News Scrapbook 1959-1962

EVEhllNG TRIBUNE SAN DI EGO, CALIFOltNIA \Vclon""rs may !J.µ,V<' th/' na-1 The P10nC'C'J'S arc In thP 11on's small-coll" P. homf"•run rllnning for a bC"rth in t h£> king in their hnl'up. !'.'AIA playoffs which may ~c Jim Fior nza ha rappl'cl held hl'rl' May 20-Zl, ThP1r 12 roundtrlppl'r ·. Jfo's driH'n 12-gam winning streak was in 4:l runs with 41 hits lnlsnrtppC'~ las! wl'ekc.ncl by Az11- rn t rip for a Just_y .14:.! av..,r- 1m, 10-C. USO pla)s J:lola at 11pe TliP. junior horl top frnm L». Mi_rada ~aturday m what fontlngton I' 111· k is one hlg 1111" f'1onr•t>rs hope will be a , a on 111/! I'ionc•PrS have l'Olll• l litll'llp fot thri NAIA tC'st tkd a su<'C<'•sful r0cord of N, gotiations for th<' tourn<'y b-7 L..==='-~-------


r<' und<'tway. Al LPw1s of Cal W<•sl<>rn is thl' arpa rc>pre- •rntatlvl' to the NAIA base- ball c·ommlttrr. PltehC'r Tom C:orlrlard, 6-~ on !hr m nd, · hit Ing .4:12. Jlr's str i'k o t 7'2 and has an <' d,ru ave-rage- of 2M. P1lchr•rs 'l'<•rry Lorenz anrl Tom <:odclar,I lrnv t I l'kl'd fo hatting suppor $C'V<'ll l'ion<'<'rq, I · za, ~r<' ahov<> lhll a . Dick Wilbur I I a .368 <'lip; I ; ~ave !"lion .J:29; Joh11 Holltclay, .321; J~n hap1n· n, • 76, anars at l , 'D •.• P. <'.

Pecarovich Opens U D Grid Drill s l-I ad football oacb Mlk Pecarovlch op~n•d !pl'i.rtg' f9ot- ball drill thft UnJ\ rr3Jty ot Sao Dlego ~vJt/1 a chalk talk Friday nigh anrt then m"t 20 Val'lllly pro ect ln doubl,.. SPMfon worknuta la:,t weekend P~cllrovlch, Whr, tonk over following the reslgn"-lioh of head roac-h Paul Platz, an- noun°"d that spring ,drJlJs would !nd within th• 20-day practice riod 11.Uowed the NCAA. He aM that th ~rill would exanta, at May 25. of final


USO Nine Faces Finale

Pe,:arovlch, o0mm11tlnll' be- tw~n San <' o and 8t, n-

.Mike Morrow'• Uni-






School, wh l!sh and leachea J<:ng. entor law, sa rt h• verai • would\ 'h J<'rfrtay, satur- team tra rls to Blola College day and unday ~es~ions. He Saturday tn close the rneo s•A.• will r.oach on a full-Ump basis son. The • gam~ ts scheduled ext fall. e oach and ath- for 11 8 m at the La. Mirada letlc coo natQr Bob Be ·ton am u hnse contra PX· " P 8 ' plr.,s July 1, wlll handle the Coa h Morr 1./' 1 t!iat 1f:• weekday practice 11eas1ons. May 14 fj'R!ll Wl al 'red1 The Weekd"&.ys "orJioub, held had bP. I TI\Ch at the Dle,i:'o Brine Corps asked to bu 1-c ed from Its Recruit De t, begin Rt 2 :30 commitm n e aid that the p.m. Doub! sessions on SAtur- day and nday brgln at 11 Bfola game, <)l'lglnlilly hedulM a .m. and ,i p m. for May 2l had bem "esch~d- Pecaro\'kh ,afd tha t lJSJ;) Ul~d ,urdaJJ: > 1n keway wm,ld change Its offonse next for a o ble NAIA D,strlcl 3 ·ty f S Of b eb II "" • •n ego as • h

Pioneers Face Biola Nine In Fnal Contest

•Pason tr om tht> conventionnl plt!)o single-wing formation . U8D P· scbedt~d to erated from a ~pllt-T i.n 1057 20-21. and 1958 a.nd operat~d om a l'.C:D I bi T-formallon lo a modi d The ,

r .Pie. Pioneers. Playoffs are San .Dir.go, May



Lwp of tls three

and exten•

Pek n


slot-T formation last fall.


r~-8. USD has

f'C l'1






Thirteen lettermen a.nd sevPn Jpg,ate ,-n



a 12-game


The Pio

newcomers met with Pecaro- ,·ich. Job conflicts will

sh'appert last Satur-

force wur :stu

to miss wr>ekday day, Josi g v, Al!l1sa College,

six others spring drills.

a team J07.

'!'he strenk he g an on

10 6,

On hand hist weekend were M~rch 2$ ttn opponents ends, Jim Gabriel and Mike as Cal Te"}), ¢al , eclcrn, Ari- McDevitt; tackles, Gray Elllott, zona State r• rlPfeated in the and Wally oos; center, Al Zu- streak. niga; quarterbacks, Jan Chap- The Pioneers Ira VP led to Red• man and Pat Heminger If. lands Friday And won, 15-•. The backs, Bob Keye oe G c Pioneers comllincd timely hlt- Loeschn1g Bill Qlf~ ur. nck t 1 , th b111Iiant foul'-hit pitch- Wllliams, and Hank c '1 relli, in b frrshman 'lom Goddard, and fullback, Chuck Kilkuskie. In d fi Ing edlands. Goddard, -~----- - - --- -.;'tee ring !'Om a hand injury ~uc

Morrow League 0 ens Tomorrow like 1\lurrow Little League will open its season at 1 p.m. tomorrow at Morley Field. All teams tn the league will be on hand for the cere- monie. Vetcran L'nh er ·!ty of San Di<'go ba chall coach !\like Morro\\, for whom the league l · nam d, Ill throw out the hr b:i,11


and making his first perfor- ance In two we ks, went the ro11 tP and drnve In twn runs with two mngle . Azusa Collei:e. Whom the Pioneers had defeated 13-8 In an earlier meeting this S<"Mon, a.mbushed starting pitcher Jan Chapman end jumpPd off to an eight-run lead in th.. first ln- ning last Saturday Azusa add~d two more runs and th.-n held off a resurgent usn rally a n d halted USD's win streak With a 10-6 victory. USD returned lo San Diego Sunday a.nd defeated Loyola Univer,sity, 9-5. Second base- man Hugo Soto and first base- man Dick Wilbur each had three hits against Loyola: pit- cher Terry Lorenz struck out 10 Loyola play<'rs and recorded lJis ninth win o( tho season Shortstop Jim Fior.-117.a con- lmues to IPnd the l1 p~er hit• ters He ha., 41 htts Jp 93 tlmea-at-bat, 12 l10111e runs, -43 runs • atted • In an cl a ,H2

USO Stadium Permit Issued The Univers.ty of San Di- ego yesterday received a con. ditional use permit from the cit' Plannlnjr Commiss·on for 6,()()0-seat ootball sta · m, mu! i u athletic f ing and 24 faculty apartm The development Is for a site of mo acus nor h of Ll'ri Vista road and east of Santa Ana dri\'e. Conditions of the per- mit include a requirement for 11, ?DP-car parking lot for the ium . University offi cial.q hope lo have the ~tadium in use by ·t !all, the commission was d. . . I

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