News Scrapbook 1964-1967

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~n Diego, Calif.


REPORT CARD School and Youth Notes

Students in a ~pecial study program offered by San Diego Slate College will live in the homes of Mexican families this summer while attending the University of the Americas• in Mexico City. Classes will he taught in English, but students will study Spanish, pre-Columbian civilizations, Mexican literature and music, along with anthropology, art, geography and history. The study program begins June 12 and ends July 21. Several ~ightseeing trips to ancient ruins are included in llle study pla,t~. Dr. Thomas Case, associate professor of Spanish, and Dr. John H. Wilding, associate professor of education, are · coordinating the program. rwo Make Academic Deans List Two San Diego youths are on the Academic Dean's List for the first semester, the University of San Diego College for Men has announced. Receiving second honors were Richard A. Scherer, 21, a seniJr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scherer-, 4787 51st St., and Frank D. Helkenn, 20, a sophomore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Helkenn of 4224 Feather Ave. They had a grade average of 3.51 or above. Racial Seminars Will Start April 1 A series of seminars on racial issues will be sponsored by the Universit:l'.',_,Qf California Extension, beginning April 1, Dr. Doiiarcr Foster, coordinator, has 'ttllnounced. The informal discussions will be held in private homes and will include • persons of different racial and cultural backgrounds who will talk about civil disobedience, poverty, employment, housing, education, prejudice and discrimination. The series will open with a general meeting April 1 on campus and en~ with a weekend in Santa Barbara. ' Final Extremism Lecture Is Tomorrow Final lecture of "Extremism in American Life" a series- sponsored by U1e University of California Extension will be gi~en at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the Humanities-Library aud.Uo-, ru1m on campus. Speaker will be William K. Shearer, f9rmer aide to Rep. James Utt, R-Santa Ana, and to Assemblyman Richard Barnes, R-San Diego. Shearer will dicuss "Extremism in England -A· Contrast." He is publisher of "The California States- man," a political periodical, and "The California Statesman's Legislaliv_e_ Survey and Bill Service," a study of state legisla- l!ve act1v1l!es. Mrs. Jean F. Hanchett, course coordinator, will summarize the lecture. Four Getting Capital Summer Jobs Four juniors in high schools in Rep. Lionel Van Deerlin's 37th Congressional District will spend two weeks this summer in Washington, working in the congressman's office. The four will be selected in a contest based on general scholarship leadership qualities, community activities and personal char: actcr. The contest chairmen are Robert 0 . Peterson and Fred Davies, San Diego businessmen. Judges for the third year will be Dr. Herbert F. York, 01 the University of California at San Diego; Mrs. William C. Rust, wife of the president of California Western University, and Mrs. Robert M. Kercheval, wife or U1e chief of staff to the commandant of the 11th Naval District. The stay m Washington will include tours of the White House, Capitol Hill, the State Department, Supreme Court Smithsonian Institution and historical shrines. '


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USD Student Debate Cham

Al\R 7 REPOR C RD School and Youth Notes d1 l

The eludenl council of Chrlstltm High School at 2716 Madl,od Ave., wlll ,pon,or Activity W •k to protnote plrlt Ior tho school now in 1I second year of operation. 1'od:1y, the council will auction "!l8\le9" to highest btdd •rs. and on Monday, 11 Kmg and Queen Ugly will be nowned The slaves hove no great worry; they are subjects for Mondav only. Othl'r days to ll!l observed are Hillbilly Tuesday : Clo h Wrdnesday and Kiddy Thursday, with students drcssmg appropru1lely fvr th day's llwm •, Next Friday will be "llu,h" day, with the goal of keeping girls qu1l't all dny A conlc5t will be hrld with "hush cards" i SUl'd , and a girl must lorfc1t a card to anr boy who gets h to talk. The lad with th mo. t curd~ at days end becoin winner of lhe "Mr. lrrc~1,llble'• \Ille. · Student: will sell homemude lee cream lo each other at the end of each school day. Sar, Diego Debate Squad to Com Th • Dl'b d r'or •nsics Squa n Die o ·oll<•gr. for Men is partlctpatlnr, In he P11clflc Sou w l'olll'i(iat Forcusicq Assoclntlon CAI-Tech today and tomorrow, More than 60 colleges and unlv ftlitlea are taking part. 111c team coach. Fred . Sand rs, chnlrtnan of the Speech Arts Department. \\Ill be a guest judge at the CaUfoml • Arizona 'alional Debatr. Tournament Qualifier to be held next Friday and Saturday at San Fernando Valley State College. Winn r of th quollfl r will represent the Callfornla•Ari.ion3 region in the National Debate Tournament at th University oI Chicago In April. Grossmont Sfudenfs Host Session Students in Crossmont High Scheol district are !lost!! for the Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) which began a three-day meeting today in the U. S. Grant Hotel. Businessmen from all ov r the st:ite are s~ as judges in 5lad ·nt competitions In advertising, display, job in~le., merchsndl~ manuals, public apeaklng, and sales demonstra- tion. Winners will compete on the nalional le9el al a mee in .Chicago ,The DECA otganl2allon has more than 60,000 student meni- h(>f' in 50 tates, and Is financially aided by interested businessmen and the state Board of Education, Ccrmp Fire Units t o Colebrafe Members of nll four levels of the Camp Fire Council in S3n Diego County, Blue Birds, Camp Fire Girls, Junior Hi Csmp Fire and Horizon Club members will wear their red, white and blue service uniforms to their own church or synagogue this weekend in ob~ervance or the council's 57th anniversary month. Mrs. Banyon V Alim, council president, said the annual religious service was established In 1910. Sf)S Prof•uor Accepts Fellow,ftlp Dr. Patricio A. Crawford, associate profc or of Phllosot>hy at San Dlt-go State College wlll etudy at Union Theological Seminary, New York City, under a fellowship given by Society for Religion In Higher Educallon. She will enter th seminary In the fall semester. The post-doctorate fellowship, which carries a maximum stipend of $8,500, Is to encourago a growing Interest In the relationship of scholarship 1n religion to other fields. Dr. Crowford, a graduate of the University of Rochester and the University of Minnesota, Joined the faculty here in 1961. Escondido YMCA Programs Planned Palomar F'amlly YMCA In EscondJdo will sponsor two v11catlon programs for Junior and senior high achoo! students dttrlng the Easter holidays. Boys 13 lo 17 may enroll in a camping tour to Death Valley Morch 18·22. Older boys and girls may take II six-day tour beginning March 18, that Includes a visit to Hearst Casile, missions, Solvang, Big Sur, Carmel, and San Francisco. Minion Bay Bicycle Tour Planned Cyclists nre Invited to participate In a bicycle tour of Mlsslon n.,y with members of the American Youth Hostels, Sunday. The group will leave from Crown Point Shores on the eastern shore or the point, at 10 a m., 11nd wlll ride around the bay, relurntng lo the point of departure for a picnic.

Whittier, Car. l>AILYNEWS

3 \9 7 Poet Nine Drops 1 2 Heartbreakers Rain was expected fo \V8 Tl e heartbrea er the locals out today's scheduled Wh1 1 dr'oppiJlg the flr t deJ:p1te Jim College baseball game w th CiU Colbom's on -hitter and losing Poly or Pomona slated f 3 econd after grabbing a 3-2 o'clock on the Poet diamond ead going Into !be bottom of The Poel• returned home t e nmth. unday after suffering a dou San Diego scored the only bleh ader setback Saturday af run of the first game in the ternoon at the hands of tlie 1xth frame on a lwo~ut single University of San Diego l--0 that followed a Poet error and and 4-3. ' a passed ball. Whittier lhreal- The lo~ses for coach Ralph ened to score _for the only time Keegan·s crew were the second m the game, m the lop of the and third in a row and left the 1~ when Colborn doubled defondmg SCIAC champs with with two o u s bul was left a 6-3 early- eason record. tra nd e~. Should today's g am e be .Wh1tt1er h~ come froi:n be- ramed out !he Poets will be hmd to take its 3-2 lead m the idle until ~ext Monday wh e n second gai:ne ~hen the _Poets they entertain Cal State Los An- talhed twice ID the e1g~th. geles, the team that started the Gregg ~eller opened the inn- Poet Joss streak on the road mg by smgling but w_as forced last Tuesday. O!-i~ at econd on Jun Guth• Colborn In O -Hitter ne s grounde:. Both defeats in San Diego Fill Bases

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However, the Poets loaded the bases when Bill Coffman and Tim Heck singled, and Keegan's club tied the score and went ahead on Jim Mar- tin's two-run base hit. San Diego scratched for the tying and winning runs in the lower ninth on a single, a Poet error, a base on balls and a wo-run dbuble off losing p1tch- r Gary Lull el, who had re- lieved starter Gar, McHatton in the seventh. But the two Poet hurter per- ·1ted only four hits in he con- test: and their males managed nine safeties. The Poets had taken a 1-0 lead in the t bird when Beller doubled and scored on Guthrie's base hit. San Diego tied the ore in ·eot ahead in the seventh on a pllfr lif home runs, leaving the count a.: . befqre the Poet uprising in th, eigh . the fifth and

Student Leader Hits CIA

c2- 7/ S

Di Z'O, Calif.

itti r, ea,. DAJLYNEWs

vening TRIBUNE MAR 1





A high official of the • 'at- ' ional Student Association ill• discus the group's contro- vers1al affiliation with the ' CIA on Tuesday at 12:15 p.m. , in More Hall of the Univer- sity of San Diego, College for ' Men. , The speaker, Sam Brown, chairman of the NASA's Nat.I Iona! Supervisory Board, will I also discuss the student asso- ciation's purpose on campua- es. A question and answer period will fol the address. Brown is cuqently touring NSA member colleges and un- iversities 011 the West Coast. ten Joined NASA in 1965. Some 350 other colleges and uni- versities comprise tht gan- izatlon. It w s r tly dis- closed that tHe stu t asso- ciation, founded in 1947 has been financially supported by the CIA. Brown's · nal Supervisory Board said statement of Feb. 17 of e CIA's affiliation with ·the or- ganization, "To dissolve NSA would be an admission not simply that the CIA caa pen- etrate an organization, bp.t that attempts to sever su 1 ties can destroy the organiza- tion. We refuse to admit tbit We will strengthen the Nat ional Student A86ociation as: result of these disclosures ' The Associated Studen Body of San Diego State, C ifornia Western University and the University of Calir... nia at San Diego have been invited to attend Brown'& talk. The Univer,ity o£ n Diego is the only ge in the San Diego area thal is a member of the NSA. USD's. College for

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Diablos Brea~ Poet freak J 1

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LOS ANGELE$ - Whittier College's five-game win streak came to a halt '11esday after- noon when Cal Slate L.A. b~ng- ed out a 7-1 victory on the iDiablo diamond. The Poet setback for the club'·s first of the season leav- ing the def en di"n g SCIAC champs wilh a 5-1 mark prior to the team's journey lo San Diego Saturday for a double- header with the University of San Diego. The San Diego trip will be the .;econd ride lo the bor. r town in as manv weekends for the Poets who invaded the San Diego Marines for a 2-0 verdict last Saturday Whittier's winning streak went down for th count in the f.irsl inning against Cal State as lhe Angelinos poured over f o u r runs and added single tallies· io the second, fourth and sixth. The Poet could retaliate onlv in the seventh whPn they scored their only run. Shortstop Gregg Beller, still swinging a hot bat that had irQ I tin_g fi\'e hits in s11,; tr/ps ia e team's

win over Cal Lutheran Monday, scored the run. He singled-, went to second on a Diablo error and took third when Len Kraemer ,ingled. Beller then scored when J i m Guthrie hit into a double play. Gary McHatton suffered his first mound lo s of the year yielding four h1ls and five runs to the victors in 1' • innings.


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San Diego, Calif.





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USD 12-1

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Drops Verdict


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