News Scrapbook 1964-1967
Lib piritu
duty immoral pretel!l The Most Rev. Francis J . F , apostolic administra- tor of the San Diego Catholic Diocese, said yesterday. Bishop Furey spoke to San lego County judges, attorneys nd law students a a Red J',f.lss arking the beginning of Law Veek. The :\-1ass, celebrated in SL Joseph's Cathedral, annual event. ROLE OF COURTS The bishop presideil at the Mass, which was celebrated by tl:e Rt. Rev. ~lsgr. James T. Booth, diocese chancellor. The priests wore the traditional red vestments. '·Some lawmakers and some courts ... now tell us that virtue is no concer~ _of civil authority, nor of the CIVJI courts," Bishop Furey said. "They pretend that liberty and freedom must be understood. interpreted and pro- moted wllhout reference to goodness and virtue. "Some of them even seem to say that ii is the duty of the law and the civil courts to be 'moral- ly neutral,' lo be tolerant of everything except interference with liberty " LEGAL AIDES CHARGED The bisl:op said these persons no longer acknowledge any con- nection between our freedom and our obligations to God. "They deny that our civil rights are in any way bound up with our spiritual duty, and they take the position that liberty for its own sake is so supreme that it must be given free reign no matter what happened to good- ness." He told the membe,rs of th (Continued on a-21, Col. I) is an
Seminary Rectors Voice State Goal
Eight Priests
Mark Jubilee
-San Diego Union Stott Photo ht foreground is .Muni- Y G. Fitzgerald. -----
This was part of audience attending I Red Mass in St. Joseph'· Ca• _....::~~--,._,...,
gy, on the Church, and on the tr inlng of prle ts as well as th teachings o! modem popes on priestly formation lso serve a,i guidelines for the fteminary. The rectors added that the 1 mlnary'a program mu It atand the test or facts both pa•t and present. The atatement: The seminary, puraulng Its ubllme work ot training pnuta for the ervlce or the Church, has It• roots In th put, In the cath dral achools, In the unlveraitles or the Mlddl Ages and. after the Council or Trent, In semi• narie~ M we know them to• day. The aemtnary growa with, not apart !rom, the Church and l guided 1n !ta work by the Church's understanding of the priesthood in our time by the decrees of the Second Vatican Council on the litur- gy on the Church and on the tralnlng of prtesta. Teachings of Popes It Is also guided by the teachings o! the modern l'op on priestly formation as wen as by the decrees or the Congregation or Seml- narle and the instructions of the local Ordinary. It ls in this authoritative voice or the Church that the seminary rinds It• principal stability and adaptability. But the seminary Is not a platon Ideal existing apart from the concrete reality or time and place. Its program must measure up to the test or facts both and pres- ent. On the one hand, a semi• nary system which has pro- d•ic,•d a clergy second to none, as our American system has, must have within it valid principles of priestly forma- tion. On the other hand, as our Holy Father, Pope Paul VI , Indicates In his encyclical letter ..Ecclesiam Suam," we have to recognize that we hve In an age different from the we deal with a di!- ferent mentality, background and temperament and we face problems and confront 1 sues unknown to the past. It ts therefore paramount to distinguish between truth and fable, between tacts and assumptions in the matter or training tuture priests. We have to Isolate the valid, perennial principles of priest- ly formation from their ac- c,d ntal, no longer relevant trappings so that they may be employed with maximum advantage in the seminaries or our time. It Is only through the ju- dicious blen Star Of Law THE SAN DIEGO UNION' Mon., April 28, 1965 eek Marked - -=::;::::;::::=::;:::::;:::=.;=..:::==';,A; N;:=,Dl,,,E.,G..,O CALI FORN~ By ass Western Nine l rips USD, 9-5 Cal Western University used three home runs lo defeat Uni- ver- d from a-19) (Cont legal profession: men can ne\'j"r this monstrous, immoral and impos- sible pretense." Bishop Furey quoted from the firs\ epistle of St. Peter: " 'For such is the will of God that by ' doing good you sr.ould put to silence the ignorance of foolish men who live as free men, yet not using your freedom as a cloak for malice, but as a ser- vant of God.' " The bishop said there can be no real freedom without good ness, nor without law and order. He noted that the word judge 13 found 400 times in the Bible, the world judgment 500 times and the word justice about 350 t times. "The legal profession is one of , the oldest and most honorable of !'he pursuits of man ," he said. "lt is also one of the most diffi- cult and l:azardous. Briefs must be prepared, opinions declared and deci ions given which have a lasli g .effect on the individu- al, and perhaps on his family for generations yet unborn ." The • 1ass, a traditional begin• ning of Law Week in several American cities, was celebrated in English. • It is called the Red Mass be- cause of its origin in England, where judges attended the Mass in their red robes, ahd the eel- · ebrant and ministers of the Mass wore red l'Cstments. Its purpose is to invoke the blessing and help of God upon . the legal profession. In Washing- ton, toe President and members of U·.e Sup,reme Court and Con- 1• gress gen-:rally atttend the Mass in St. Matthew's Cathedral. Tbe Mass in San Diego was sponsored by the School of Law at the University of San Diego in cooperation with the San I!iego County Bar A'ssociation. ''You gentle- accept Red Mass Scheduled The Red Mass fo~ lawyers or San Diego will be cele- brated in English at St. Jo- seph's Cathedral Sunday, April 25, at 10 a.m. Mo t Rev. Francis J Fu- rey, Apostolic Administrator will preside. and preach the sermon. Msg1". Jamce T. BoOth, chancellor of the Diocese of San Diego, will be the cele- brant. The religious celebration will be one of the services held April 25 to introduce Law Week which annually is celebrated throughout the nation. The dean and faculty of the School of Law, Univer- sity of San Diego, invite the members of the legal profes- their friends to at- • NDIEGO UNION 'Will 0' h Wlsp," wu ward d the trophy for b st support ng act re s Other ntr s were ''Thre on n Bench'' by the players from Chula Vista High and ''Cray Bread" by Cathedral High, J"udges were tl•s Kathleen Brophy, profes or of Theater Arts at the College !or Women, and Donald Ernst, chairman or the English D • partment at the College !or Men, nlv r • lty or San 01. ltff annunl one-net, chool Dramrt Tourna- la t Sunday In the hi- Colltre ror at Th ego .h Id high ment theatr For Horse Show· The University of San Di- ego Auxiliary is sponsoring a Horse Show and lnterna• tlonal Bazaar on September 24, 25 and 26, a.t Valley Lane Farms and Westwate Park. One of the feature attrac- tions will be a Post Office !or which packages a r e needed. All proceeds support t h e activities of the University or San Diego College tor Men. Ful'lher Information may be obtained by calling Mrs. Frank J. O'Connor, 276-2299. Women Participating • chools were Cathedr I Girl ' High, Craw- ford, Univ rslty, Chula Vista and , far Vista High School•. Crawford Hlgh's production <>t "To Burn a Witch," a mel- odrama ahout the Salem witch trials or 17th Century New England, won the trophy !or th b t production. Best actor wa~ Dill Burton or University High tor his role or th pr ach r ln '"The Mark," written and directed by Charles Wllllams. Stac y lann or Crawtord won the b st actres., honor tor her portrayal or the holy Y.1 tch Beat 11upportlng- actor was voted to be J"ames Grl!• tin, also or University High, tor his part a11 the Negro In ''The Mark." Linda Semkcn, who played th Walt In Mar Vista Hlgh'a Edges Cal Western l:niversit/ of San Diego used a walk and two singles to score the winning run in the seventh inning yesterday to edge C a J Western, 4-3, in their baseball meeting at MCRD's Beeson Field _Both t ams collected six hits ,with Rex Wetzel hitting a solo home run for the Westerners in l' the seventh. It was the final game of the season for Cal Western which ended with a 16-14 mark. USD will tak'e a 15-21 St!ason figure into its season finale Sat- urday in a doubleheader with Chapman College on the Mesa ,College diamond. USO ., 201 OQO 1-4 I 2 Cal Western . 020 ooo 100-3 6 3 Stephenson and Rilley· AU~n and Maf•. ~~5 e\~'f;': n~~h:lci,i.r Ul HR-Wetzel (CW), USD Five Captures Intramural Tourney A University of San Diego! A San Diego State team had 1 team won an intramural bas- beaten Cal western in the semi- ketball tournament at Golden T 1 5349 b d" · Gym yesterday by defeating a ma s, , ut was isquah- 1Cal Western team 55-49 be- fied when it was discovered it I hind Pat Barry's 15 point~ and used an ineligible player, Von 14 by Paul Martinez. Jacobson, who is not attending Don Bragonier led the losers State. The Crawford High star with 14 points. _____scored 24 points. 4 Cal Poly Hits Oheck USO, 8-1 S?e ~-- Su ., prll 11, 1965 0 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA THE SAN DIEGO UNIO . Electio B Alcala Guild ' . 1A 1. I I ary To Plan Horse Show ux THE SAN DIEGO UNION A4 I I Thurs., Ml\}' IJ, 1965 _ SAN DIEGO., CALIFORNIA University of San Diego Aµxil- will be Mrs. Walter W. Crosby, chairman. iary will make plan~ for its first who will discuss past Coronado I Hostesses for the luncheon arc horse how and mternational horse shows as an aid to plan- Mmes. Bernard Maloney and bazaar, ~et Sept. 25 and 26, ning the Auxiliary' sh w lo during a. lunch meeting today at take place at Va I r' e Emmett_ Farrell. Mrs. John Rancho Bernardo F · Wells will c · arms. Following the session, a bus M A J c F th r rs. . . . orsy o on- tour of Rancho Bernardo has ado will serve as general chair- been arranged. man of the horse show, and Mrs. Special guest at the meeting Maurice P. Turner as bazaar 15, 1965
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