News Scrapbook 1972-1973
T oreros meet · destiny tonight at Bakerslield By JACK WILLIAMS EVENING TRIBUNE SPOrb Writer BAKERSFIELD-A garden spot this community 1s not. But amid the oil wells, cotton fields and roadside cafes which serv(• equal part · lo(>
Vinci _l,kes re ui 31 .;- 7-. T,t..1P,yw.J€ bu h needs mor 1n a v.eek, , 1 atched his .a,wt~"'..:~~-rull~ at the Diego. He
Young USD' s in hot wat r -.rn16w-..i? , I -g- J -, 3 Univer t an Diego, a posiseason honors tomorrow 6·4 forward Odi l 'ard at !I' ram of the u e, ill get its night at 9 against Bakersfield and fi.6 forward lis Porte I rt 11 ct n , son basket• State In the Bak~rsf1eld City at 73 All hut 1oney are all compellt1on tomorrow College gym. n ght It is unlikely the To-- UC-R1vcrs1dc and Puget r •os v.ill drown. Sound collide in the 7 p.m. De.spite an . . opener. Winners of tomorrow aa men lineup_ foch m· night's games play m the Dis- lude fou r juniors and a trict 8 championship game at opbomore when freshman 9 the following evcmng. fol• Nard Kenny th isn't lowing a 7 p.m consolation . t ng, that 1•-the Toreros encounter between tomorrow needed a gSJ)d chance Dlght's losers. of . r, iving the au nal Col- The District 8 champion ad- 1ei:-1a Athletic • College vanrt's to the NCAA College D1v1s1on regional play ffs this Division champmnships in week ll. . . Evansville, Ind., M rch 14-16. The begin their quest for I B k 1. Id St t th n a ers 1e a e, e ~~--- Toreros wlll be meeting a n•ors. USD ls led ln scorin Pinky S1 1th. who i · aver• agin~ 18 4 points per game, including 55% accuracy from the field. Washington is hit- ting at a 16 9 clip and leads the team In assists. 157. As a team, the Toreros out- shot their fors, 47% t.o 41%, in compiling an 18·8 season record. They also av~raged 47 rebounds to their oppo- nents 41 and outscored them, 75-68. USD's !S-8 season record i~ the same as Bakersfield State s. -Riverside• run- by
Toreros capture playoff berth 3{Y / 7 3 D1stncl 8 playo[f
on the tr ngth of an 18•7 r •cord to date Jommg the
,\\DY \ 'J CI
team thev defeated once, iO· 69, at home and lost to, 73-56, on the road. In defeating the Toreros, the .Roadrunners held Stan W11 hington lo his poor t hi:loting night of the season. The '6 ft 4 in junior guard was t or-14 f om the liPld in co · x points. Robert · Pink • rhith. a flu victim, s red ight points. U D tur d the tables the next time Washington and Smith each ored 25 points Washington and Smi1h will be he the Torero startin~ lineup tomorrow night, ] formidable front wal, is Saddleback Iran fer G rdon Duncan. a 225 pou~der \ o •.o d \'mci upon reporllllg, "Play m then weigh me " " You tonk at hlm er eyed," said Vmcl " and knock ;our block off He's fines defcnsi\'e pla;·er we at 5: throu 0 h \la rch 22. They have scheduled a fu ll-scale scrim- ma"P. Thur~day night at 5:30 Oil •he USD field. •·our goa 1 bcfn re pnl 1 i to sell 1.000 s a on ticket•." ,aid \ Inc 1. "We're also try1 I I arran~e broadca~ts of " of next ea: on s games. 'We're a team v. Ith a dr am Thal dream 1s to play Ca If rnia State University, San Diego. "We ve beaten them in ev• ery sport 11e're played 'em this ea on We 'd li ke to get the chance some day m football." mth• er standout have so far." The Toreros practicing el'en g Th.. lour-team ner-up to the Roadrunners in the California Collegiate Ath- letic Assn., submits a 2H record. Puget Sound finished 18-10, winning 13 of its last 16 games. USD STATISTICS lion will open I Baker field and t inn r will adv,inc·e to the regional playoff · Th slle for tho e rt•gmnals ha not yet be n d t rmmed • • tu ent d nat $1,000 to U i,~ USO hosts Go~pel choir concert Progressive Baptist church, Logan Heights. ponsored by its pastor, Rev. Marvm Hines, and directed by Leroy Geter. The 25-voice chitdren's choir ranges in age from three to 11. 2>/f /'1 3 "P.eace and rest at have come, All the day' s lon_g toil i s pa&t, And each heart is pering, "Hotn,:e, Home at last. the be Featured will the Pilgrim from choirs -~-- - ---- There is no tumult in the stre ets. But should the re be? There is no jo ful da cing. . .no r ejoi c ing. But should there be? Or is public the means to renew our course toward the goals upon which this nat ion is founded and which they demonstratively hold so dear. In 1884, Henry Cabot ! Lo d g e ·w rot e, "Of' 'Am er i c an i s ·m. 1 of the right sort we cannot have 1 too much...But honest , out-spoken pride and faith in our co\lnt,;-y is infinite- 1 ly bette:t•..than to refer to our country except by way of depreciation, crit- icism, or general nega- tion.'' Let us hope that the decade of such negation has passed and that with the coming of the peace, , tenuous as it is, we will be able to be outspoken with pride and faith in our ; country. We have been given a challenge by , . those who have given so · much. Pray, God, that we will pick up the gauntlet laid down in war and find a just and lasting peace for our nation now at home. "Home, Home at last." trayed by these returning husbands, fathers, and sons. May God grant them the s trength, the grace, and the faith to pursue the thi s a time when words, -.Ybalanc e of a happy and and_ ~ound, and phy~ical productive lifetime well activity have long smce ~ ·earned. spent themselves in a Concern has already decade of tumult in the been voiced that they will st reets; in harsh words see,.great changes in their and even harsher deeds, nation and its now per- in a t earing and a renting missive customs, its of the very fabric of this modern dress and modern great nation whose life modes. In the turbulence blood has freely flown that of their years of war and others may be free. captivity, the forc es of No, this is a time when other turbulenc e s w ep.t strong men openly and un- their h O m e 1 and with abashedly weep at the re- changes that we take for turn of even stronger men · granted but will be so . . .men r eturning ~r~m apparent to them. long years of captivity The very social and po- and degradation. . .men, litical climate, the eco- who in such a short time no mi c stru c ture, the of freedom have symbol- ideolog ic al and philo- ical~y, if not in fact , beg~n sophical foundationofthis to bmd the "'ounds of this nation has been tested. :"'"torn nation. . But perhaps, ifwe allow And so the nation, the it, these same r eturning individual, and the loving, men who have been tested long sufferjng fa~ilies_ of . by the fi r es of an even these , the returm~g Pri~- greater personal turbu- ners of War, whisper m lence, can provide for us their hearts, "Home, Home at last." And thus, rather than great displays of public joy or even of p u b 1i c thanksgivi ng this is time for all our people to g rasp -the m emories of t hes e moments. • .the person- al emotions felt. Thi s i s a time to egin the trans - ormation of these expe- riences, these ~nergies nJ;p act{0t1t, oefitMJig the courage, the lov of God a country, the $trength .,,, ·r•duty mindedness por- •
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