Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945
Friday, January 2, 19 Soldiers Is Just Mass # 1n
For Negro and Indian Missions tirrin(Y Plea for piri- tual l T ed of 13 . HI- lion Fellow Citizen.. Dearly BelO\·ed Brethren: 1 The welfare of souls and •m1 the desires of Holy Mother the Church, voiced by our -· So\'ereign Pontiff himself, 1 S constrain us to bring before you l~ the important interests and needs of the Xegro and Indian missions. 1 We speak of, and hear much of needs, of vital, compelling needs n these days. Yet we would allow II. our sense 'Of values to be grave- ly distorted if we did not recog- n ze, as a paramount duty, a pro- found and continuing devotion to the Kingdom of God. To believe in our hearts and to say by our deeds, "Hallowed be Thy :Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done," is truly to put first things = first. At the same time, our de- aJ sires, and prayers, and effort must .tc go beyond the thought of our per- .t! sonal salvation and include the re- l! ligious welfare of our neighbors. Among these are the thirteen 't millions of Negroes living in our •, very midst. Most of these people a, have i;carcely heard an echo of s the teaching of our Saviour or tasted of the fruits of His redemp- t tion. They are unfortunate vie- I "tims of darkest ignorance and of that most cruel oppression, sin. Countl~s_s numbers'would welcome the oppol'tunity to share with us < the blessings of the children of the q zealous labors of a limited J1Umber 't of priests among them have been remarkably fruitful. Three hun- thousand Negroes are now • Kingdom of God. Indeed, the
Told Cause at Military Cathedral
Tri J mes
0 Loftus
Bi hop Prie~t . Iourn Pa.._ing of Blythe Pa.· tor' atber "Immortal works f o I Io w him-an ennobling conquest of !ife" - \X'ith these . words, the Most Rev. Ch a rles F. Buddy, Bishop of San Diego, eulo ized James Loftus who went to hi eternal reward on January 28 at t~e family home in Swin- ford, County Mayo, Eire. PARENT OF 10 CHILDREN Mr. Loftus was the father of ten childrtn, three of whom en- tered the s cred priesthood: the Rev. Thomas Loftus, of the Dio- 1 cese of Achonry, Eire; the Rev. Jol}n Loftu" of the Society of St. , Columhan, Brooklyn, • '.Y.; and I the Rev. Charles Loftus, pastor of St. Joan of Arc parish in Blythe, Calif., where 8olemn, commem- orat·ve ob~~quies were held last · Mondrr, Feb. !l. BISHOP PRESIDES harles Loftus 5 _.._... ____ ( Continued from page 1 ) chanted the solemn High Mass of John F. Gallagher, pastor of St. Rita's, San Diego, as deacon; the Rev. William Casey of Victor- ville, subdeacon; the Rev. Matthew J. Thompson of San Diego, master Requiem, assisted by the Rev.
(Continued From Page One.) I thor!ti:5 represent the sovereign is as in egrnl a pa1t of the na- dom1ruon of the supreme Creator. tion's fighting welfare as are its Honor and obedi nee are due home.;; and families, and the them. Church who delights in honoring AUTHORITY INSTITUTED the nation's homes and familie.: "The all-wi e Legi lator ordain- rejoices in honoring her soldiers. ed the exi tence of human society ASK HELP OF GOD and since, ,vithout justice and or- In vestment.; of cappa magna, der, human society cannot exist, Bishop Buddy presided at the God instituted cMl authority. l\Iass and delivered the sermon. "When the welfare and protec- He drew a comparL on from the tion of the nation require 1t, men, Old Testament, citing Judas l\Ia- have the solemn duty to mobilize chabeus as "one of the greatest their posses. :ons and every fiber generals of antiquity, a brave sol- of ~trength tha is in them to re- dier and patriot." pel force with force, to defend "Before Judas I\Iac_liabeus en- rights which demand the interven- g-aged in battle, he first invoked tion of arn 1 ~, to safeguard the the help of Almighty God in de- God-given liberty of a free peo- fense of his people," said Bishop pie, to compel re pect for nations Buddy. who want to live in peace." "Spurred on by the cause of OFFICERS OF MASS liberty, even though far outnum- The 1\fass was celebrated by bered and without any rams or Chaplain Kenneth G. Stack, engines of war, M:achabeus tore U.S.A., assisted by Chaplain John down the walls of Jericho and Scannell, U.S.A., deacoJl, and the with one victory following an- Rev. Henry Nitz, O.M.C., subdea- other, put to flight the ignoble con. The Very Rev. Thomas J. gangsters who tried to enslave his l\Ic:N"amara and the Rev. Franklin people: F. Hurd were deacons of honor 'UNTARNISHED RECORD' elapsed triumph of l\Iachabeus and here we assemble Two solos were sung by in humble prayer to invoke divine John Ryan of Camp Calla • aid for freedom of mankind. since the to His Excellency. l\Iinor minis- ters of the Mass were also soldiers from Camp Callan. ''Five thousand years have
"The United States of America has an untarnished record in its
of ceremonies. The Very Rev. Pat-1,...___ dred Religious and pastor of St. Vin- RY 9 , rick Dunne, Vicar General for
dealings with other nations. We----------------- have shown to the world what DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO, CP powerful elements are purity of 1------------------
(Continued on Page 6)
punrsr f.::>.tilJ\I
ishop and Gua1 cent's, San Diego, and the Very Rev. Peter F. Lynch, V.F., pastor of St. Francis de Sales, Riverside, served as deacons of honor to His . , Excellency.
principle and integrity of pur- pose. We have 11ever waged war for conquest of territory or mone- tary gain, never tried to purchase a crown with blood of our citi- · zens, nor to wade through slaugh- ter to a throne. passed by any other, ancient or modern, is brief but honorable. The Amei-ican' armies battled only the 1·ights of men were trampled under the feet of tyrants. The American soldiers' grave has always been dug in a free soil. "Our military l'ecord, unsur- when
s1nos '.jU0l{l!A\ uanr a.i:n J:oH U! U The priests' choir under the di- rection of the Very Rev. Francis C. Ott, V.F., rendered excellent DAILY COMMUNICANT Following ·the Requiem, 1\fost Reverend Ordinary gave th absolution and spoke briefly t ' ing of clerics and parishioners. "James Loftus," said His Ex-1 Gregorian music. 'll!p,l'.'J il{J. 'sa:>!!J:'.JS JI0M. auo'I at[.L "~xo a1"1'1 n. J "' 0 S::>!do.1.1 aq'.I J:O'J a::>tipll::>S f Ptl'J p00!:) ag ,l'.ptl't wama.1naR U! Sil!Pll'J A\0R s,~urn aq'.) aours,, -Jdf.+ aq+ ui pnq::> auo I.rt the large and ,ympathetic gather- s.t0[!tlS U1l asm 2u!.l'.Id ur:3:, daa)I oo O'.J sf.1lp ur a.1aq+ 0861 11 1U()sa.i:d aq:J f.q req+ A1lp.i: UllW a12un.r i.apll FREEDOM GUARDED -sas 1l 111 pap1pa.1d •nea.i:n °!1! defenders have s.i:no 2une.1oas sa+ll+S p;l'.JJU[l ai.ti JO 'JP!!! cellency, "was a sterling Catholic,\\. '.ja!nb "Our armed ·•· f.arreA AW SBJ\,\ uaa.i:!:) A\0H ·ia '06LI u1 snsuao '.js.iu known how to fight their battles Jtuoo1.1oqs .mo and they fought them well. In }!Se of the vigorous, pionee.:- type _ [ 0 !1qnJ :iods '.JOH '.j{aAasoou sa+e+s p,l'.J1Ufl aq1 ui -;iz with a wide outlook on life and P.lJJ:ild Il'J n1n1ouoH four bloody ordeals united Americans capacity for war. the braYe, .!JdX() ldaouoo a.:Je.1at.11 U! pua.I'.j aql .:Jui vision for the future. With the 1:) S!JeJ Ul<\llG "l{l :l{OUS: P!0H ·w proved their ui J:OA.taJ tn!M Jo SO!{Olff8;) undying faith that disting'lished .iap!s1no ·bs:.,i: 'mutnn,1 pa_\\aJ.\illl ,\'.1snoJ.\a.1<1 O""-- •a,ntuf.'ll{d .n.a Q .~ }faa,•\ SJl{J; paAlilJ.\alJ 'H ·a.1al{ Alaioos b k d his valiant ancestors for a ac - s, oqs1qqo.1y •OS uuopamy al{'.j JO .Sun ""' I I • n e were a ways a peace- ovmg 0 ilq'.j uJu!i:;., ground, and under the inspiration '!llS.t0A!Ufi-U!ddoa:-11-z11aH 1uuon'BN '.)SJ:t people, but g-uarded jealously the to us by our sturdy forebears. In 5 1 ·t f f d b h d 1er1 age O th e. war~ of ree 0111 equeat e th e pa st 0 ~: raw re- -un l!'.JXJS-A'.J.I!l!'.J ain l'8 SOJdO'.j aql .:Juourn a.1a.¥. of the devoted mother, faith burn- .i:poq+u:::i s,>pp · 1 , ed fervently brighter in the Loftus PY lOJ drqllUO!P3fqoun-rr UO!l:J3S ,8 UJoq s.moH u1 swa1qo.1d rn1oads 1qi ! )01pqo.i:e aql JO t!TM aq home. With the parents assisting •UIUJ <>l!L-·o~ ·oaa ')HIOJ at daily Mass and receiving Holy!Ul }!Ull,l Communion thereat, is it any wonJums1qM der that God blessed them withlt 0 n ilk\ ten children-everyone of whomil.I.ipunM. J31(1?WS 33: crowned with joy the well-round-uJqSJUllA • S 0861 Aq S3I. au1paqw1.r, al!l ;ro s.1apm a211s a1dmc1 all+ JO SlilP!U AtlU aql .taqwwwau 'sddm ·.1w a1qt1}I.111wau tannA J:ilA1R pau saqom ol s.81lU ~unsaa Jo uaanb SS'll.ID ;inm olf.l Jo appd .i:a.8ut1.1rn ilJ.l!ll.ld P!:>I q.~.mqsmd eur 'a::iuu:;n:!-! 1an1a!IJa...:r c~u1~s did not_ learn nuhtary tac- •!B: s,;l!a,\ M.aN tics 111 a lechmcal school, but they .1ana1 a leai·ned them in the school of the q.1, . + JO sonotnn;) ')Ilo,l M;JN JO aq.1 tr:;c~ery of our enemies. \\1tness how the cowa1'llly andtds ·r 6Joun.1...:r --------- - unheralded attack on Pearl Har- , 3 , "' - l!l,¥. " po9 WOJJ S;JWO:> . ed life of Mr. Loftus' 75 ears?..!! .Iapun y . lElJl lflDU, Is 1t anv wonder that such a home>J.lbapun tp2u:.:iJlS 1u1u;iwupun1 ;}Ul lEUl dZIIll was privileged to produce three: 111oa-n l SU1l:>p3tuy .. bt_or ~as turned_ a peace-Jo~mg na- 10n rnto a nation of warriors. BRAVE MEN READY coupled with some great principle, when ttie hero pours out his life civilization for the present to win peace and security for generations yet unborn, to defend such rights as are enunciated in the preamble of our Constitution, then the war is just and the soldier's fame im- perishable. , "In every age, God has rnised up brave men and valiant women I who preferred death to deserting either the cross or the flag and preferred a thousand martyrdoms to ignominious slavery. " 'Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's' teaches fi- delity both to the c.ross and to the flag because military and ciYii au- "When the cause of war is blood to maintain liberty and and daughters rally round their devoted mother and, mingling prayers with tears, do not forget to thank the Divine Benefactor adorned the father's life, and the Holy Sacraments that enfolded for the manifold graces that him in death."
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