News Scrapbook 1972-1973
USD sympo · m set s,,,,,t.:..J by trustees Saturday3/.2s-/1J
USD sets goal of 4,0oo· students in S years . 11(,,1 fK.<."1£ . 3 I 2..~ J 13 The um,e1 tl) of an Die~o- cur- rently ,11th 2,600 students enrolled, hope· to expand to 4,000 students ,1 ith- m five year· but expects to have of Saturday s meeting, univer,1t,· tmue to review lhP po5~1b111ty of c · icers told the trustees that enrol11 panding adult <'due ition programs as mu,t expand if the unil'er it \\ on nwthod o bolstering enrollment. continue to prosper. 1m ,~ ed sOl)le tl'le barn- • problems attracting the new students. '·The trustees must decide where and at'le ol the past," . he said. "Educa- how we are to grow," Hughes sii1d t10n I important to all, ther they That's because there 1s a declining number of eligible student. JU the na. ·•we·rf' looking at a ceiling o ab1Jut re d ta1k or ju~t watcl\ sion. We
address past history of USO and a look into our future. The afternoon will be devoted to in-di:!)th delibera- t10ns with the dean pres1d111g at round table discussions devoted to the1r own school The rotating workshop set-up will enable each pwson to learn somethin!! of the total University. Hughes said. Dr Howard R Bowen. Chancellor of lairemont Univer 1ty Center, will address the group during the luncheon Dr. Bowen's top1r is "The Role of Trustees m the Future of the Umver 1tv. ' The lour schools ol the Universitv ol San Diego will be represented by actmg dean Ernest l\i. Morin College ol Ar and Sciences: actmg dean Robert , 'elson. c:hool of Education, dean Clement J. Noun School of Business Administration, :ind dean D01,ald T Weck tein. School of Law outlining the
A ympo ium for the Board ol Trustees of the Cniver ·1t:v of San Diego has been planned for Saturday. The all day session will follow the tru. tees quarterly meeting to be hcl_d at the Univer. ily on Friday afternoon. Dr Author ~- Hughes, president, ha planned the 'ymposium around the theme of his opening address. "USD Dunng the Next Five Years' "The day of meetings will give the Tru tees a general orientation ol the total Univer it~.· Hugh said. 'The four Dean will be present as well a othc1 admin1 ·trators to answet question, and se h for an. wer in our ro nd table d1 with an
must channe the education toward a Keynote speaker at the meeting 11a Chancellor Howard R. Bowen of Clare- mont University Center in Claremont, t ng leader hip• I mandato \ the [>l"llbl m Ill high ·1 dU· goal and purIJA5,e." , b a 1) lO leader mu,1 have many ta!· (Continued on page B-8, C 4,000 at the end of five years.'' lion, the school's board of trustees \\ as told Saturday In a da}-long symposium at the Westgate Plaza Hotel. increasingly rom• petiti, e to attract stude11ts to the small. private umven;11les." aid Dr. Author Hughes, USO president. ··we're tr} mg to keep from pnc111g ourselH•s out of the market nght now • During a closed e ion at the ,tart 'It 11,ill become the board. now ex- Hughes said panded to 25 membe1 , would turn 10 the problem of attrncting bright st u- dents and encouraging them to attr11d the private. Catholic school, 11111k to 1~aintai11 a low student-lac i;trh 111 ult, ra•10 Figueredo, board \ll e Dr. Ami chairman, aid the tru.,tees would con- B-6 EVENING TRIBUNE Met Prize on y USD Gradu t • 1 ·ampus garden on rose the 'lK\IORl\L--Tom Stubb.·, )wad of the \'ietnam ,,ar \etC'rans or- ganization at the l'ni\ersil\· of ~r; whrrr a granite pla !UP was ctecli- eat,•c! in a c rrernon~ ~Psterd,n. d Wlnfleld -Staff Photo bv I ~NE'crowd Reading veterans plaque dedicat- e~ ye ·terday at University of San Diego are. left, Tom Stubbs, presi- dent of USD Veterans Association, the Most Rev. Leo T. Maher, bishop of San Di~go Catholic Diocese, Navy C~dr. Richard D. Mullins, former pnsoner of war. j ·an Die'TR:; Photo ll) 'frct \\ inf ielrt · Monument to war dead dedicated in rose garden at USD by bishop By BE'ITY PEACH on. plaeed a red and \\hile dc·l'J> nwan ni( ol h \IQ u A gray gran11e :lab 11a floral wreath at its b~,e. 'frel-dom · dedica 1 ed lo the U.S. dead m In the aud1<.'nce ,, ere re pre- "You ha\'!' sa.d tlif> Vietn,rni wai at a cere- sentali\l'S ol a!! ,·eterans or- 1 " 11 ·Id i · a majest plac , gamzat111ns m the area. 111 !hat the l nited lJ 1 {, of mon:v In the rose garden at eluding. men 11 ho had sen·ed .\merica is a grea cou1, n the Cm,ersity ol San Diego in l\orld \\a I. II. and desen·ing open and oud pa- yesterda~. K •r h tnot1s111 ·, that )·our fcs'··1,1 n ., orea. ere were parents of ' mlern ard. a small 11oman is a good and hono1 le 11n" h young men killed or missnw , er gray hair e0\'ered bv a · · that f1·eedo1n f1·P om to • in ac ion. and one recenth·-re- scarl against the chi!. 11 md, iurncd POi\' He 15 Cindr think. ;o reason. to rk and! approache Mass Of Thanksgiving ~1 For Peace Celebrated : 1 "Pea~e ha~. returned after a prisoner of war, said the ser- strength through the long years 1 _ong_ 11mt :• the Rev. Ben- vice had a special meaning for of imprisonment" 1 Jamm Carrier said. him · 1 "It has been an arduous time. "i° definitely wanted to be The fame theme was touched It has been a black time. But here," Mullins said soft! on ear ier by Lt. Gen. Victor H. sprmg al~ays brings the light, "This is a very important occ~: ~~ak, UtSMCd, ret., who gav_e the planting of seeds. And we sion , e _ ey,no e dress at the um- I thank God " I · vers1ty s Vietnam Memorial Offering· his own pnvate~'HAD ~IME TO THil\K' Day ceremony yesterday. prayers in one of the rear pews "Durmg our isolation. we had In a sense, the United States I at the '.\lass of thanksgiving for time to think about how much was a_ victor_ in Vietnam, Kru- peace celebrated yesterday 111 this country stands for-faith in lak said, addmg: the Immaculata at the Univer- God, freedom of religion "As a result of the ending of s1ty of San Diego was Navy "I . , . · the war, we have undergone a Cmdr. Richard D. Mullins n the eat ly days at the reawakening to the real world PLAQUE DEDICATED . ~!!rJ~u~e t;~~~ 1~~shol~itr ;~n of America,_ a. rekindling of that The Mass followed the dedi- wouldn't let us. It 'broke cam; r:-ict~u; spmtdcall~g f reed om. cation of a veterans' plaque by regulations. th j taGpOpedne 10 e space of the Mo;;t Rev Leo T M h "E e as ays, 60 short days bish' f th ·c . · '. a er, . ventually, we were J)l'r• that may change the history of o o_ e atholic D10cese m1tted to hold the i, rvices. But our land." o D1eg . th e tllwgnts afi'aut how Mullins, 1ho had spent the much . ' ffnct f . 'HOPE, STRENGTH' past SIX years of hi life as a they sustained us gav: "A few hundred men have • • • * ; • wrought this miracle " Krulak ; ·aid, "the 439 former' prisoners o war who have so far come b .cl. to our shores. Krnlak said he had been for- tuaate in having talked to 16 former prisoners of war. "I asked them all what, be- yond pure survival, they thought o(: what really sus- tained them during the Jong days of confinement. when thought was their constant companion," he sald. "They seemed to say, over and over, and in many different , ways, that they were given , hope, strength and confidence by a clear recognition of their many blessings and their many obligations." " Preceding the general's re- marks, Bishop Maher dedi- Jl:z.i\1, UNIV RS/TY OF SAN DIEGO .,..._, 8 14-ME. Y TE.RR! DUFF'''l 1--. \SD ~nd , rtu ·'-'•~·~·edStudents offices fo,, h.e next ~ear ere re 13 candulate m the running for four of t~ seven off C' Tt student offices are uncontested with a smgl cand da e ap1rc<' e propo at to postpone elect10ns 'for a month bec:au·<> of a lack of candidates for several ofl1ces was d fratea la•t es are voting today to decide who w1tr SE'H week b} the 't ent ena•e Thr studen sen ors did ex- tend the candidaq f Jmg da!P three days to allov; a fuller slate l'oor publicity d a trend for students to become rn- vnlved in areas nther than ludent goH'rnme we!'I' ~I~· en as rea~rins fo he small t out of candidates for AS r 1 (tces \\brn tl:~ new off cers t. kP O\er on April 17 they will be asked to decide I stude~• (!overnment re entation should be changoo f "IP t P c• rrent ba e nf cla s J~veis 0 a ba e of academic ct part- ments. f th oated the veterans' plaque in- ' as well as the presence ~f th~~ scribed "in. me~ory o! those held in captivity will inspire us who were k11l~d. m action and to build a nation and a societ those who sacrificed so much of I worthy of the ·• y (Contiuued on B-6, Col. 5) With Mullin at the ceremony - yesterday werP: Rear Adm. iAnthony Kiares of the 11th Nav- al Disttir. , representing Presi- dent Nixon, and Mrs. Bruno Hockm h, widow of Marine Maj. G . Bruno Hockmuth on of the highest-ranking Am rican officers killed in Vietnam. At the Mass of thanksgiving after the dedication, students took off their POW bracelets and dropped them on a silver tray that was taken up to the altar dm1ng the Offertory as a gesture of communion with the prisoners of war. •
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