News Scrapbook 1964-1967
then Perle trots out twice as much as you'd find anywhere else. " I don't Jct anyone get ahead or me," she sa ·s with a twinkle. Along with ham, roast beef, salads and an occ 10naJ h9t dish, pre-emptmg the flimsy hors d'oeuvres of the past, Washington }.,
Escondido, Calif. TIME -ADVOCATE (Daily) t:0111els lose net 111atch o 1 ffsn SAN MARCOS - Th~ver- s1 of San Diego downed the Pa omar o ege varsity tennis team, 6\ 2 to 2(~. Tuesday on the Comets' courts. Palomar's Jim Mulder starred in defeat, ith an easy victory over Frank Ragen, 6-2, S-2. Palomar has a 1-1-4 seaso11 1 ecord. . ext PSC match is Thursday at Grossmont College. Smcre1, J im Mulder (Pal) def. Frank R•&en, 6•2, 6-2; Mike Taylor (USO) del Da ve Fra tr. 1-6, 6-4; 1-0; Bc,,b Cota Conttnuccl o Page C-3 Mesa tJn, ersity Ann ...-...- eader A k tude oping' For t.h ?nd. gene1osit of thoselnumber of l~eor1es on how c1l becaure o#. that group's ·tudent i\s- budget 111 1967 wa prO\·ided f ahonal .'~he · the relahonsh1p started. One suspected affihahon with the 'ahonal Student CIA He said the NSA hhd- o gamzahons. 110c1at1on had its fmge~ bad- by the CIA ly burned as a result of I controversial affiliation ith the Central Intelligence :\gen- cy-but in two or three y~ar He said t the CIA will probably a • the news itidnt lea t~mpt to penetrate the a. o- ore th_is time. new of the CI The Kational Student Asso- was that the 1 6 affiliation ciation was formed in 1947 by Association About 100 per on actually i \" hin to t . the approa<.:hed ith ).SA, Broun reported the University of Wiscon. n~ClA directly because it was quar ers m ,,as g n s i credible that and ha:, a pre.ent member- unable to find funds else- leased by the Independence out be- ship of 350 colleges and uni- where. Another theory is that t oundation, what he called a versities. Brown said it was I the. CIA contacted to NSA di- front organization for' the Central Intelligence Agency. .-tudents "back rectly or m a guise. hetber founded by II a a kf>d Brown r1ahon agam. 1.'uesda p by chairman of The II as •ade or not,.• ·s members became from the war' who were ?O• "I _don't. mea!l to justify our Brown said there are tumors rediction am n usp c10us when thPy learned mg to school on the GI B!11. relat10nsh1p with the CIA at about the CIA a arding the a_1d from CIA lle•said the people involved this Ume," said Bro"".n. !Je lease "free and clear" to the • a'. of financia) tional Super ·isory Board. He fr~nt , org_am_zat10ns. pokP to a group of ~tuden1.5 \\ e d1dn t .~ave reason to the 1d~als that went _into t~e McCa1th:i,:1sm when people controver1;y an s v. ere d f?rma!ton of the l ' mted 1"a- werr>: afraid_ to say anythmg San bP susp1c1ous Brown. Ile s;ud when mem- hons. bers heard of all the orga11- Br wn said the NSA has NSA to operate without the I m BJe 0 \n s ~~lk. th e fur lo bi izations named for contribu- CIA was established. s a Id suspended its membership in assistance from the CIA. They I Ns aA e bim on lla our 0 d tions. they relied on the good Brown. He said there are a the United States Youth Coun- include internal reforms and m m er co eges an 1---0-- - - _ _____ · -----, . universities on the West ____ work to deve)op_Pr1vate funds , Coast, \"all ponsored by for NSA ach~1hes. The_ NSA L'SD's as,oc1ated students. spokesman said all the 11;1mes The university i., the only of the contr?versy_ w~ll not be institution in the ;,an Diego le.arned until ~here !S a c?m· area that · member of the - - - --- -------~--..,...--::- plete congress10nal mveshga- National tudent /\S5ociation. - - ,~. ,..--~.. "'!!'!~""''"""'''' ·-·~··----,.,-,.·· tion. "Regardless ,?f the ~c- Bro,1 n e cubed the cir- -' (_ions o_f th~ CIA, . he sa!,cl, cumstances m which the CIA we will_ still ~ontmue w first penetrated the ·sA t~e .• ~~10nal Student Ass through financia' a i,stance c1ahon. some l5 :,ears a an told -------- w h. · the aid mu t t p on the vital issues of the time. steps are being taken by the _ · , , . Ry 1!l52, contact with the at the 1'niversit of Brown said a number of Diego . • carried \\1th them ~omc of ~aid 1l_ w~s ,\he penod of NSA because of the recent the . SA' R O San Diego, Car. UNION (Daily~ MAR 2 6 1967 Local Colleges Given Grants \ COPltY News Scrv.,;o '~ WASHI~GTON - s(l San Diego area colleges and uni- versities ha\'e been awarded grants under the educational opportunity program for the 1967-68 school year. The office of Rep. Lionel Van Dccrlin, D-San Diego, was no- tified of the awards, which will be used for grants of $200 to $300 for eligible students of exceptional finnncial need. The funds arc to be matched by local sour-ces. Tr.e ir.siitutions and grants are: Palomar College, $3,000, for 15 students; San Dwgo City College, $6,800, for 17 stu- 1 dents; and San Diego Stale, , S185,'i00 for 405 sl\Jdents. Also, University of Cali for-. nia at San DiCGO, $51,400 for !)~ students; University of San Diego College for Men, $3i, 150 for 58 students; ans! Universi- ty of San Diego 'to!legc for Women for $18,000. --- He tailed for '" trong con- gressional action ' lo limit the manipulaf e powe of gov- ernmeot, n it< relationship v, ith , oluntar organizations. Brown denounced those group-. or mdil'iduals' whci I meet .ecrett.Y." and attempt to know better an Congress or the people. Th • 'SA representative said the go\'ernment is mov- ing increasing! into a soci- ety where 'ii ha no business and that it ha permeated so- ciety to a dangerous extent The A peopl ho were imohcd 11th t CIA 11 ere basing their li\es on 'one biz .secret which couldn ·t be tol •· l.OOKING AHEAD - Anticipating Easter Sunday concert by the Yale Russian Chorus are University of San Diego seniors, from left, Miss Patricia Corkill, Miss Margaret Mahoney and Miss Kathy Keptner. Sponsored by the College for Wom- en, the program will be at 2:30 p.m. in the Univellity's theate1·. - Eve- ning Tribune Staff Phott> . ~.
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