News Scrapbook 1964-1967
Santa Ana , Cal. REGISTER (Daily)
pacific clippings post offlc• box 3063 nnh • ne, c • llf. 92706 San Diego, Calif. Evening TRIBUNE APR 7 Carpenter's{\ 1 1 ! Pitching Ace i Carpenter, who
pacific clippings post offlc• box 3063 ••nh • ne, c • llf. 92706
USD Summer Session Set
Chapm ~ 1 1n Bid For 17th Chapman Co{ team hoots to o. 17 of the a.son tomorrow after- > noon at 2 45 w h n they host the UniversitJ of an Diego at Hart Park, Orange. The Titan· of Fullerton 'tale entertain Cal Lutheran in the only oth I college ascball game JD Orange County tomor- row. John Clifton is the likely Chapman tarter on the mound after eve Wright and Don Ri- chards pitched the Panthers to a doubleheader sweep over Ne- vada Southern at Las Vegas Sa- turday Wnght earned a 7-3 win and Richards breezed to a 15-3 deci- s Ion when h1 teammates backed him up with a 20-hit at- tack. The twin wm gave Chap- man a l&-8 cason record.
La Jolla, Calif. SE TI EL Twice-Weekly
pacific clippings • post offlc• box 3063 -• nt • • na, c • llf. 92706 San Diego, Calif. KEAR1 EY IE A
SENTI, 'EL (Semi-Weekly)
USO Plans Feed For; AreaPrep, CollegeBo_ to- mo t , aluable player award day at 7:30 the cam- of the Western League. Other pu Lark Cafeteria. out landing players to be hon. rca prep and college bas- ored include Rick Evans, La ketba]] players of the 1966-67 Jolla Country Day; John sea_on will be honored at the Tschogl, Hilltop; Blaine Bun- dinner. o. car Fo ter of San dy, El Capitan, and Oscar •hool player of Chal'ez, :\It. ~Iiguel. An all-city freshman team presented wi b th most valu- as well_ as an all-city Hrsity able player of the ) ear award team will be named from the 0 In Ille Eastern Lea "Ue The nlvers1t,> of a Die- Ru orthcutt of go 1\lll hold its Fourth An• High nual Ba;·ketball Banque "chool \\ill accept tl>e Diego High the ) ear Jn tl1e CIF, l\ill be
pacific clippi s poit offl•• bok 3063 • •nt• an , calll. 2706
Catholic Men Compare And
USD Plans Educational .A,d Center SAN DIEGO The Uni- \'Pr lty of San Diego, Col• IPgp for M P n l1 a s :an. nounred plan~ for an educa. tion.11 d<'velopment center a the lalest in a series of lmprovempnfs and continual Pxpansion at the College for fen. The center w i 11 be hPaded !Jy Profes ors Law- l'<'ncp Conrad and William E. Srhurr. 1'hi- puq>ose of the educa. tmnial development center will b., lo enrich the st u. dPnt s' arRdernic experienc-e ancl to inr:reasp his Pfficien. ry in dPaling with the nor- mal dPmands of an academ- ic c::ommunity. Special as- sistance will be ava,lable to •tudPnts who are undecided as to a maJor or contem. plalmg a change m major. ~e program will be oper- pla ting a change in maJor. The program will lbe oper- ated in clo e connection with the college'• psychology de- par lment. hPaderl by Dr. Gerald SpPrrazzo. ., Th~ Ct'tlfPr wllf includi, f o •• r 1;eparato programs that are designed t,o fulfill a sperlfh• need of the stu- dent. Tim reading efficiency laboratory is cl three local colleges, USD, Cal Participate Western, and San Diego tate Phil Woolpert. director of athletics and basketball coach D, will b guest weaker. e Breitbard, owner of a Diego professional ha; b n tea and Jack le 1 o appointed oacl1 ti Ill be ii' tendan I no-h cock l h Ur , ill held ro 6 0-7 30 p.m. 1th tile dinn r followmg. 'he public ·s n I ed . Graduate and undergradu-1 A paper on '·The Political , ate _history uden!s at {;ni- Philosophy of William Shake- 1 v~rsity of n Diego were speare' as pre. nted by - given the op ortunity to com- Steve Colston, senior history I pare the school's standards of major. scholar hip r:ith other in- College for Women tu- stitutions wh n they attend- dent· ,i-ho presented papers ed the uthern California included :llrs. Joan Vahlkamp Regional Convention of Phi a paper on "The TI1ree Em'. lpha Theta at Occidental perors· AJPance:" Rose :\lag- Collcge reccnlly. giera, •·T e Baghdad Pact of Dr. Ra · Crande~. chairman 1955;·· K rcn J. :\!cCaffrev, of the history depai1ment, "The Kor a 1 \rmist :" and and 14 students participated. Suzanna Grant "The United :\Iotl 1 er Cath rine :llcShane, States Celi res~ and Israel." chairman of t t II omen col- Two 011 Board !- lege· h to . department. Dr. ,To Pph Ruane, profes- ~/headed a contingent of four sor of hi~tor~ and lrl'ing Par• wome!1 students. :\fore than ker. associate professor of - 300 h1stor; tudents from 20/English, s r ed at the elec- ! Southe1;1 C~l.ifornia colleges tion committee for papers and umvers1hes were r epre- at the com e::ition. ' sented. Brandes sa id the comen- Students served as co1n. lion gave . ,udents a fine op- • mentators and presented pa- portunity to meet other stu• 1 pers on historical periods and dents and professors fro 1 ·1issues ~uring t he convention's other colleges and univ r- s 10 sessions. College commen- sities. U11iversitv's Di · • Will Tr T l\lixi11 o· . exes tudenb at the University/ College for ~len. Course m of San Diego's College for business admini tration, ac- ?ilen and College for Women I counting. psychology, eco- "il! be 0 n haring some of/ nomics, and mathematics of- the · a.sses beginning fered at the men' college nc t ber under an will be open to women stu-1 agr t signed Friday by dents. of 'ci i5f both coil es. I The number and kind of !other ·ancy Morris, pres-I courses will be ?etermined in ident oi the Collece for ad1 ance as re 1procal cours- Women, and Rev Joh~ Paul es. Each college will deter- Cadden, president of the/mine the eligibility of it stu-' men'· college, &igned the dents to take these courses. agreement which puts into ef- On the graduate level, all feet plan for reciprocal cour es will be open to both cour5e . The Most Rei•. Fran- men and women students. tators at the e1·ent were Don- ald Lengyel and John Rot- I start, seniors; Greg Betten- court and Ed Ostermeyer, juniors. .~--,,---- cis .J. Furey, unlver ity chan- cellor, was present at the signing. Each school 1ull continue to administer its own pro- grams, admit educate, coun- ~!. and :,raduat its own stu- dents. \'hat n re present- leJ concerned about." ex- pacific clippings Jania an • , c • llf. ,92706 San Diego, Calif. o2 // Evening TRIBUNE -} APR l O 1967 Pepperdine's Campbell Peppers USO The agreement, which does plained ~f not extend to summer scboc,l Fat er Cadden, '1 the oppor- cla ses, 1n l be effective .until tumty for a 11ider and more the end or the 1988-69 school fruitful coop ration bf!t11een year. The agreement makes no the two college~ We 1~ant to provision for continua ion of the .see. how \1 e can better co- reciprocal classes a ter that ordinate our effort. on be- time and can be cancel d be- half of the young men and ore th n by either college pres-/ women we sl!rve." lier , forris and dent or by Bis p Furey. The co-instructional pro- The wo n' liege has an gram w:iJI involve in its initial ha 4 7 lilu open to both college students. about 120 courses enrollment of 680 studimt , and stages th men's colle d I . The agreement II i l no a{ ect the university s w, which is open to both m choo In _Septemher, courses in music. art, drama, a n d Pepperdine's Dayle Camp- bell proved to be too much for the University of San Diego baseball team as the Wave centerfielde,o slugged a· home run fn each game to lead his aquad to a sweep of the dou- bleheader, 7-1 and 5-4, at Mesa College Saturday. Campbell's -first homer came with one o in the fourth inning of ~e opener and hill second blast was in the seventh inning with two on in tne nightcap and broke a 2-2 deadlock. Both homers cleared the left centerfield fence at the 380- t mark. The losses d ped in the South Gallfornia ' Athletic Associati and 9-12 overall. Pepperdine leads t!Je SCAA with a 3-0 mark and .. is 3-10 overall. t French will be given at the College for Women and will be open to tuden s at the and women. A learning laboratory will also be part of the center. The I a b o r a t o r y will be <'quipped to permit tudents to study subject a r e a s whkh they wish to review or study for I n c r e a s e d knowledge, The educational develop. menl center will be utilized by both the College for :'>fen and the College for Women. • pacific clippings post office box 3063 UD plans two cooperation San Diego, Caf. UNION - (Daily' 67 Carpenter Hurls 3-0 Torero Win~11 .Du:el Carpenter pitched a ~!x-h_itter and contributed two hits m three trips to the plate to lead University of San Diego 0 ~er ~niversity of California, ~1vers1de, 3-0, yesterday at the 1oreros' field. Carpenter fanned ei!,ht and •alked only one in going the route. Another highlight was ~ 1 11 'J'.eoman's steal of home in tne eighth inning on the front end of a double theft Riverside . oo,; ooo 000--o , 2 VosstPr, De,Ong · ch 0 ~ J,,01 01X-3 7 o ~nter and Forste-r, Baker (S)~Hu;n; Car. BIG O'S HARDWARE-The Big 0, Oscar Foster of San Diego High, holds Cif player of year trophy for inspection by his coach, Bill Stand- mor lhir d pl ce. STANDLEY 1 S COACH OF YEAR .·usnn Hussey ;ind ~ophomore,, Big O Gains More Honors The man who called the career this season by captur- ing the Eastern League scor- ing title with a 20.7 points per game average to become the County's all-time scoring leader with 1,766 points. Crawford's Von Jacobsen pre- viously held the !Ille "1t 1 1,- 516 points. Other prep players honored were La Jolla Country Day's Rick Evars in the Southern League; Marian's Dav Clingan In the Palomar Lea- gue; Orange Glen's Lance Edwards in the Avocado Lea- gue; and Kearny·s Rus$ (Whimpy) 'orthcutt in the Western League Hilltop's John TschogJ took Metropolitan League honors; EI Capitan's Blaine Bundy and Mount Miguel's O car Chavez shared the G1 o smont League trophy while St. Au- gustine's Gil Evan wa named Catholic pla er of the year. Named to the all San 1ego college fre hman team were USD's Jeff Filzendger and Neal Schram, San Diego State's Eric Martensen and JI and Cal Western It 's !Ian Fogt. ·-- -- shots and the player who made them for San Diego High were honored la t night, highlight- ing the fourth annual San Die- go County basketball appreci- ation night at University of San Diego's Lark Cafeteria. Caver coach Bill Standley, who led San Diego to the Eastern Conference and Cali- fornia Interscholastic Feder- ation championships, was honored as coach of the year while his p1votman, Oscar Foster, walked off with the Eastern League and CIF player of the year trophys. Fo ler wound up a brilliant
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