Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945


To Be San Diego 'Boys' Town' Knute Rockne symbol of prowess of the late, beloved Notre Dame on the gridiron'. moulder of char- coach will be perpetuated in . the acter leader of men and exemplary Knute Rockne academy, San Diego husb~nd and father, will have the Foundation for Boys. kind of monument he would have A 50-acre site m El Cajon valley, liked, here in San Diego-an acad- 20 miles east of San Diei?o, has emy for boyF. been selected, and work will begin Through the efforts of the Most as soon as material and labor are Rev. Charles Francis _Buddy, D.D.. , available, it was reported. today in Bishop of the Catholic diocese of an announcement of selection of the San Diego, the ideals and name !Continued on Page ll-A, Col. Z)

THE TRIBUNE-SUN, San Diego 12, California, Tuesday, Oct. 23, 1945

S.D.· Boys' To ,Plans Revealed COXTISl.'ED Fno,r r \GE 1 name. The academy will provide a course in technical arts for boys, regardless of race, color or creed. Buddy revealed completion of plans for the acedemy last night at an informal gathering of news- paper men and friends in the bishop's residence. He called it the realization of a dream that he had held for many years. In comment- -ing on the inspiration and purpose of the acedemy, Buddy said: "Boys, especially those who never had a chance, interest me. Inspira- tion and encouragement have come from my very good friend, Father I Flanagan, whose inimitable Bofs' Town at Omaha earns him the re- spect and gratitude of one and all in this country." Buddy said that it was not the intention of the Rockne academy to copy the Flanagan formula, al- though a "goodly number of ideas and plans can be traced back to the ideals of the Omaha mentor." "Rockne academy," added the bishop, "will be , essentially con- structive and American in all its doctrines." Chose Coach's Ideals "Many names were suggested, all worthy of deep consideration," he commented. In choosing the name of Rockne, we took into consider- ation the fact that, through his ex- ample and all-around courage in and out of adversity, he had proved an inspiration to the youth of builder of men. Rockne academy will be a builder of men. "Here in San Diego we will have some small part in keeping alive his indomitable spirit. It is stim- ulating." Mrs. Bonnie Rockne and Father Hugh O'Donnell, C.S.C. president of_ t~e university, both granted per- ;, m1ss10n to use the name for the academy. The academy will be erected and supported by public subscription Headquarters in San Diego hav~ been established at 615 Spreckels building. Steve Healey, former local newspaper man, has been named by the bishop as public re- lations director.

I n iBishop Discusses Academy Plans With Prospective Pupils


--- 1School to Bear ·Rockne'sName Bishop Buddy Plans Academy for Boys Through the efforts of the Most 1 Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, D.D., Bishop of San Diego, the name of Knute Rockne. coach of Notre I Dame, will be forever perpetuated. I A fitting monument to his mem- 1ory in the form of a foundation for ,boys will be erected on a 50-acre site in El Cajon valley, 20 miles I east of San Diego. It will be known , as the K:rnte Rockne academy, San Diego Foundation for Boys. OLD DREAM REALIZED The announcement was made last night at an informal gathering of newspaper men in the bishop's res- idence. In discusRing the project, Bishop Buddy said: "I am most happy to be able to give the press this information. It is the_ realization of a dream of many years. "Boys. especi~lly those who ne_ver h_ad a chance, mterest me. Inspira- t10n and encouragement have come from my very goo<_i _fn_end, Father Flannagan, whose m1m1table Boys' Town at Omaha, Neb., earns him the respect and gratitude of one and all in this country. ADOPT TOWN IDEAS "It is not our intention to copy Father Flannagan's formula," the bishop continued. ·"I can say, how- ever, that a goodly number of our plans have sprung from the crucible 1trom which he has worked with such phenomenal success. Rockne academy will be essentially con- structive and American in all its doctrines." When asked how he had arrived :at a choice of name for this under- ,taking, the prelate answered: I : "Many names were suggested, all 'of them worthy of deep considera- ttion. In choosing the name of f,-ockne, we took into consideration 1 he fact that through his example 'jlnd all-around courage in and out ~f adversity he had proved an in- tlpiration to the youth of America. "Knute Rockne was a builder of fffien. Apart from his prowess as a , ( ContinuP,d on Page 4-A, Col. 3) _, -- --- I I 1 1

The Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bish~p of the Catholic diocese of San Diego, points out to a group of youthful "consultants" some of the features of the Knute Rockne academy, San Diego Foundation for Boys, to be built in El Cajon valley. Looking over the plans, left to right, are: Fr. Douglas Moore, sec- retary to Buddy; James Farrell, Richard McNeil, Bernard Cokley, Michael Crawford, Paul Lion (rear)

and Bob Novak




I FIRST 'APPLICANT-The Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, Bishop of Son Diego, meets Michael Crowford, first applicant for Knute Rockne Academy for Boys, which is to be constructed in El Cajon Valley.

Academy Given Rockne's Name SAN DIEGO, Oct. 22. (A>)-The famous name of Knute Rockne, immortal coach of Notre Dame, will be given a boys' school to be built near here, it was an- nounced today by the l\Iost Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, D.D., Bishop of San Diego. To be built on a 50-acre site in a valley 20 miles from here. the school will be known as the ''Knute Rockne Academy, San Diego Foundation for Boys." Bishop Buddy said both Mrs. Bonnie Rockne' and Rev. Hugh O'Donnell, C.S.C., president of the University of Notre Dame, gave approval for the name of the school. The academy, intended to give technical arts training indis- criminate of race, color or creed, will be supported by pub- lic subscription. ,vork is sched- uled as soon as labor and mate- rials are availahle.

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