News Scrapbook 1962-1964

J.:;oo and .·1.000 Fund Grants Given To Two Libraries Grants or 1.000 to th~ University of San Diego Llb1 ary and $1,500 to the College for Women Library were announced this weeks by the Grants Committee of the A· ociation or CollPge anrl Rc8cnrrh Libraries, a division of the .Amei-lcan Library A sol'iation. The grants were 1ven for th,• purchase of books an


TH! SOUTHERN CIOSS, THUlt USO Cagers Enjoy Rest From Action The Unlver it)- of San Di• ego basketball team will take a well-deserved re a t th i • w~kend after aeven ucces- aive weekend• o! action ince December 1. Coach Phll Woolpert 8 squad will resume play January 23, when they awing north on a five-day junket through Ne• vada e.nd Northern California. The Toreros leave San Diego January 22 ! or :McClelland ,A.Jr Force Base near Sacra- ;mento wheri, they \\111 meet th Flyers the followmg night. tter a one-day rest, the San DiegaM will travel to D&vb !or & match with the Cal Aggies team Je.nua.ry 26, and the n ex t evening will play the University or • 'eva- da in Reno before lea,1ng for home. Expected to makf- the trip are guards Lymond William•, Jerry Halsey. Tony Caputo and Diel< Madsen: forwards ~lark Teismann. Russ Crav- en.s, Mike Jackson and Char• lie Wical: and centers Larry ~toyer and Ken Kullberg. The y o u n g Torero squad will take a 2-10 record into the McClelland game. Woolpert"s forces dropped a 71.::;s decb1on to the ;,:avy Amphibious Base (PhibPac) 1 t Friday in their last out- ing. T h e sailors gained re• venge tor the i3-54 pasting handed tl1em by the Toreros in an earher meeting. USO, which had taken a • 2 per cent field goal mark into the fray, co u 1 d only make good on 3:l per cent of their shots. They .,·ere also guilty of 27 per onal fouls, which PhibPac converted In to 21 successes or 33 attempts from t.he !ree throw line. Guard Gerry Feld, who led PhibPac to the 1:'SD invita- tional tourney championship two w e e k s ago, scored 24 points to lead the ·winners. The Toreros counted on the marksmanship of former Cin- cinnati schoolboy Mark Teis- mann who scored nine of 16 field goal at empts and added a pair or c arity tosses for 20 points. Team captain Russ Cravens added 17 markers, while Lymond Williams fol- lowed with nine. Teismann took over the ln• dividual s co r Ing lead from Williams. He Is averaging 12.6 points over the 12-game route. 'William~ follows with a 12.1 average. while center Larry Moyer is shooting at a 10.8 and I· ~foyer a r e sophomores and C r av e n s is a senior. Mike Jackson and Jerry Halsey, who alternate in the starting lineup, a sophomore and junlor, respectively.

Freshmen Hold Officer Election The !remman cla of the t;nlver11I y of Sn'l 01 le e tor \\ omen re ently elected permanen ident ls • tary Pat • tcChesney o! • 'ogales, Ariz. • he ls a graduate or the Convent of the Sacred Heart at Menlo Park, Calif., her ahe h Id the office of vice president o! th stud nt body v. h!I In h r • nlor year. Earlier th :,i •me ter ahe wa~ e I e c t e rl freahman fortnightly pros - dent. he entered the WO• men's college with acholn Uc honor last September. tary Jo Brearty i the cl vice precfdent. he Is a resident of Los Angele and a graduate of Immaculate He rt. In high school ehe was on the yearbook staff cla , ice pre ident while In hig11 sehool. The cla.~s treMurer is Don• na G o rd o n, a resident of Spring Valley. She was gra~- .iated !rom M o u n t Mig,.:el High 'chool where a;he wa.~ an assistant editor of the llterary magazine and the president of the Play Com- mittee. She was a fortnight- ly ,1ce president earlier this seme ter. of!I The pr 1-

l\lrs. Harold Tebbctt.s, n·,·01·d- secretary. Newly elected membe1·s of the B o a r d of Directors are Mmes. Eel Cooney, David Gar- field, John E. Handley, Ed- ward J. Muzzy, and John J. O'Brien. Holdowr memb.-rs of the :ioard are Mmes. H, Stephen Ring, Earl Lindburg, Ray- mond P. Coady, Francis West, John .J. \\'ells, HPnry Fenton, Ada Smyle, William Goetze, and Charles Rizzo. Gaest.,; at the luncheon in- cluded Very Rev. John Paul Cadden, president of the Col- lege for Men; Rev. Charles DollPn, University of Sall Di- ego librarian; Norma Peele, president of the College for Women student body, and Pat Buckley, vice president of the College for Women student body. All voiced their thanks to the members of the Auxil- iary .for the aid extended the un.iversity. During the four years, lhe Auxili ha.s raised $33,- 711.88 for the university, $3,· 661.11 of that l o t a. l being raised during 1962. Benefiting from Ute Auxil- iary have been the university and law libraries, the College for Men's National Defense Student Loan Fund, and scholarship aid to worthwhil student~ al both the College for \\'0111 n and the Colleg, !or llen.

ed as pre ,dent of the Umvrr- s1ly of San Diego Auxiilarv at an mstallatlon luncheon ln the Islandia Hotel last T day. Other officers seated am Mrs. Jo,eph E. Mullen. fu"Bt v Ice president· Mrs. .Julian Kaufman, second vice pn1. l• dent: Mrs. Ned Renick, treas- urer; l\lrs. Er!win l<'crguson, . . .

and a member or both the B neslan Players and the \\ omen'1< Athletic A socla- tlon. She a!so entered with cholru1t.,c honora anrl wa. a !ortmghtly vice pre ident. Anne Harrison, also a grad• uate or Immaculate Heart in Los Angeles, 1s the cla•~ aec• retary. She was the junior

The social chairmen are Su- n Lundquist, a resident o! San Mar In o, Calif., and a graduate of San Marino High School, and Susan Skinner. a graduate of Academy of Our Lady of Peace and a resident o! San Diego.



GAVEL PRESENTED- Xl>\\ oHil'l"rs of th.- 'f'ni\·pr,it~- of ~an DiPgo Auxiliary wPrP seated nt an in,tallatlon dinner Tue,da, at th" Islandia Hotrl. .\Jr,. John . \thaidl', ,r<,ond from II'[(, ac~pts the president', gawl from \Ir,. E•thl'T Collin,. right, retiring pre,idPnl. Lool



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