News Scrapbook 1964-1967


U.S.D. VISTA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1965 Wanted: Readers for a blind freshman student. Good part-time e





yment. Pays $1.25 an hour. Ca ll David Hel kenn at 274-6056. Urgent.

Father Malley Heads Newcomers On Library Stat f llbra11, e\erybody tnrted lea ing." ''\','hen I took h rge of th he left the college to take up a po ition with Claremont 'Honnold Library' in the government document ection." Irs. Damrau will be replaced by Adolph Koran, recently of the m·y Koran was gradu ated from Syracu e Univer ·ity last Feb- ruary \\ ith a taster's in library science. Hi w ife is employed in the lit rnture ction of the San Diego Public Library, downtown. Koran \,ill be in charge of current periodicals and the hi ·tory sec Uon of the library Other change include the Rev. Henry McDonnell, who will re- place ~'Ii s Janet Thompson. Mbs Thompson was the clerk m charge of duplicate ei· hange and back periodicals. She left the Univer:it,r to begin work to open a school for deaf children in Ti - juana. Father kDonnell's position is not yet known. Also leaving \ as Miss An ita Isuel who was in charge of inven- tory. ShC' i to tC'ach in San Ysidro th is yC'ar. O\'er tllC' summC'r, the library acquired a Theima-Fax dry photo- copier. Tlw maC'hine in thC' library last year <"Ost 25 cents per page to copy and it did not pick up shadowing. Hen<"e it coul d not cop:r picture or drawings whieh some students nC't'd for their term papers. This new photo-copier will cost only 10 eents per page and L capable of picking up drawings and other picturC's. Another slight changC' in procedure is the r eturning of books whc>rC' no fine> is due. Instead of leaving the books on the de_k where they mar get picked up or misplaced, there are now slob pro,·ided on thl' side of the librarian's desk for their return. ASB Banquets College Leaders \\'1th thi t t ment the Rev. iarcel 1ntl y jokingly prefaced his announcement of man) personnC'l changes in the taff of the libral.). 1atl ) t th repl ced the Rev. Charles Dollen a Dir or of t.:niversit) of an Diego when Father Doll n b - of a new P• rish toward the end of the last school )ear "The b1gg t hange," ·aid Father • fntley, "1 that of Mrs. Joan Damrou College'

Shapiro's Plans Job Is A Much Busy One

An Editorial Summer Promise

The office of A B v1 e pre I- d nt ha undertak n a vnri t) of job thi umm from joint I tur



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g ting profe Iona! fr t rnltl Among the m

t important de-

to Bob



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hapiro, A B \ 1

from all tudents


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freshmen and tran fer containing pwviou club to \ hich they be- longed, mu ·1cal and acting abili- ty, pecial talent and ar a of intC'rC' t. Any club presid nt on the ~D campu I welcome to study theS<' que tlonnair , :'ha- piro . aid. Rule· for ch rleader and ch erleading were made, h said, and were pa ed at a joint A B council meeting with the College for Women . It includ rules on tardine · and ab cnce from gamC's, and eligibility qualifica- 1ion . Later in the ) ear prospec- tive cheerleadl'rs will hn\'e a m et!n~ an!I tryout . A joint lecturC' and concert ser- ies agreement wa. made \\ ith San Diego State College. The two school. will sharC' reducC'd ticket rate· to tlw l<'ctures and concerts. In addition a Ii ·t wa. compiJ. ed of nil the prof(' sional fratl•r- nities iu the nation. Letters were sent to some dC'partment chair- men who will use thl' informa- tion as they see fi t. Pau l Theil, head of the politi• ca l science clepartmC'nt said he "woul d like to start an interna- tional relations clu b which could possibly be> e.·pandC'd to a chap- ter of Pi Sigma Alpha, national political science fraternity." A study was also made on outfits for the baskl'lball team. It was decidC'd to buy the tc>am and coachC'S blaz<'rs and tics. The blazers arc navy blue and will have a USD patch on the upper righth and pockC't. A navy bl ue> and red st ripe tie will also be provided for th<' team. The outfits are tlw gift of thC' ASB as a result of the success of the summer dances. San Diego's Toggt'ry Shop was cho:,c n to sup- ply the outfits. College Thrills, Chills New Coed By ANONYMOUS ANNE College - exciting, fascinat- My firs t adventure took place on visiting day. Mother Farraher, seeking n ew applicants for the college, invited girls from lead - ing high schools to evaluate the College for WomC'n. In looking over the campus, I was duly im - pressed and fou nd myself will - ingly consenting to attend. The Mothers were u ns urpassed f or friendliness and the g irls gen - erated trup hospitality toward the ir potential classmates. Then came tests. Judg ing by my scores, I barely passed, and happily found myself admitted to USD. Now m y apprehensions we re fading. Exci ling? Oh, y es! I've already rece ived a fabulous Big Sister, a nd found out g irls' colleges al- low Big Brothers, a lso, which promises a good social l ife. Fas- cinating? I couldn't be more fascinated than by the Roma n - esque atmosphere which per- meates the campus of USD. Nov- el? Yes, very novel. I am looking forward to many more acquaint- uch information a ing, novel - these adjectives ex- thoughts of a high press sch ool the senior approaching an - other "road of life." But the pros- pects scared me to death.

r. Taking the potllght w


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u ful program of dance put on by the college. Tht enhanced the reputation of the colleg and al o somewhat en- hanN'd the B trea ury. Then th re i' the Film For- um and the gue t lecture er- i , and in the second em - ter there i Joe and Eddie. The Ji t eems endle . And the work done by the officers also appears to be endlc ··. Headed by president Erni Borunda, the ASB council workers over the ·ummer in- cluded vice-pre ident Robert Shapiro, . c> c re tar y James Schultz, and socinl chairman Richard Donoghue. This is brief mention of fou r people who set up the things the s tudents will remember outside of class. Their constant theme was improvement and a look at the social calendar will prove its success. Now that the year has start- ed, the theme might well be continuity. The effort should be centered on avoiding the second semester letdown that occurred last year. This is where the students come in. They are needed to carry on in various posts and to attend these <'VC'nts a n d support the school. Mo ·t promin<'nt is the news- paper, The Vista, which will be s taffed with people w h o show a continued C'ffort


b t u <' The tudent ma~ find he ha become a part of the . hool too late to bC' effective for his first year. Wfth O\ er 100 new fre hmen out of an enrollment of 350 tudent at the College for fen it will be the new blood that will carry the chool mo t effectively. In getting into the chool, the frC'shmen . hou ld r<'rogmw that thPy are needed and give their talents to building a bet- ter unh·er ·ity. In the long run, they will help themsel\·cs as much as they contrihu t!' to the collegP ThL<; combination of activC' officers and an active student is the key to succes.. It is not a ne>w solu tion but it is a sUC'- CC'.ssful one. The officC'rs ha\·e bNm doing their part; now its t ime for thC' st udent body to achieve progress. Anything the mind can <'0ll· c1C'vC', the will can achiC'Vl'. USD is improving because it is lifting its aim and is willing to try more, new, and better things. This year looks as though we haV<' more active student participation a n d in- terest.

1,500 weekly, . a id the Interfraternity Council, ponsors. Vista Photos by 1 Tie! Lynch.

DANCETIMERS- The . potligh t wa s on t he Univer ity of San Di- Pgo, College for Men each Tuesday night during the summer. This phot o shows why . Crowd. from throughout t he cou ntry averaged


Where The Action Is!

!.~, 0 :,.~,~~~~'"mm» """

'Lawmen' Bring Peace s~y~~~~!iD~N~G~~nce_~ut~t~~.~,~~aet~i~g


d F • 11 G bout 1,500 peopk per dance, it ym , ,It

A Th s Ousan s I

The AssociatC'cl Student Body officers played hosts to the top administrators of the College for MC'n last Sa turday night. The di nner meeting, first of its kind for the University of San Diego, was held at Mr. A's. It was designed to promote greater understanding between school and ASB leadc-rs and to lay groundwork for future relations. The highlight of the evening was a talk by t he Very Rev. John Cadden, pr<'sident of t he College for Men. The theme was "Better Understanding Between the Ad- ministration and the ASB." Student offict'rs said they thought this dinner was impor- tant in establishing a greater popular "fixture" at the Univer- sity of San Diego. For those new- comers who arc not acquainted with "Mrs. G" she is the plea s- ant woman who operates th e bookstore. To begin this new school yea r, Mrs. G is keeping in step with the ma ny other adva ncements a- round the University and has a nnounc<'d new hours for the firs t month of school along with th e a ddition of four new period- ica ls for sa le. The September hours for the ances, a new cultu red learning and a broader outlook of college itself. The University of San Diego to me is all these adjectives - exciting, fascinating, novel - and ha the students to repre- sent them.

liasion and would h elp in prC'- SC'nt ing new ideas and pro- gram s. The administrators present, be sides FathN Ca dden, included Rev. James Birk ley, academ ic dean; Irving P a rker, dean of ad- missions a n d records ; Rev. Wil- liam Phillips, dean of students; Rev . Vincent Walters, executive assistant to the p resident; ReY. I. Brent Eagen, publicity director for the college; a nd Thomas R. Pearson, di rector of student ser• vices.

··0~~ ~~~~;.t~l:~!~{atn ~;~: i~ft bcnC'fi; of all ~tudents. Your ASB th

I ASB cnn w ork togethC'r for t h ' USl' this knowlrdge to giv1' you,

students, the best year mm

a gn•at has ever had."



summC'r long." I . o bc•gan tlw most ambitious soon became evident that a few financial gamble the ,\SB l'\'Cr .----...--,.,, toes would get stepped on and l has undertaken. From th<' inccp lh,tl sonw pPopl<' might retalt- lion of this idC'a down at O.·. ate. I car's' latP in \la\· to tlw finale It was ,11 the third ancl fourth on Srpt. 7. the "l; SD DancC' ·" dances that :--omcthing began hm l' he 1• n events of wonder. happening regularly. Fights bl'· With an an'rage of 1,500 persons c:1me common and an 0<·casional a dnnC'c' ancl a single dancC' high bvstancler would <'nd up in the of 2,105, ::-D ,·omplPtelr dom- pool. inatC'd the dancC'tim<' ( 1 !11C'Tlain, Thr first step was separat<' ad- mcnt fiC'lcl in San Diego. mittanccs for boys and girls. The Le:--t anyonP forget, this ctann' boys entered through onC' gate and all thl' successes clerivccl and the girls came in another. from it arC' not thr work of on<' (Continued on page 4) or two individuals. The numb, 1 I of pc>oplc• C'oniwctPcl \\'1t h C'ach offic'l'rs

By DENNIS DUNNE Anyone in attendance at one or more of thC' s ummer dances in the gym sponsored by the In- tc>r-fr,1tc-rnity Council may have notir<'

With this new movement of the ASE and the fresh outlook provided by the many n e w freshmen, USD is 1 ikc a s<'ed beginning to grow. Let's all keC'p it g rowing. Campus Culture Program Stars Films, Speakers As part of the expanding cul- secretary. A r ecent transfer from t ural program on the University UCSB, Schultz has been the mov- campus, ten outstanding film s

Their hosts for the evening in- cluded E rnl'St Borunda, ASB pre- sident; Robert Sha piro, vice-pre- sident; JamC's Schultz, secreta ry; a n d Richard Donogh ue, social chairm an. 'Mrs. G.' Back, Tells New Hours Mrs. Gra ce Gonsowski is a

"Tuesday night" it eonsiderablP. All thosp who han• contributed in any \\ ay should fepJ proud of this contribution to thP ASB and to the publicity for the entire Uni\'Prsitv. A dan~e committee member said he "would like to thank personally JO<' :\Iartinez a s hParl of t h C' Tn(C'r-fratc>rnitv Council , for his efforts in the p; eliminary work invoJn,d. vVithout his or- ganization of the publicity facet of the dance, it would ha\ e been a failure." Saint Augustine High School should also be thanked for it,: generosity in lending their ris ers. "E\Cf\'One in the A B :--houlcl •• abo be·aware of th<' long hour. Ernie Borunda and Bob Shapiro de\'oted to thC' small details con cerning the dance," the commit- tC'eman said. "The clances a s a whole were out

books tore will be as follows : Monday through Friday from 9 a .m . to 4 p.m. In addition on Tuesday and Thursday n ights from 7 t o 9. Added to the selection in the books tore this year will be cop- ies of fou r per iodicals : T ime, Life, Sports Illustrated, and U.S. News and World Report. ' T h is ; c>ar the hookstore a lso has more s upplement readings. ma inl) duP to t h e advanced English department ," Mrs. Gon- sowski said. the as- sortmc>nt of himlc>rs and other sch ool supplies, along w ith blaz- ers a n d a nc v school em blem pa tch. Mrs. G ad\ b<'d the juniors a nd sen iors to put in their orders early for thC'ir dass rings so they will be ablC' to enjoy them t he full year. She also ment ioned

ing force in increasing the cul- tural activity on campus for the coming yea r. He lined up several speakers and has served as co- ordinator with the popular Car- dijn Scrie.s of speakers. Among the films being offered, a ccording to Schultz, a re t h e opening feature on Sept. 29, "To Kill A Mocking bird." In addi- tion, other dates will f eature "Beckett," "Grapes of Wrath," "High Noon," a nd "Birth of a Nation" in the firs t semes ter. Second semester offerings in - clude "Macbeth" and "Ballad of a Soldier." The film program sta rted last year.

will be presented in the coming year for entertainment and for critiC'al review of films as an art form. Chosen by a joint committee of the College for Women and College for Men, including Moth- er Anne Farraher an d Father I. Brent Eagen, the series seeks t o offer a varied program that will attract people from all pa rts of the University complex and serve as a supplement to the normal curriculum. This year's program is under the direction of Jim Schultz, ASB

left, and Christ ine Brooke,

DRINKS- Diane Limpus,

volunteers from t he Coll ge for Women , serve oft drinks to thirsty cu. tamers at om.: of t he summer 's Tue_day night dances in t he VSD gymna sium. The eYcnL " ere headline . ucces ·e ' .

LOOT-Kathy Hartnagel smiles as she coun t s receipts from one of the In terfraternity Council dances. I

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