News Scrapbook 1962-1964

¥ Sat., Jan . lZ, 1963 © SAN DIEGOt CALIFORNIA



CFM To Observe Holy Family Day Commemorating the :Fen~t of the Holy Family, mPm- bers ct the Christian Family ~.1ovement of the San Diego Catholic Diocese and their chlldren will attend an 8 a.m . Mass tomorrow In the Immaculata Chap!'] at Alcala Park. Most. Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop of th<> diocese, will ofter the Mass. Breakfast will be ~Prvrd In the Lark, campus cafeteria, after the service. * * * A three-day ml~~lonary convention wlll begin at 7 p .m. Friday in Pilgrim Holiness Church, 2120 Monroe Ave. Speakers will be Ruth Meeks, director o! missionary so- cieties in the world missions office, and Orpha Case, who has served as a missionary in Africa. * * * The feature length film, "Jerusalem," produced by Billy Graham, evangelist and religion columnist ot The San Diego Union, will be shown at 8 p.m. Friday ln Ocean Beach Baptist Church, 1969 Sunset Cliffs Blvd. * * * E. Blair Fuller, chairman of the San Diego Baha'i Spiritual Assembly, will speak at l1 a .m . tomorrow at a meeting of the San Diego Baha' i Community in US. Grant Hotel. His subject will be "Science and Religion.' ' * * II< Youth of St. Dunstan's Episco)}al Chunh, 5178 College Ave ., will commemorate the Epiphany season by present- ing an original drama tomorrow night in the church. The presentation will follow an rvening prayer service at 7 p .m . The junior choir will sing. Epiphany, or Feast ot Lights, is a religious observance of the visit to the infant Jesus by the three Wise Men and the spr ead of Chris- tianity throughout the world.

Un fed Press lnternat 1 0•1al Telephoto

REMEMBER WHEN, MIKE? Ted Williams, left, form forrow ye. terday prior to lecture before AmPrican A sociation of College Baseball Coaches at Los Angeles. Morrow, who has been coaching sin ·e 1923, piloted San Diego American Legion team Williams played on before beginning his fabu- lou. career as f game's outstanding sluggers. ston Red Sox great, n Diego baseball coach talk. with t:nivcrsity of Mike

USD Seeks MCRD Cage Revenge lead th e basketball "team, with an un- open with 1ark Tei s man n club with 12.8 and ~2.4 scor- distinguished record (4-13) and Ru, Cr v ens at for- ling averages, respectively. and a light bench, has one of wards, Lart')' ,Mo ·er at center The Marines, who downed its best chances to gain re-\and guard Je ilalsey and the Toreros, 64-61, in the USD venge and v i c t o r y tonight L:irtn nd 11 tourney early last month, will when it plays host to the Ma- Tic mann Williams, be paced by high-scoring Bob rine Corps Recruit Depot. ----=====-------,-,- Mealey at forward. 0 t h e r The inte r-city contest gets starters will be Wayne Adams , 1 at forward . Stacey H1ggms at underway at 8 ° clock in· ;2_ - '3'-.......... •' center, and Scott Iverson and USD 's gymnasium. 1 Wally Sellers at guards. Torero coach Phil Woolpert 5 MCRD now with a 12-16 is expected to call on his us- : season ~ark, has two more ual first club to tackle the I games on its regular sched- Universitv of San Diego's :VIarlne in ,a rematch. He'll/boJh ophomores,

Aztecs Defeat Waves, 55-51, In late flurry (Continurd) fu s, hunting additional be nch trcn Ui to offset the los s of leading scorer Bob Mackey and Forrest Flithero through ineligibility, startect five re- rves - Larry Will Fritz Ztcgentu . George .Rober , Bill Mar ellles and Tom Ten• ney. They played the fl minutes but scored only ur point a Pepp rdin an The regular arrived at this p o i n t and did little better. With just over 1x ,m !)Ute to go before interm1ss1 , t e h ome team had sc red only n in e point and lagged, 16-9. But they etched a 33 23 hal f- time tie as Meek and Shaw. •4 lead.

ule before it plays host to the : All-Marine tourney at C a 1 Western gym, starting Feb. 26. The Leathernecks will tace tough Quantico, Va. and Ha- waii Marine teams. -=:;;;;;;;;;.::..

T oreros, Pa/om Suffer Hoop

r sses

MRS. MORGA Miss Kapp,

M. C .Morgan Repea l Vows Miss Kathryn Grace Kapp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Richard A. Kapp of 4552 Tai madge Drive, and Michael Charl_es Morgan exchanged marriage vows Dec. 28 in the Kensington C o m m u n i t y Church. The bridegroom is the son o! Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Morgan of 941 La J o I I a Rancho Road. The bride's gown was of pearl embroidered lacP over ta!f~ta, and she carried gar deruas and white hyacinths. Her attendants were the bride- groom's sisters, Mrs. Frank Hoole, matron of honor and Miss Sally Morgan; and the bride's sisters, Missrs Diane Kapp, Leslie Kapp, Margaret Kapp and Constance Kapp. Frank Hoole was best man. Ushers were David Harvey Walter Richards and Le Hayes. The bride studied at San Di. ego State whPre ~he was a member of Alpha Lambda Delta Women's Honor Sorori- ty. The bridegroom is a grad. uate o! Redlands University and did graduate work at San Diego State. The couple will make their home in Alameda.

University of San Diego's had defeated P oenix JC, 87-

r ro!t finally located the bas- basketball t eam was home for 65, F riday n gM k c~.oth teams hi t at a 35 per Christmas today after losinJ Arizonans' 4 e home• cent clip from the floor , the to Alameda State College, 5.:i- f 1o or ~".1•.nl g streak was Waves getting down 23 or 53 i42, in the Kriss Kringle tou~- beaten. 16-59, bv the s a m c pokes and the Aztecs 21 of 58 , nament in Anaheim Saturday te~m Saturrla) when 1t was in Pepperdine outrebounded the . ,a Hngeful mood. Aztecs 50-42 with 6-J H , mght. , T}le Comets trailed by only Dinnet' claimlng 12 ca rom:.rry ' L'SD now gets t_he hollda} 'three points with 3:31 left to Pepperdine Jost D i n n e 1 off, _the_n meets P h1bP a~ Dec. play, wh~n the w~nncrs ran off through fouls with 7 24 t 29 m its next game m the 14 straight points. John and Tinsley joinPd hi~ 0 ;: Torero gyn;i, . . IS~ick) Fairchild scored 20 sictellnes with 32 . econds re- thAldam 1eda s_ wth1n cltmch_ethd pomts for the Comets. ___ mainlng. Mackey, playing his tr p a~e m e m ee , wi to end th e

final game, departed with 9 : 26 USD getting fourth. Chapman left after s c O r Ing seven College won by squeezmg_past points. Glithero pla ·ed b ut host Orange State, 87-8:i,_ In faill'd to score. ) · the finals . USD players failed The Aztec fro. h defeated to land any of the all-tourney the Universitv of - D' berths. . Jro •h 79 71 ·. th,an 1 !eg_o Palomar CoJlege, w h 1 ch • , · , m e pre imt-

nary game Pepperdine (Sl)

1 ? tp J 6 2 1 1..i O 2 2 2 2 3 s 1 • 1 o 1 2 1 0 1 1 o 0 2 s s 1 15 'Z

S.D. Stott (H)

~P: Garnier

H. Dlnnel Ooug~n R. Omnel Jone! Wo_rll,k Smith ~embrokt T1n5tev d,~:'~Ym• Tolals 8 11bray Molerlch Hensel Price Yavorsky F lox


4 Meek

1 2 J

3 0 I d Robert, .; o o a Mackey 5 2 J 12 Jone, .( Bowers 0 I O I Tenney 2 0 2 -t 0 S

I Sliowcrott Htg::rs




23 S 14 51

Score-s.o. State 23, Pepper.



f { t J Perez 5 1 -t n Pi!!rce 2 O 5 4 Aoofegfe H J 3 2S Zovonv• 3 6 , 11 Heim 6S117Neu1e5

flt J s 4 2 1-t o o 1 o o o J o l o 1 99 3 27 o o 1 o



Tot 29111,j ,\ 3 Halftime score Son Diego • O. USO u. 21 IS 1' 71 J'rn~;:I~

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