News Scrapbook 1964-1967

;a.ul,. ~dden, Vrry R<· . Gabriel Chiodi, FSCJ; Rev. Andrew W, Hanley, Re,•. Thoma, F. ,reaghe,r, Rev. \~ Olllhudn A.:~~:~:: ~, Alo,,ius .\. O'Doh<'rty, n.-,. I atrlrk O O\\ , an Filo·zarn'ttl. Sho\\n a-.bllng HI, E,xccllcncy arc ;\lsgr. Donald I-'. Doxie, right' and lte\', Thoma, GIU..,,ple.

SIL\·t•R JUBILEE CO:-ICELEBRATION-E1ght prl~~ts of the • k d II ilwr anniv<'Nary of thrlr ordmatlon lo ~),:<·r,::.:::~rp;h-,t~~~ hy joinlni;- with ;\lo-,t n,.,. Francis J. Furn c\po,tollr \dntinlstrator, in a. eo,w<·lt•hra,. led iila~, }8.5~ Tu ,it~;- in st. Joseph'~ ca.thedr.11. They are cry e,. o 1

New Officers Are Seated By Students N w stud nt body omcers were Installed and r clpl nts of Tencher of the .Year awards were honored at the r cent University o! San DI• ego Coll ge fc,• Men's ASB Ball at the Starduat Motor Hotel Student officer • for 1965- 66 are Ernie Borunda, 20 (223 H &treet, Chula Vista), preald nt; Bob Sh plro, 19, (8983 HowP Court, San DI· ego), vice president; Mike Oollchnlk, 22, (2712 S 7th Street, Sh boygan, W 11.,) treanurer, and Jamel Shultz, Jr., 21, (1H9 s. Hlll Street, Fallbrook), a cretary. Five teacMr • were honored. They w re Rev William L. Shipley In Gen ral Educa- tion, Em t Tovanl ot the Natural Sci nces and Mathe- matica division, Dr, Andre T Vine , Socl l Sciences; John McCab , an ln1tructor In Bu- • ln u Admlnlatratlon, and William Salessee of the Edu- cation Depnrtment. Fath r Shipley, chairman of the Division of Human!Uea and a prof aaor of philosophy, won th General FAucaUon honor tor the s cond straight


Alcala Guild To Install _Mrs. Wilper Mrs. John L. Wllper will be Installed as president of the Alcala Guild of the Unlver• slty of San Diego College tor Men at a no o n luncheon Wednesday, May 19, In the Cuyamaca Club. Father John Paul Cadden, preslden t or. the College for Men and guild moderator wlll conduct the installation cere- monies. Father I Brent Ea- gen, director of public rela- tions at the university, will be guest speaker Mrs. John F. O'Donnell, outgoing president, will pre- side with Mmes. Wilber Hil- dreth and Dominic De Pletrl as co-chairman of the lunch- eon. Mmes. Dominic De Pietr!, vice president; Ralph Q. Heintz, recording secretary; Harold Dermody, treasurer and Harold N. Stoflet, cor- responding secretary, w I 11 serve on the executive board.

Scripps Chemistry Prof To Join USD Dr. Curt W. Spanis, 33. of the Scripps Institution of Oceano- graphy has been appointed pro- fessor ol chemistry t the Uni- versity of San Diego's College for Men.

Coll ege Sets 24 Classes The College for Men at the University of San Diego will offer 24 summer classes In six fields beginning June 21, according to Very Rev. John Paul Cadden, college presi- dent. Classe5 will last six- weeks. Registration will be June 18, although students may pre-register prior to June 16, Father Cadden said. The courses will be In busi- ness administration, English, History, polltical science.and philosophy. Classes In hospi- tal accounting and In hospi- tal organization and manage- ment will be held In the eve-

Two classes ls the maxi- mum study load allowed dur- ing summer session, Father Cadden said. The college ls accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and ls approved for veterans. Two Set Hours At College Father I. Brent Eagen and Dean Irving W. Parker will be available from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. this Saturday, May 22, in the University of San Di- ego College for Men to an- swer all questions concerning the colJege. Interested applicants and their parents are Invited to obtain additional information about matriculation.


/courses Set By College Courses designed SPl'Clfic- allv for those wishing to fuf1l! requirements for Cali- fornia State Teaching Cre- dentials Will be offered dur- mg _the forthcoming summer sess10n at the Uni versit f ~an Diego College for ke~. was announced by William :· ,, chairman of the ducatton Department Regjstration for th~ sum. ;:;;_er susJon will be held Fri- June 18. Classes Will Y, Ed~t· "'m offerings Include Cducatlon 103, Principles and urnautum of Secondar Education, Education 11/ ducatlonai Psychology Edu' 1ation 119, Measureme~t an; valuation and Educat· 1_38, Phi!oso!>hy Of Edu 10~ tion. All courses w·11 b f ed I C Of• ar momings and WilJ three earn . semester hours of ~red1t. Teachers or others interested may contact th :uca11on Office, College ro: en, for further lnfonnatlon Candi tea for the ne~ Master of Arts in Teae1i· Prov . ing t· " "' 1th a specializa- ~: In: his~ory or English • are lnv,tea to appl t the .college for further i!tor~ mat,on regardmg this new &'l'aduate program_ ' · E comme and "'11 fonday, June 21, nd Friday July 30




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USO Auxiliarv Advances ,.;

orse Show

Plans .For

I Valley will be an international fair on the grounds adjacent to Mrs. A. J. C. F'orsyth of Coronado is general chairman for this first event of its kind to be held here. Eric Atter- bury of Del Mar will be show Smelley of Houston. Tex., and La Jolla will be horse show chairman. Mrs. Maurice P. Turner is in charge of the The faii; will be a "•mall city" representing 10 countri- es. A variety of entertainment will be offered throughout all events. A barbecue supper has Johnnie• fair the Park. farm and Westgate

mb 'led with the how at



been planned between sessions Saturday, Sept. 25, and an En- glish Ilunt Breakfast will precede the Sunday show. A 11 proceeds will go to the College for Men and the Col- lege for Women at USO. Additional committee cliair- men who were announced y s- terdal' are: Mnies. Julian Kaufman. honorary general chairman; John M. Murphy. advisory chairman; Elli'ott M. Brown, publicity; H. Stephen King, program; Edward J. Cooney and James F'. Mulvaney. invi- tations; Edwin C. Ferguson and John Waters, tickets. Also Mmes. Lawrence Oliv- er and Ross 'G. Tharp. stakes and trophies; R. E. Archibald and Rohert P Steed, prizes; George W. Wolfe, patrons; Harry Collins, sponsors: E. P. Tovani. food and bever- age~: Ada Smyle, ment and spitality ; Mark J. O'Brien finance; John M. Atliaide, housing, and Remo Downs. art' and display. Mrs. John J. Wells is auxiliary president. · The event is expected to draw horse buffs from througho1,1t tbe state. The show will be the irst of its kind in this locale since the pre-World WHr II Coronado exhibitions.

n Farm

Plans for the first annual Charity Horse Show and Inter- national Bazaar which will be held Sept. 24-26 at Westgate Park galloped along as com- mittee members met yester- day at the Coronado home of Mrs. Elliott M. Brown. sponsored by the University of San Diego Auxiliary. will fea- lure stake classes for amateur riders in each major division during the six se sions as well as an exhibition in all .types of Western and English saddle Combined with the show at Valley Lane Farms in Mission riding.

In .Mis-

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w111 he a'J inter- national bazaar In an area a,ljacent to the ( r and We,tg te Park. A smnll city rcpr ntlng 10 countrie!I will be built under tho trees and Will offer the too,t,, bever• age, and souvenirs of those lands. Mrs. Maurice P. Turn- er of We tern Hills ls bazaar chairman. A variety of enter- tainment will be offered throughout an events. A barbecue supper has been planned b tween ses- lons on Saturtlay, Septem- ber 2.'I and an English hunt breakfa9t will precede the !';un ay show. Ali proceed.s from both the hors show an,! b zaar will benefit the ColJege for M~n and the Col- lege for Women nt the Unl- ver .ty ot San Diego_ Committee chairmen In• clud Mm s. Julian Kaufman. honorn(Y general chairman: John M. Murphy, advisory chairm~n, Elliott B. Brown, publi 1ty; H. Stephen King, prog,-am, and Edward J. Cooney and James F. Mul- vaney, invitations. oth rs Include Mmes. Ed- win C. Ferguson and John Waters, tickets; Lawrence Oliver and Ross G. Tharp, takes an

K of C Plans June 20 Fete

The show, which will be manager and Mrs.

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CELEBRITY CAMPUS: The University bf San Di t;o had no sooner graduated Saudi Arabia's Prince S !Al-Saud than it received applications from two other celebrated families. Sons of Danny Thomas and Bob Crosby have applied for admission this fall. (Ap lications also came from Pat O'Brien and Den- nis 'Keefe, no kin of their noted namesakes).

1 Seat Officers For 1965-66 Student body officers at the University of San Diego College for .Men have been installed for 1965-£6. They are Eniie Borunda, 20, of 223 H St., Chula Vista, pres- ident; B I) Shapiro, 19,, of 6983 ?We Co rt, vice president; Mike Iichnlk, 22, of Shebo 11 , treasurer, and James Jr., 21, of 1449 S. Hill°'N'll1nk, secretary. • ?1 )'roll!!llffirs also were hon- ored at tallation banquet. hey are Rev. William L. Ship- ley, Ernest Tovani, Dr. Andre T. Vince, John McCabe and William Salesses.

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