Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

Official Organ of the Diocese of San Diego, Odober 26, 1945

Entered as Second Class Matter at the P.:>sto!tice oJ §/!:P PM'.!m under the Act of March S 1879

Boys' Foundation To Honor Knute Rockne Here Through the efforts of the Most Reverend Charles Francis Buddy, D.D., Bishop of San Di- ego, the name of Knute Rockne immortal coach of Notre Dame' will be forever perpetuated. ' A fitting monument to his n:iemory in the form of a founda- t10n for boys ·will be erected on a 50 acre site in the El Cajon val- ley, 20 miles east of San Diego.

Newspaper Executives Pay Tribute to the Memory of Knute Rockne

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Pictured above are publishers, managing editors, city editors, bureau managers of all wire services, radio commentators and feature writers who were present at the Bishop's residence Monday evening, October 22, when his Excellency a.nnounced to the press that the official name for the San Diego Foundation for Boys would be the Knute :Rockne Academy. A site for the foundation has already been purchased in the El Cajon Valley, 20 miles east of San Diego, Our tha.nks are due to these men whose splendid cooperation featured the announcement stories locally.

/31 "Many names were suggested, all of them worthy of deep aon- sider,ation. In choosing t-he name of Rookne' we took into oonlid· eration the fact that t-hrough hie example and all al'OU!ld courage in and out of adversity he had proved an inspiration to the youth of America. "Knute Rockne was a builder "of men. Apart from his prowess as a football coach he was a moulder of character-a leader- an exoellent husband and father." In conclusion the Bishop said: "It is stimulating when we think that we here in San Diego have had .some small part in keeping alive his indomitable spirit in this nation." Permission to name the Acad- emy was given by both Mrs. Bon• nie Rockne and Father Hugh O'Donnell, C.S.C., president of the University of Notre Dame. They joined in sending Bishop Buddy a. message of apprecia- tion for the. honor conferred upon the memory of their beloved "Rock.'' Father O'Donnell "Mrs. Rockne joins me in wish- ing you every success in this se worthy enterprise." The Academy, intended to pro• vide a course in technical arts for boys, regardless of race, color, or creed, will be erected and supported by public subscrip- tion. Work will begin as soon as material and labor are available. Headquarters in San Diego have been established at 615 Spreckels Bldg., Steve Healey, former local newspaperman, has been named by the Bishop as public relations director.


I Bishop of San Diego Greets Press, Radio Executives to Make Formal Announcement Famed Coach Honored By Local Ordinc;ary In Making Dream True The spirit for which Kuute Rockne is remembered, and the principles on which the Knute Rockne Academy, San Diego Foundation for Boys is to be established formed the keynote of an informal reception held in the home of the Most Reverend Bishop last Monday evening. Executives of the press and radio met at His Excellency's I home on Sunset boulevard to hear the formal naming of San Diego's with the wives and friends of those newest institution. attending listened to the historic 1 1 Owners and publishers, general words which are destined to per• managers, managing and city edi- petuate the names of Knute tors, columnists and feature writ- Rockne and Bishop Buddy, founder ers represented the three local of the boys' school and mark San daily newspapers. Members of.the Diego as a new youth center. Associated Press, United Press, After being received by His Ex• International and Universal News cellency, the Most Reverend Services, radio executives together Bishop, the guests were escorted

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KNUTE ROCKNE It will be known as the "Knute Roolw!e Academy, San Diego Foundation for Boys." The announcement was made last night at an infoI"mal gather- ing of newspapermen at the Boys' Foundation (Continued from Pag-e 1) Bishop's residence. In. diseuss!ng the pr-0ject, Bishop Buddy said• "I am most happy to be abie to give the preaa this informa- tion. It is the realization of a dream of many years. '.:Boys, especially those who never nad a chance, interest me Inspiration and encouragement have come from my very good Father Flanagan whose inimi- table "Boy.s Town" at Omaha Neb., earns him the respect anJ gratitude of one and all in this country. "It is not our intention to copy Father Flanagan's formula " the Bishop continued. "i car:. say however, that a goodly numbe; of our plans have sprung from the crucible from which he has worked with such , phenomenal success. Rockne Academy will be essentially constructive and American in all its doctrines." , When asked how he had ar- rived at a choice of name for this undertaking, the prelate answer- ed:

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the sacred vessels used at Mass and pontifical functions were e:!li• plained. Bailey Warren, noted vocalist currently heard on station KFSD, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. (Continued on Page 2)

through the Bishop's privale chapel where the vestments, many of them priceless showpieces, and

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