News Scrapbook 1964-1967

San Diego, Calif.

Four USO Graduates Are Honored Four graduates of the Uni- versity of San Diego, College for Men have been chosen to be included in the 1967 edi• tion of "Outstanding Young Men Of America." Greg Pearson, William Thomas, Dave Cox, and Frank Ponce are among the 10,000 men between the ages of 21 and 35 that are annually sel ecled for the biographical volume. Pearson, a 1958 graduate of the College for Men, was the GOP candidate for Congress in the First Congressional Dis• trict of Colorado in 1966. Thomas, 1961 graduate, re- ceived a master's degree in journalism from Columbia Umversily and is a member of the San Diego Evening Tri- bune news staff. Cox, a 1961 graduate, is a jumor execu tive in a San Diego insurance firm. Ponce, a 1963 cum laude graduate, is working for a doctorate in English at Stan- ford University. Ponce was an instructor in English and Spanish at USD from 1965 lo 1966. The Jaycees of America sponsor the publtcation. Ten men among these 10,000 are chosen as the 10 most out• standing men of America. Among past winners are such famous personages as John F. Kennedy (1946), Nelson Rockefeller (1941), Dr. Tom Dooley (1956), and Henry F'ord, II, (1945). San Diego, car. UNION R l (Daily) M1-1 ... 1 Student Uni~\ To Outline'! Aid From CIA The National Student Associa- tion's controversial affiliation with the Central Intelligence Agency will be di cussed by a 'SA ot'llcer a 12 15 p.m. Tues- day in More Hall. University of San D, •go oliege for Men. Sam Brown...h:mman of the NSA'~ supervisory board, also w II di , u NSA s purposes on campus He is presently touring :'-JSA member-colleges on the West Coa t. On Feb. 17 Brown's board said in a ~tatement regarding the CIA affiliation, "To di solv NSA would be an admission no simply that CIA can penetrat~ an orgamzation, but that al tempts to sever such ties can destroy that organization. We refuse to admit that."


9 4 1 957 REPORT CARD 11 School and Youth Notes

ext meeting of the San Diego County Committee on School D tr1ct Organization will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday in , Conway School Library- Escondido, to continue study of junior coll e organization In the orth County The committee is to . ubmit recommem!ations to the stale Board of Education for creation of new junior college districts or annexation to existing d1 tricts. The study was undertaken sevcra mont · ago and is due for completion by S t. 15. USO Teacher Awarded Two Grants Paul R. Gardner, assistant professor of ecooomics at Univer- sity of San Diego College for Men, bas b n awarded two grants for summer institutes in contemporary economics. The grants were awarded by General Electric. He will study at UCLA and al the University of Virginia. Both grants include ,,,,._.,.... Understand- ing," sponsored by the University of California Extension, will begin April 1 with an all-day conference on the UCSD Matthews Campus. The seminars will be held one night a week for the succeeding six weeks in private homes. Speakers at the opening conferenc will include Dr. Joseph Birdsell of the anthropology department of UCLA; Karl Flem- ing, Los Angeles, Newsweek magazine bureau chief, and Dr. Donald Foster, series coordinator. In other fields of study. the extension will begin its spring quarter )1onday offering 100 cour es in dozens of fields. Most meet in Roosevelt Junior High School or on the UCSD Campus. . Student Teacher's Group to Meet Student California Teachers' A ociation will have its region- 1 al sprmg conference from 10 a m. to 4 p.m. tomorrow in the County Education Center, 6401 Linda Vista Road. Problems of student teachers will be discussed, according lo Charles D. Cason, association spokesman. USO Student Wins Speech Contest Everett Harry, a freshman at University of San Di~go College for Men, won first place in ext1:mpo~aneous speaking at the Pacific Southwest Spring Champ1onsh1ps held recently at California Institute of Technology. A c,lebate team composed of Tony Sinclitico, Jack Kaufman, and Harry won third place among 104 competmg schools. Or. Zweifach /s Named Lecturer Dr. Benja.'llln W. Zweifach, professor of bioengineering in the department of Aerospace and echanical Engineering Sciences at Unive i y of California at San Diego, has been named the 1967 Henry • alha Memorial Lecturer at the liSC School dicine. H~ s given the honor in recognition of his 1es of blood eirculation in the human body University Offers Three diV1Sions at the University of San Diego School of w will be offered in the Jail term to lake care of the anticipated mcrease in e!ll'ollmenl, actording to Pean Joseph A. Sinciitico I Jr. Two daytime divisions and one night division will be of- fered, he said. . The la school adrni Ion test ill be held April 10 on campus but applications rrust be submitted to the Education Testing Service, Princeton, .J., before next Friday, the dean said. State College OHers Study Programs Travel and college credits at the same time are offered by San Diego State College in two separate programs. Navy men aboard th H 11et may attend special classes on campus while 1n port and continue studies wh n the ship is at sea, in a plan u mg eight collegeJlrofessors and a warrant officer. In the second plan, speech arts and comparative education students may earn college credits during a 50-

SAN D EGO I URN.ALISTS-T~e Univenity of Sa~ Diego College for Men partid- pales n The He•ald-Exam,ner's ichola'lh•p i:rogram for jou•nalis.ts each yel!t, Pic- tured (sta11d ng) are Patti~~ K. .lcCattney, Fl!lher I. Brent Eegen, Carl Bloomelu1st, Jo~n F. er"edy and advis.or B,11 Thomas.. Seated are Danny Thomas and Father John Cadden, pres.ident of the university,



sh!p In 1963, 1s a graduate of um, ers1tv High in San Diego. Both 1364 and 116~ s •1inrers are from the La C~nada area. John F Kennedy graduated from La Canada High and Patrick K fcCartney Is a graduate of St. Francis High Schn I lll Ca Canad~ Memh~ hip In the Inter- sclio!a

Reclp 10 nt· of l!Je scholar- o er t'l<> oa • four ens in- cJ,ide C''ll'l B1or.:110U1 t Danny Thnma , John F rPnnedy and Patrick I\ \ir ar ney. s! •p~ tri th" JT\Pn's co!leg-,





---, .........

STAR-NEWS Semi-Weekly

ion is indeed a mod~m miracle. he most amazing fact is not that brilliant ay to project ima es into ones acle is that there are images to s, week we accompanied our daughter, Pen- th Channel 8 elevision s udio for lie taping of tlte "Shane in Wonderland" prnryjrRnr'li the grand prize winners in the Jae Contest, she was to appear on the prdgram. The letter announcing this hl. h in her life directed us to be at the studio prom ti at 9:30 a.m. Ominous overtones implied we woii'ld be extremely sorry if we were tardy. Thus promptly at 9:25 we entered the building and took a seat, along with other winners and their parents, in the studio. At 10:15 w~ were II seated in the studio wait- ing for someone to decide on the format for the show. Several ideas were being bandied about by half a dozen nonchalant gentlemen, \\'hile Shane signed autographs and amused the youngsters. FinaIJy an offstage echo announced "ready on the set," someone grabbed a broom and tidied up 'a bit and the spontaneous, unreq.:arsed show got un- der. way. And would you believe an hour later they had actually managed to ta three brief segments of the half-hour program?· e were impressed. Nobody had shouted. No- body had looked worried. Nobody would ever have ulcers. , ;Hey boss, \ hy don't w 'tape" a few issues ahead and forget this frantic p s day rat race? • • • !'times. Louis Racy a nk Parker of Chula Vista, members of Diego Sym- phonic Chorale, were amon ose participating in the presentation of the Verdi Requiem by the San Diego ymphony in Brawl v. · The production was under the direction of Zoltan Rozsn:rai. While in Imperial Valley, the two ladies were houseguests of l\lrs. Niel Horne of El Cen- tro, the first out-of-county board member of the San Diego Symphony Assn. • • • one of e-Box Art n

n Dieto, Car. ,::? 7/

lJNIO (Dally)

oceanside, Cal. BLADE-TRlBUN (Daily) t


To Discu


San Dieio 1 Ca UNION (Dailyl MAR 9

1967 USD Defeats ?11 Aztecs In 11 tn J-'11·,I h:1,r111·rn D,1rel C.,rp,·>1- 11·1, 11 !Jo h;ict hon;c•n·d ,n th0 sc, nd inni1it.!, <'Oa~ed 11 La..;r•~- lo;,d<'d 11al,, h1 torce in t!w 1 1 i•1- 111~ ·un 111 th,, bo11,-m pf tile 1lih im1111r , cs,erct,l\· t.1. gin· l'SD a 7-ti ·, 1etory · Ol't'l' ·s:.n Dic,!0 St;!lC. , Dl•1111i"- Vor;-.tcr walked tn oprn the 1 llh. wrnl lo ,t,c• nd en a fielder's rhoire and advanced to third as Churk Rulled!!'<' ,in- gled to set the stage for Carpen- ter [ I The victory was the fourth in' ~e\·dt f!ames thi~ ~ca-.;un for 1h~ Torcrns and gavr thrm a 1-1 split v The ,\ztrr', in th0 fir~t t.10 mccti:1a; b,•· •·e~n th, 1 trurn. San Diego Slate 010 110 021 00-6 12 1 USO . 010 ?:10 020 01 -7 6 3 Mi!l"r, Clur.k 15}, 5:iv~ i; , H•~s ( 11 ), one (.onon: Brisl-':r•t, Ti.~rr.~ o·, i:srcv.,, (7) OurloP Ill) nnC 8:ll':rr_ 1--R -_Hor,_• ISDf.), 2ro, !'.Ol'o'> ,.,, Ccri~~n•,· 1..S:Ji, ?nci . .-,nn, on.

Cal WesterQ, 7 Wins. 5th, 7-1

ista, Calif. PRESS.COURI Weekly

MAR 12 1967

USD Net~n Defi.J 6omets

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