News Scrapbook 1973
,,,/ ~.,, 9, 1973 - Pa
Largest west coast renewal gathering draws thousands
IN ASTRODOME S N Can Beat Billie Jean 14 Ways, Says Riggs R) O:\\F: G.\1.1.t,P ' What \I 1'1 you clo 1f the fronlvl inn at S.m Dirgo Coun- Jllnk you usrcl ~;:amst '-farJ,?a• Ir,; f•:stHte, last \,fa . r t Court _sn l 110 1 kmg '' I m i:om:: to homh that R1lt1e .Jean n •ht out of hH agarn t B1 lie .Jean King!' s,wks,. countries, but this number doubled at the two general sessions. The conference workshops and 35 seminars, included five all-day Bishop McKinney, speaking on "The Spirit of fesus Among Us," saw Jesus healing and reconcihng- as the Anointer and giver of gifts, and as the Lord builder of God's kingdom on earth. as Savior - liberating, because we pussyfoot about sin," he said. "We avoid the issue Until we put our hearts on the line and empty them Jesus, we cannot be for that make us prisoners." BISHOP McKinney, episcopal moderator of the charisma tic movement, told the assembly "there is no race problem at pra) er meetings because we're looking up at Christ. He brothers and sisters by teaPmg.down the things that got everything together m the material world," he con- linued. "you haven't got it all together unless you have brings us together as separate us. "When you've "The power of the Holy Spirit among us becomes real only when we say to Christ, '\ es, Lord ·The Holy Spirit must be m the center of our lives before you can make anything happen "THE STRATEGY Jesus Christ is the only way to go. You love other people of "It's easy to love an ideal, but we must love people the way they are, that's the real key," he said, a\JdiAg that "I love the Church, wrmktes and all." Concelebrating with Bishop Maher were Bishop McKinney, Archbishop Jo·eph T. Ryan of An- chorage and 40 other priests, many from outside the diocese. some repeated. "We have problems liberated from the things Jesus Christ . . 1-'ATHER James Wolff of Albuquerque, N M., in Southern Cross Reporter The largest gathering of Catholic charismatics on the west coast came to San Diego last weekend. They met for a three- homily dwelt on the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in people's hves. "His presence is the oneness that binds us and Church together . presence today . . "This is the God in our who identifies himseH with us ... We are called to he a community of social sen- sitiv,ty which loves one a God The conference opened Friday evening with a two-- hour prayer meeting, also attended by Bishop Juan Jesus Posados Ocampo of GE. ·ERAL sessions began with charismatics giving testimony of their faith, reading from scripture or praises to Jesus Chri t, joined by the assembly , h There were many period I silent prayer. And mar.y were moved to "speaking-m- tongues." arms raised to the ), "speaking-1n- tongues," or glossolalia, is a help in their prayer life, this "We believe," they say, "that in sending his spirit among us, God is calling us to a fuller and deeper union with the universal Church The spirit has been sent among us so we might live Jives of love and ser ·ice to is ca Iii ng us to a deeper unity in our local communities and prayer groups." THE C01'FERENCE was sponsored by Charismalie Renewal Services of Notre Dame University. Local conference staff leaders included Jerry and Claire Harvey. Sacred Heart parish, Ocean Beach, and Dennis and Sue Gorsicb, St. Rose of Lima. Chula Vista. us, God the whole . another." Baja Califorrua. improvising a prayer Others led in chanti1 Charismatics believe I t while gift is secondary in 1m- porumce lo other gifts of the Holy Spirit. That hrou >hi up anr,th<·r matt,·r " he connPd me into thrre of five sets.'' com plained Rnhb) -ShP and .Jer ry P!'rench10. Thev cllt1 1t IHthout mv ,·on nt • I , all 11 ·1nfa11 anrt' un po1tsmanl1kP J ha,e .1~ exdu nc 1·ontnf'I with P!'rrnch1n 1'111 at h1.~ mlrcy a to II hat thl' ar- rnuJ.:r111cnts are and I nrvr r drr, mf'd h• would clo thl to nw 111lhout my c-ons<'nt. I m put 11ng 11 rn I hr han
Rig s He Can Win It 14 Ways (Con tinutd from Pa e ('. Il LORD'S PRAYER - Hands joined and held high at the closing Mass as the thousands at USO football stadium joined in the Lord's Prayer (above) and concelebrating priests on the altar (below) similarly held hands aloft, linked in prayer. - SC photos others. by serving them. you _don't __·_,Hhrough his spirit amon s ern • ocese of S011 Diego, Cal,forn1a Youthful 'religious explosion' A love affair with a 'liberating Jesus' Southern Cross Reporter The d1dn"t \ n know th y \H'rc a phenomenon Bu the young chur1 mat1cs. "ith their Bible. and lh(•ff "rl ht on " to .J u and th ir uplifted arms fit right mto thr we k nd act1v1l1cs c1nrl into the so- callC'cl youth "r!'l1gwu •xplosion " ot that th S, n Di go charismatic confcrrnce was , youth v nt But the diarismatic movement did t11rt with u Duque n<' nivers1ty group in 1967 and the undPr :10-t-rowd i till wilh it in large numbers "I harl ii rPal gap m my hfe," one young college gr11d11c1t ul "But Ir ahz •d they r the charismatics) had :omct11111 . o t:irtccl going to prayer mr!'l111 . •· II<' aut h found "a d rp purtt). a vie" of hope What it i i knoY. ing God i r al and lovr. you " a liberation theology and healing. ''To the young people, thi i the Jesus that frees them from a type of imprisonment," the bishop said. "Our God is a God of liberation," said a coordinator. "He wants us to get rid of our hangups." "\Ve need some good revolution. a spiritual revolution." said Father James Wolff in the Sunday homily "Right on," several young people shouted For some, il may have been a journey to what one person called a "magic mountain," a place of illusion. However, Father Harold Cohen, SJ, one of the conference organizers, said, ·•It is one of the surprises of the Spirit. It is a springtime." Their voices weren't anv louder than their elders' and in the more silent moments. if there were tears. they were in the eyes of young and old alike. But the young did take on faces of their own. Outwarc'lly, many of the young people could have br<'n parti ·ipant at a rO('k frst1val They brought th ir own tvle of clothin '· tlwir own demeanor. their own voc.ihuhrv o trn. in place of"' Am 11," they shouted "right on." And wh n one speaker a k d the crowd. "Would you die for our brother?" a young man replied "far out." "The youth mov mcnt in the 60s may have helped parn the "· y for this.·• . aid Alan hreck, public r •latiom, a . 1 tant for th conf rence. Christ pr cnl many faces to today's youth, ac- , rding to ,\uxili.1ry 111. hop Jo eph i\lcKinney. of Grand Rapids Mi ·h.. conference keynote speaker. "Thrre's the Jt• us of .. ·uprrstar. a man for others. the .Jesus of (:11,bpt•II. who 1 • n cl\lwn, the one for the Orne a pornt 'hnstian \\ho follo\1 de Chardin. and th r ' the on· th Jesu people toll0\1 which includes The pale nordic girl, barefoot, dressed in white and wearing half a pound of beads. her arms stretched to the sky . The young man with the Paul Bunyon beard whose huge body trembled as he exchanged the kiss of peace with evervone he could find ... The coilege student who. upon receiving Com- munion. grabbed another student and muttered, "Praise the Lord." as if there was nothing else to be said ... The sailor from Texas who said the meetings "fill something" inside him - and that he likes "to meet good Christian people . ." The five young WERFs ( "Wild-Eyed Religious Fanatics" l who came with their priest from Burns. Ore BLESSED WITH WATER - A reminder of the former Asperges ceremony at the start of Mass came at the charismatic renewal Mass when Bishop Maher blessed the large crowd, up and down the stadium tiers, with holy water. Here he passes large floral representation of Eucharist on the ground in front of the altar.·- SC photo fhev came to praise, pray and learn • 'in the spirit' _And S31lt:J ll!NIIOJ!lll:J 113Hl0 NI S3:JIJJO u:ztr-BBR- ·t ON fOHlfNH-:tlrl the Charismatic Renewal movement's Bishop Joseph McKinney said: "We have problems because we pussyfoot about-sin.'' In between working sessions they gathered in small prayer groups, spontaneously, easily. The?" were quietly cheerful. At the end they left behmd a spotless sports field. During the_ two conf~rence days 68 priests atten~ed seminars by Bishop McKinney, and at the frnal Mass there were more than 40 con-- celebrants with Bishop Maher and Archbishop Joseph T. Ryan from Alaska. "The spirit of Jesus is among us" declared the 45 foot banner suspended 25 feet above the altar on the field-turned "cathedral." And the thousands answered: "Praise the , Lord!" (See also pages 2 and 3.) H3HlSOHHII . ONI0HVNH38 ohc f\>es. !i6 l 9·96Z auo4d H3HlS H101: !i6£1: 3:Jf.:UO )Hfltd HrnON !i 110-si:ands ]ON]/\lf H1Xlhere N 9310 I and e ou --esan ·aised •r- And . l er , ,< 46 n 0 , 41 . epuo-" oc· g o1 th ·,<,essa:>au 1uaw1u1odd . lV 9NIA11 :10 J..VM H3 •)V 3WOJ38 01 :1~is3 ! SIHl Hl/M OUNIVno .. no1.. Ol ll 3MO TIOJ.. il and g his mo,< ,apun ~JOM ue1d a:>ueg_ 1e1uap ,o 1 a 1 q,6 no A d13H S3SY::>1so~ NI . unoH 3No: suntd3u 31,
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