News Scrapbook 1971-01


UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO BvESTEBA RUVALCABA · rises on the theater department's perform- n Fr el'6 ·•Lovers," one of the production's key eil Torr, 18, is actively involved In his role as stage manager. His behind-the-scenes job includes building sets and overseeing the stage crew. When the show opens ·ov_ 12 n Camino Theater h!''ll be in charge of scene changes, lighting, props and seewg that ac- tors don't miss their cues. 'When th cur ance of B1 charact r w J<'reshman • be on stage.

l/lJlo,) 10·1':,· ·71 RELIGION Boston College Educator To Speak At USO

Cal Poly routs \", USD club team

1 ~


ln high school Torr acted and wC'rked on stage crews. "You get a pleasure out of p(;rfecting a role, and you get a pleasure out of making a good set, but the greatest pleasure JS having a good play and this is going to be a good one," he said. The set for "Lovers" ls simple, he said. "Strve How- ell (lecturer in theatre arts) d d a good job drsignlng the set. "In orde• to build a set you have •o k~ow the p :iy and what things are used for," he said. "I' y'lu run mto prob- lems, you kr..,w what you're aurung al and can hink of al-


....., -

ESTEBA:-1 RUVALCABA ternate solutions.

-Uth•'-' \O·ll.•il 7 USD Tests Cal Poly POMO, A - Un ~crs1ty of 1 San 1)1 go atll'r! 1ts •~ hounC"f' b11ck to 1t second victory m four gamPs when lh Toreros face Cal Poi) of Prr 10na al B h<'rr tonight. l'SD suffered 22-0 'oss to • Carrmont.\ludd m its last out- mg arter a victor~ over Occ1- • de11tal and an opcmng defeat by 1 UC River 1d ('al Poly 12-2) has whipped southern Utah and Sacramento State but has lost its last two · gam , to Lo Angeles State and Fullerton U 'D quarterback 1,C'ne Guerra cQmpleted 21 passe< for 23l y;,rds despite failing o sc\ll'e against Claremont .John Boone c-au~ht JO for 123 ) 2rds ,,..,th the Cl'n' matlon hgu ed to carr) the Torero~· hOpcs again tonight

. '·When you havC' a good set and 5ee it n u,r, and people co_me back and say, 'r.1ce set, 1t makes you fee. good," Torr said.

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'W' . Autlwr E. Hughes, center, 11'ife of tlte nett· preside Ill of 1he Unirersity of San Diego, ll'ill model in tlte luncheon and fas.hion sholl' to be Oct. 16 al cheJlission Roo111, Bahia Hore!._ Jfrs. Fra'.1k. II. Cooper Jr. rig~u. and Mn. J~aneue Waide from Sandersons, discuss her accessonesfor the br

San Diego, Monday, December b, 1971 New president lists priorities ol USD

oreo unovers1t,es and San Diego State College.

News l,o 11


Madrigal sir,,ing is being revived at USD this semester un- der the leadershit of Debby Cuyler, 18, a sophomore music n,aior. :\liss Cuyler has organized a 16-member group to pe~orm the comp.ex musical arrangements which were popular m the 17th Century. . _ , , •·1 just started ..,kmg people," Miss Cuyler said. '_Im from Las Vegas where (lladrigal singing is strong and a big part of the school program. •·The music is verv de-

Cagers Start USO, USIU The Uni\ e s1ty of S n Diego rd l' S. International m, • 11 ty both 1:>cgm ba kc'ball pror- ti today with som 1x weeks c• workouts chec! ' d before the ~eason opener Der I Bcrrue Bick taff begins his th rd year at USO w th a green tl'am but cne w lch co 'd de- \elop r.:p1dly 1 , a w, ni g comblnat on Gil rds Mel Ar , nencn ( 6-1 l, Fred Atkinson ( 6- 2), and Jdck Robinson 15-10 \n plus fonvard Steve B Jo (6-J) , and Skip Laurie , 6-4) are the Ive ret rrung letterman. - But Bicker taff 1s co· -tmg 1 h avily on five sophomores up froir the Toreros' fine frosh am wh rh posted a 19·1 record I ca on Stan Wash mgton, a "-4 guard, 6-6 center ::S Ben Thomp on a'1d 6-6 forward Pmky Smith head the I st They a\eraged 19 19 3 and 15 5 points a g Over t I •, Be Kloppen- burg be ns his 1 h season. hopmg o improve rn a fme ove L' re ord of 216-131 He ha th talent to do 1t w, h only on starter, forwdrd Tim Coll s, rr smg from last years squ which fr, hed 16- 10 Kloppenburg hopes 6 6 se ,.. John Ohver, s d ! :ied ear ly la t yc·r with a knee nJury can move mto Collins' spot. Re ' r guards Jim 'fllomton (5-10) and John Sit on (6 OJ and center L oyd Burrows 6-8) are bark once more alocg w1ti Bob V Iv Gary Moms anc. Ken B h who alternated a O 1ver's forward Job after the latter was I red Japane~e l(ahuki ,-lance set ;:t~ /O•!!J•"'// l

Annual craft sale by c::itJ.,mnae /c•;,y '7/ Tw6'Va~h residents have been named cochairmen of the Cmvcrs1ty of San Diego Alumna ol the Sacred Heart's fourth' Boutique de Noel." Mrs. Timothy Lowery and Mrs. Leland Aids head the committee for the annual craft fair which opens Friday at the universitv. Highlight of the opening will be a cocktail hour from 6 to 9 p.m. Shoppers may enjoy refreshments as they browse in remam open until Nov. 21. Hours are 11 a.m. to l p.m. Saturdays and Sundays Interested groups may arrange to shop and tour the university by calling 291- 6480, ext. 286. the university parlor The boutique will USD Loses~~:t To Claremont '5PICIG1 ,o T I San D HO Union CLARnlO I L vers,ty of San Di. •o ra11 IJl'o an unde- reatec; Clarewont Mudd College eleH1 here ye tcrc'a\ a"d SL.i· fcrcd is econd dtfoat i!' three trie as th. Stags prerniled, 22- 0. Claremont u ed three field goals by Tony Ba,;cy a.-,d touchdo,,.. ns m tac hrst and third perioas to run its ~eason record to 4-0. Baile) booted 3-pointer5 from 35, 27 am; 22 )ards as CM won its 10th a row dalmg back to l last seaSln. San o,* .............. o • o G- o Claremonf•Mudd •••••.••• t 3 10 0-22 CM- Reck , pass from Grcssmon (k cl< lot~-Fl'I Bo, Y27 CM-F~6 I V22 CM Grabe 1$ run (Ba' V kid:) CM -~C B tY 35 . ____

manding. There·s ,o 'much going on that every note is important. It's not like in a choir where everyone sings tne ~ame notes." She explained that madrig- als a e sung without musical accompani n ent and each singer's voice is woven into t1'e musical pattern. •·We've really come a long 1\av,'' she said. "But we haven't gotten as far as I want. I probably won't ever be satisfied. I just want the group to get better and better. ''We're doing this enlirely on our own and get no u~i\·er-

the role of a nlv rsity is to help top strong mor•



. · s1ly credit for 1t," she said. The singers have now mastered four songs and are working to build their repertoire to 10. Miss Cuyler hopes that even- tually they will be able to perform their music for various off- campus organ .:: iz::a:::ti:.:.o:.::ns;:.:•~----


i a in- stal a · were the Most Rev. Leo T. Ma er, bishop of San Diego; Gilbert Fox. chairman of the USO College for Wom- en, and Joseph S Brock, dean of the USO Law School. Hughes assumed the presi- dency in September after being nominated by a com- mittee of trustees, adminis- tration. faculty members and students. at the

USO To Present j 'Dres__sjng :r obi~?, "The file~b{e~: a one- act play by Denver Sasser, will be presented at 8 p.m tomor- row and Saturday in DeSales Hall at the University of San D g(i. Sasser, an assistant professor at USO, s directmg the play and ill act m a prmcipal role. The cast also will Include Jen- nifer Henn, Angel Dadarnowski and Gail Hertz.

'Lovers' Due A~_sp f!.~~.C!); "U,verl,,fl. Brian Friel's dramatic score card of wms Md tosses In the romantic game, will open Friday in the University of San Diego Cam- ino Hall Theater. The production, to be di- rected by Kathleen zawor~ki of the USD drama faculty, will play at 8·30 p.m. Friday and ov. 12. The winners t "LOvers • - lag, a hvely y..,ung girl looking forward to marriage, and Joe, a serious, !7-year-old - will be pla~ed by Loyola Dillon and Su:ve Evatt. The lo• rs - Hannah, a 40- year-old woman desperate to be married, and AnclY, an ageing candidate for the Lonely Hear Ciut> - wit: be portrayed by Deirdre Kenne- Iy and Ron Smedly. Com- mentators Ior the play will be Sin onartz and John Gal- letta.

Sunday DEC. 12. 1971


Wilson Winner In USD Vote T ./~ /~.,51,?.'7'/ Students at hie' University dressed students at USD •n a of San Diego turned out m joint appearance last Friday hght numhers vesterd~y to In City Council District 2, vote for a mayor a'Jd four Maureen O'Connor outpolled cit counc1lmen six days be- Lou Ridgeway, 150-50. fore the official general elec- Councilman Leon Williams lion 1s re'd received 123 votes to .53 for T'ic mock election was cos- his District 4 opponent, Art ponsored by tre USD Politi- Akers. cal Science Club and the Vis- Another incumbent, Coun- ta, the student newspaper. cilman Bob :\1artinet was the Pete Wilson defeated Ed rhoice of 105 voters. while But',·r in the mayor's race, Don Harman, his District 6 205 vntes to 84 opponent, received 79 votes. Only 294 of the 1,200 eligible In District 8, Jim Bates got tudents on campus voted, 95 vote.s to Harry Standefer's according to Cynthia Ander- 57 votes. • n, a Junior speech ma1or, l Miss Anderson said con- who coordinated thf project. trots were used to make sure Bul~i' and V. Ison ad- no student voted twice.

Auditions Scheduled For Original Ploy Open auditions ar scheduled at 11 a.m tomorrow for Denver Sasser s or'ginal play, The In- vited," In Room 104 of the Cam- ino Hall, l'niver I y of San Diego. Parts are open for both men and women, including a major role for a Negro actor The play by th USO drama professor will be presented ov. 22 and 23.l(,._. N.2~/

WHICH SONG? - Memben of the University of San Diego Auxiliary have planned a Christmai; l1J11cheon at 11: 30 a.m. Tue_sday at the Kona Kai Club with Mr . Carl Avilla as general chmrman. Assisting with the event are (from left) Mmes. John

Leanders of P.111& Loiita, Fra • k J. O'Connor of Clairemont Frank H. Cooper Jr. of La Jolla alHI Thomas . Holmes(/. Point Loma. A program of Christmas carols will be sung by the preschool club at Bayside Settlement House.


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