News Scrapbook 1969-1971
379 GET USD DEGREES Stans Calls on Dissidents To Spell Out Social Goal Ju t1Cl' and l'qu y v.l lie cur ng the darkrc tf mtok!r- ancc nnd dishon sty and s ek- mg comfort and pea "You have set t h hcst clmllcn°e for your I[," he
said. ' Our society ncournges you to seek y ur goals but we urge you not to do anything to kill the ystcm wh ch m kes 1t po 1blc Do not Il'I ed by the firebrands of your own gen ration who would de troy the future for you "Extrem1 ts a alwa) overwhelmed in lime by th common sen e of tho c v. know there i no future m de- truct1on " Oe recs ,~ere conf rred b:i, the l\Iost Hcv Leo T Maher Bishop or San Diego. lie encouraged the gradu- ates to promote the rehg1ous v..ilues upon whlrh the coun- try's fou~ding principles were ba ed. '·You mu t promote the reli- gious Inheritance we cherish," he said "or we will lo e 1l" Included m the commence- ment program was the award- ing of honorary doctor of laws degrees to Stans "for devoting a large mca ure of his lire and profes~ional expenence in the service o[ the government," and to LI Gen. Victor H. Kru- lak. ''\,IC, ret , for his efforts
mcommumt , national and in- ternaltonal pro1ects dedicated lo the prmcip les of ju tice, hu- umvcrsal manity and ind1VJdual growth.
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