News Scrapbook 1959-1962
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA R»turday, .May 7, 1960 3 Goddard Hero In USD Win SlllC1al to EVENIN• TRIBUtt• REDLANDS - Tom God- dard '. ''one-man" team per- formance yesterday enabled Univc>nity of San Dil'go to edge Rc>dlands Univer~ity, 5. 4, in a baseball game. Goddard pitched four.hit ball and singled in the Pio- neers' last two runs in the I e v e n th, stretching th e team's w 1 n string to 12 gaml's, Score: UR~I d' •" • • ... •, 000 200 300- Rs ~o Eo ~ans .... -002011 000 .. 4 4 1 •n~'1~~~1 1:,nd Cox; Ward, Grave-r, Hosey b •
Pioneers Win 11th Straight
22 (i)
at,, .'lay 7, 1960 SAN DIEGO, CI.LIFORNIA
USD Nine Wins 12th Straight Victory. 5-4 SPf!cial ro The San Oleso Ur:1on Rl•:DLANIJS, Ma• 6-T om C:odd1ml t o clay pit rhed and hall Pd um~• I sll ' of ~An DI. rJ:lo 1o IL 12th st .,tght ha ,,. hall clory, a 5-4 conqur• 000 200 I :.00- S 10 0 USO , 002 011 ooo- 4 c .R alcmds (4), oddord ond CaY1 Word, (,rove ev tfl ond Casella H AN DIEG O , CALI F OR N IA SATURDAY, MAY ·• 1 9 60 NL SUPPORTED et ans e aro ich 0 Giving I oney s orth VEN/NG TRIBUNE SAN DIEOO, CALIFORNIA• ..,1., l 1y I, 1960 I By GK'll~ GltEGSTON Et\/CNING TRIBUNE E)(ecutlve Sports Editor Thus•' who sing of Natlonal Ll'ague supC"riority can hack their ari::uml'nts with two pieces of recent evi- dcnc,,, Caspy Wis<', who had hil only one homer and hatll' tills wceki>nd, has thi> right id1•a for small-time 1•oll<'giate football. "We need to maim It ent!'rtalning," he saicl 1he other evening. "Do ~onw things with the football and let the fans see II." • • • USD Victory tring Ends Special to 'T'ha San Oil!JO Union AZUSA, May 7 The l, nl• versity of San Diego's hld to strl't<• l a 12· am winning i;v. a cropper hl're • 11 In Ito". Pioneer Fo Bu in Due Weekend today as Azu~a Coll,~ge staged an 8· un upd ·ing in the first inning and then went n to win, 10·6. JJln Chapman. the Pioneers starter,. was the victim of the Aw a assault which saw the winners bang out five hits. including winning pitcher Gene Nelson's three-run homer in between four.walks. The Pioneers will play Loyo- la of L<• ngeles at 2 p.m. tomorrow at MCRD's Beason Field. USD .• ,., .010 032 000- 6 15 S AIUSQ . . . • 811 000 oox-10 11 3 csf;h~~mg~, o~~lbl:d;~re~nd O'Connc,r, C rn to Mor•' THE SOUTHERN CROSS, TH~SDAY, MAY 5, 1960 a. • and meet _:_:_::_:,:_:~,:_,__:_____~--~-----~- LOyol f Loe An- et I at 1 p m. USO holds , le· torie11 o er both AZ a &nd nlv ra y - hill season. USD d feated :Az Lo ola. Co~e EVENING TRIBUNE USD Nine Ends Season The University of San Diego baseball team yesterday wound up it.s season with a 9-5 victory over Loyola of Los Angeles at Beeson Field. The club's season record is 1.8-8, 11-4 against college competi- tion. ' Hugo Soto, Dick Wilbur and Jim F iorenzo sparked t h e Pioneers assault with eight of the club's 13 hits. Soto went three for four. including a l!'adoff homer in the first in- ning and a double. Wilbur hit a triple and two singles in three trips and Fiorenza got two singles in three attempts, Between them they drove in five runs. Terry Lorenz wi>nt the route .in chalking up his ninth vic- tory in 10 decisions. Coach Mike Morro , who will preside at the opcntng of a Little League namrd in hi~ honor Saturday, s a i d that l Cal Tech, beaten 25-1 in their first meeting had requested a cancellation and that he would seek to cancel the game scheduled with Biola. The NAIA district playoffs are expected to begin hrre May 21. b~vt 10 • . • ng 18: gr~=I 1 1 ~nzo (U'ld Carolan; Lorenz and Colt. Pioneers End Wi th Victory niver ·ity of San -Dil'go·s basebal' team look~ ahead to• day tot. National Association of lnt
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