News Scrapbook 1964-1967

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University of San Diego College for Men

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Sept. I5 1

Vol. 3, No. I



Editors Note: The following

is a


from Ernie Borunda, ASB Presi•


derit, on his

recent trip to the Uni-

ve~ity of Wisconsin the onnuol student Body President, Conference sponsored each year by the USNSA. the United States National Student Asso- tr10~ Bo- runda wos elected one of IO members who will serve this coming yeor on the Advisory Boord for this group. Miss Tica Doyle of •he Co llege for Women served in this posi tion lost yeor. Bo- rundo's selection represents the first time in SBPC hiitory that members of the same Universi,1-y 1-iava been elected n icceeding yeor-s. By ERNEST BORUNDA It is Aug. 21 and in a couple of hours I will be boarding an airplane for San Diego. It seems rather unbelicveable that in the past five days Marsha Zandi and myself, along with more than 200 othC'r ~tudent body pre- sidents, have completed a course in the role of student body presi- dents on their campuses. It has been tiring, but enjoyable and the exp<'"ience and education which have become ours will certainly serve to improve our University in the coming year. Student Services Though the agenda w a s a- mended somewhat by the presi- 1 dents themselves, the basic pro- , gram offered by the NSA has ·been substantially U5<'ful and in : line with preparing us for the coming year. Student services are among the most important topics we have discussed. In addition, ju- dicial systems, faculty and course evaluation, writing of constitutions, community service projects, cultural activities and travel opportunities have been presented in order that some or all these programs might be im- plemented at our own schools. The philosophy that students are not being prepared for life but are actually living it, has been a constant thread through- out the conference, while respon- sibility of the student has been defined and redefined. Most important we have seen that for a school to run at its best it is necessary that adminis- tration, faculty and student body work together, with all taking part in forming the basic poli- cies and philosophy of the school. Rewards Seen From my experience here, I return to the University prepared to present any and all programs we as students wish to imple- ment. I am most prepared to bring to light the many areas in which students can and must take an active part if they wisp to gain the very most from their education. The year will be one of fan- tastic challenge, yet the reward of seeing our school move for- ward will be more than ade- quate . and this will be a reality in the coming school year. for It wos at this conference


LEADERS Tiw 1hrec top officials or the University of San Diego 1ake time out for a Vi. ta photo while dis- C'ussing some of the plans for the 1965-66 college year. Fi-om left are the Very Rev. John Paul Cadden, College

for Men president· the Most Rev. Francis J. Furey, chancellor and boa~d of truslees president, and Mother Anne Farraher, president of the College for Women.

--------------- Pearson Man To See For Jobs, Counseling Thoma. R. PParson has been ppointed dirt•<·tor of student rv1ces at tht• College for Men tor the 1965-19fili school year. ics, and will supply contacts for educational administration and po ·siblp government positions. received his master's degree in Informal instruction on con- education. He spent much of his cluct for these intPrviews is also Navy career in San Diego. being planned. "If I could have outlined the This fall Pearson will visit ideal of what r was looking for, public high schools in the coun- this school certainly comes the A, director or studl•nt services, ty to familiarize future collegi- h•' will be responsihle for stu- ans with the benefits and acl- closest," he said. "The location ve Pt'arwn w II attempt to locate ficer and an associate professor with younger men in the Navy part-tim JOI> !or the sudents of naval science with the Naval and I will enjoy working with an and accountinJ compan- and counseling, psychology and 9. The 46-year-old Navy eommand- r rctirNI from ac-t1v' duty Aug. 1. dent employment, graduate vantages to attending the Col- and the city arc all I can ask. "I am very impressed with the placement and student loans. He legc for Men. will also coun. <'I nPw and pros- 11 d th op! I work Pearson, a 1941 Annapolis co ege an e pe c '"'t°tive i;tudents at till' College. ·111 I' done a Jot of work "' graduate, was the executive of- WI •·

CITY'S TALLE T-Construction con- tinues today on First National Bank's 25-story skyscraper·at Fifth Ave. and

B St. while officials on the ground level seal historical items and pic- tures in a stainless steel vault. History Deposited At Bank Skyscraper City leaders made the first year 2065, give or take a, de- 1 deposits today in First National cade. . J Bank's uncompleted $11-million

USD Marital Course Set One out of every three mar- riages in California ends in di- vorce. The divorce rate is three to four times higher among 15 to 19 year-olds. These statistics were furnished by William R. Brockley, head of the Marriage Conciliation Court, who will initiate a new course at the University of San Diego College for Men called "Marri- age and the Family." The course will cover "all aspects of marri- age, including sexual, communi- cation. finances, insurance, in- laws, social, parent-child rela- tionships and religious con- flicts." Brocklcy said the course will emphasize what couples should do to prevent "a marriage from breaking into pieces with no one knowing what happened." "My goal will be to develop a bridge between concept, theory, and research and some of the practical bread-and-butter prob- lems," he said.

The deposits were an assort- 1 ment of words, pictures and ;~yscraper.on B Street between recordings carefully selected to j P1fth-and Sixth avenues. give San Diegans of the future a They were happy to do it, look at San Diego on this date lespite the fact that none of - with a few historical items hem expect to be around at thrown in for good measure. .vithdrawal time. The memorabilia were sealed Withdrawals, in this case, in a stainless steel vault, about 1 ,von't be allowed before the 2 feet square, embedded in one -======--=====iof the entrance columns. The ---~-----~---...........- ______;.___ vault, replacing the customary ,N DIEGO, CALIF...THURSDAY, S!PTEMIIER 23, 1965 cornerstone, was covered with r an identifying bronze plaque.. ( uEo FROM PAGE 1 • . . While Anderson Borthwick, 1 . . . dP~,•s c,f liw l1mvers1ty of Sar chairman of the bank's board of , ott Cush~an: publisher, a c.op! ~tego by the _Yery Rev. John P\ directors, presided during the of toQay s ..Korth Shores Sent1- _,-adden, oreside~t; b_ullet!n an 30-minute program, construction nel, by Clmton McKmnon , the cat_alogue of Cahforma_ ester continued on the 25-story struc- newspaper's president; a copy I Um ver , ily_ by Dr. Wilham C lure rising 388 feet above the Jf this month 's San Diego mag- •Rust, prPs1dent. ground. , azine, by editor Edwin Self_; a l A picture of the city's skylind The city's highest building at tclepho_ne dtr~ctory, b_y Wilham by A. Hamilton Marston Jr. and iso feet above sea level, the E. Quirk, vice president ~nd RAdm. Charles C. Hartman, bank is scheduled to be opened general manager of ,Pac1f1c USN iet. both of San Diegans for business in January or Feb- ;elephone: annual_ r~port and Inc.;' Ch~mber of Commerc~ruary. Construction on the 212, act sheet on the hqmd. natural brochures by James Gillian, 000- square. foot edifice began g?s fac1hty .at Chula V~sta, _by preside11! ; vanous literature last year.. Walt_er A. Z1tlau, e~ecullve vice from the San Diego Convention Placed m the chamber were: pres1d~nt of San Diego Gas and and Visitors Bureau by G. R. copy of today's Evening Electnc Co. Fox, first vice president, and ~tb_une, by Eugene F Deed Copy Included William p . Brotherton execu- 1lhams, editor; a copy of The A copy _of t~e bank's deed and live manager ; a Downtown As- ;an Diego Union, by editor Her- s~veral historical pictures of t~e sociation trophy plaque by Ed ,ert G. Klem; a copy of th_e site, by G. H. Whitney, cha1r- llall, vice president, and H. ~depe?dent newspaper, by Elh- man _of the 'bank_s executive Leith Loder executive direc- (Contmued Next Page, Col. 2) and discount committee; annual to· ' 1 ,(___ rep?rt and collection o,f coins '· Salk Paper Goes In dat1r.g back to the bank s foun- A brochure on the Salk Insti- J dmg century ago,_ by _Claude I lute for Biological Studies and a ;

C._ Blak_emore, president, com- statement from Dr. Jonas Salk, m1sswnmg pennant fl~wn by th c a tape recording of a San Diego 1 light c~u1ser San Diego from Zoo bus tour by Dr. Charles 1042 lo 194 6 , pres~J1ted by Shaw, assistant director of the RAdm. L. C Coxei ?1rector of lZoological Society; a black f the Southwest D1v1s1on of the pearl from Sea World's Japa- i ~vy Bureau of Yards a nd nesc Village by Dick Kenge- 1 !;l-ocks; a history or t~e Manoe man, two films about the zoo : (for~s, with empha_sts on the and San Diego by G. Howard Manne Corps Recruit Depot, by Matson ol the Copley Press; l \1aJ. Gen. Bruno A. Hochmu th • personal calling cards by Fire I depot com:11;:,ndcr. Chief Ray W. Shu-kraft and Po- . . Picture Placed . lice Chief Wesley Sharp. A p~ct~re. <•f county Supervi- A radio news tape and filmed sors s1gmng th ast _!eel.beam m1erview with William G. of lh_e new ,bank uudrng on th e .\1ass, the bank's investment of- day tt was ,opp"a out, by Fr~k f1cer, by Bruce Fleming of Gibson, th:irm_;r of. the Boa rd Tim~-Life Broadcast, Inc.; a l ~f Supervi. 01. , copw~. of the film of the skyscraper's con- 1 ~1ty and county budgC:!s. ~ullel- struchon phases, by George A. c m, plan book and aenal ~tclure Whitney, vice president and gen- 1 of the Umvcrnty of Cahforma era! manager or KFMB-TV and at San,. Di~~? ~y ~oliert . ,· t. ;.>e recording of today's time- i Biron, \ ice cnancellor, S D - 1 stuffing by Julius Kauff- go State Co~lcge yea~book by an of XETv·.

Erne~t B. O Bryne, vice pre - ident; brochure o! the four col-

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