News Scrapbook 1969-1971
REPORT GARD School and Youth Notes h Le.-..#. J~
Suzanne Ely Bryne, biology instructtor at the Universitt of San Die,Bo, has been awarded a National Science Founda 10n grant to participate in a summer course in ecology at the Uni- versity of North Carolina. She earned her BA degree at Scripps College and did graduate work at the University of Texas and USO College for Women, San Dieguito Slates Awards Banquet The diviswn of theater, department of fine arts at San Die- guito High School will hold its annual awards banquet Wednes- day at 6:30 p.m. at the Elks' Lodge m Cardiff. Miss Diane Windsor, British stage star, will be the mam speaker fov the event, Ecology Action Day Planned at Grossmonf Grossmont High &hool Ecology Action Committee will spon- sor an Ecology Action Day Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the school. The group, made up of 40 students, has planned a program of assemblies, displays and seminars. Richard Lazz, a tudent from Grossmont College, will speak on "The Environ- mental Crisis." · h Edu- cat10n at the Central Hebrew High School, presented awards and certificates for excellence in studies at the school's closing exercise,. Awards were pre ented to Kenneth Polak, )!orris Brill, Ehas Pflaster, Nathan Meyers, .Martin Stauber, Linda Chazen, Sarah Kubie, Ira Sigal, Brian Berlau-, Michael Schnei- der and Nehama Strassberg. • Jewish Students to Receive Certificates Dr. Israel H. Weisfeld, director of the Bureau o
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Thus, ye t.crda~ afternoon m Sist r Mary the Chapel or e Jmmaculata at adminislrator. the Lmversily of San Diego, Most He\' 1,c·o T Maher, Bishop said the dn·1s•on was c·dicated to Our Lady undl'r the of the San Diego Roman Catho- spon e ''to the growing tr d of title of Mc•rcy May ynu be trul lie Dioce.~e. paid tribute to [,8 P.stabh hmg nurRmg programs crciful." young women who were gradu- within thp genPral . cducal!ou -._-......~...-~~- atPd lrom the ler<'y College of system of co•mn uhc . DOLA:'11 SPEAKER l'lac1da 1io pital "Christ_ to!~ us 'Bkssecf re . I the merc1tul. You a1e gradu- Another s1 tcr. llelerIP Mane, almg from a college which wa re-
USD Study ourse Of Barrios Set
Summer Clo s Offered n Barrio Li e, Culture ·
San Diegans can find what life in the barrio (a neighbor- hood populated mainly by per- sons of Latin· descent I is all about this summer through a University of San Diego work- sbop course on barrio culture, according to the USO summer session office. The 10-da) sociology work-· shop h· been prepared through t e cooperation of the lex1can-Amerlcan cqmmu- n1 y a USO spokesman said. Three Units Given S arhng June 8, the pro- gram will be directed by ar- chitect Henri ~aeot and socio- logist Janet Jansen. Three 1m1ts o co lege credit may be earned by laking the sessions ~--~
which will run for eight hours daily. The course m 'barriology" will expose participant to all phases of activity in the local Mex1can-Amencan neighbor- hoods, according to Miss Jen- sen. Several Visits Planned Students will have opportu- nities to visit, observe and work in barrio businesses,' rec- reation centers, social agencies and community meetings. All activities have r been arranged through the GSD Mexican-American Advi- sory Committee, whose mem- bers come from the local com- munity leadership, Miss Jcn- 7
EPORT CARD School and Youth Notes IC
~zanne Byrne Gets Study Grant A National Science Founda- tion grant to participate in a swnmer short course in ecology has been awarded to Suzanne Ely Byrne of La JolJa, Uni- versity of San Diego instructor in biology. science majors in the fall, will take the course Monday through July 3 at the University of North Carolina. She earned her BA at Scripps College and did grad- uate study at the University of Texas. She has a master's degree from the USO College for Women. r?o Mrs. Byrne, who wilJ teach in the science program for non- ...z;., 4eu 4
Me a College A~. ociaied Men and \\'omPn Students he d an annual awards dinner recently to honor students for aet1vities throughout the year.• ·amed as Me ·a College·s Man and Woman of the Year Y •' Universit~ of San Diego Summer Sessio~ EFFICIENT READING "! : j' I COURSES Daily 10 20- 11 :20 a.m. MWTh 6:30-8 p.m, June 22 - July 3 l I , " j . has announced the appoint- ment of a special comm1Uee to ca ch for a umvers1ty pre 1dent · The pre 1d nt, when se- 1 cted will be the top adm ms- 1 ra or for the combmed Col- lC'gc for :\I n, College Women and School of Law al so. John E. Baer IS president of the Col- lege for _\,!en and the School of Law and Sister Nancy orns is pre ident of the College for Women Shipley Ele<'tcd Chairman The Rev. W1lliam h_1pl Y, cha1rtnan of the philosophy drparlment at USO, was elect- ed comniittce rha1rman. He ~aid the committee repre ·ents all sections of the campus community. F; • ll!cm committee mem- ber re he Mo t Rev. Leo T. ~laher, bishop of the San Diego Roman Cathol1c Dio and chairman or the USO board of ru. le and Gllbert R Fox, \I -pr!'Sldet'lt or Bank of m r1ea and chairman of the Colle for Women board of trustees nilkation !'hievcd During th past two years 11rtif1cat10n of th separate col- leges was ach1PVcd in aca- demic and tudent affairs, and all classes are now cocduca- t1onal. Currentlv .Msgr if; " J J For registration information phone 291-6480, extension 350 READING EFFICIENCY LABORATORY EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER Alcala Park, San Diego, Calif. 9211 0 ,, SD ,_;;.;;.::___ ~- --=------
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