition. This' , but still played -0n 1t for Vmci's crew an averai almost the ent~ first half 417. l yards per game a We had to take him out early the six rivals' 204.2. g ne here next ilarship from ries, Which tball equip- • can benefit ) People like ; Muehleisen N degree. thing like g a young. Green Bay actice With t of Steve however I n When 1 mits. "In ht not be Slaff Photo by Bob Redding Donald Brooks combined floaty chow- lare-brown chiffon with oscrich fearhers for this late movie charmer shown at rhe University of San Diego Auxiliary's Hotel def Coronado Wednesday, when showing of a Grear Thearer colleaion from Robinson's of Fash,on Valley helped raise about $4,(X)() for the University's "Silver Curtain" fashion luncheon at ~tudem loan program. t'
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