Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

Official Organ of the Diocese of San Diego, October 19, 1945[

Club Charter Presented

NOST REVEREND BISHOP 'RETURNS f ROM MEXICO CITY I GUADALUPE CELEBRATIONS Deeply Impressed With Fervor, Piety of Mexican People. Kneel In Street to Kiss Ring of Bishop "I was most deeply impressed by everything I saw," His Excellency, the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D.D., said as he returned to the Chancery office Tuesday morning by plane from Mexico City where he spent a week taking part in color– ful ceremonies in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. According to the Bishop, F bishops, 1600 priests, a picked accept money from the visil:\Tlg

choir of 300 voices and thousands of Mexican Catholics conducted devotional ceremonies at the Ba– silica in Mexico City October 12, the like of which has not been seen south of the border in many many years. "The splendid man– ner in which the ceremonies were portrayed reminded me very much of the beautiful ceremonies I wit- nessed and took part in during my years in Rome," the Bishop stated. Asked what he thought of the Mexican people as a whole, His E:xcellency said, "They are keenly intellectual, and, very fervently Catholic." Visitors remarked, he l went on, "about their simplicity, I their sympathetic and courageous devotion and faith. On every side the people knelt in the streets, in I the shops, restaurants and public places to kiss the episcopal ring. Restaurant management would not Mission Sunday-• A Chance to Help Better the World The R~v. Douglas A. Moore, director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith- in the diocese of San Diego, an– nounces that Mission Sunday will be observed in this diocese on Sunday, October 21. This day has been set aside by His Holiness, Pope Pius XII, for worldwide prayer and almsgiving on the part of the faithful for missions in home and foreign fields as well a,s in the Near East. "None can doubt the desperate I the need for aid for the hundreds of

hierarchy and c1ergy." As the Bishop of San Diego talked, this reporter was impressed by the deep love His Excellency showed for the Mexican people. "As I entered a restaurant one (Continued on Page 2)


Dr. Thomas Vincent Sheehan, Serra International Founder, presented the local Serra club with its charter. Left to right, seated: Rt. Rev. Thomas J. McNamara, chamcellor; Cy Hebert, president; Very Rev. Wilbur Kirk, O.S.A., principal, St. Augustine's High SchooL In the foreground is Thomas Moylan, director, 101 Broadway USO.


Dl,OCESAN SCHOOLS CLOSED f:OR SECOND ANNUAL INSTITUTE Very Rev. Franklin F. Hurd, diocesan superintendent of schools, will discuss the 'Guiding Princi– ples in the Detroit System of Re- ligion" at the second annual Dio- cesan Educational and Catecheti– cal Institute being held today in the Academy of Our Lady of Peace. This system will be adopt– ed in the San Diego diocese next September. One hundred and twenty-five Sisters and priests from the four counties of the Diocese are in San Diego for the Institute, diocesan schools having been closed for the day. Father Hurd's discourse will fol– low a dialogue · Mass to be cele– brated by the Most Reverend Bis'.i1- op. The morning session will also include a demonstration class on the intermediate level to be con– ducted by Sister Isabelle, C.S.C., of St. Didacus school and an hour of questions and discussions to be led by Sister Felix, C.S.J., of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart school. The program for the afternoon session includes a demonstration class on the primary level in charge of Sister Henrietta, C.S.J., of the Motherhouse of the Slsters of St. Joseph of Orange; an evalu– ation of books used in teaching the Devotional Religion by Sister Davida Joseph, C.S.J., of the Academy of Our Lady of Peace, and a demonstration class in De– votional Religion to be presented by Sister Henrietta, C.S.J.

Serra Club Presented Its Chart~r by Original Founder Dr. T. V. Sheehan of Seattle ~¥+ The San Diego chapter of the I to outline, briefly, the nature of Serra Club was taken into the the organization, its aims, pur– fold of International Serra Clubs poses, and the character and back– last Saturday evening when it re- ground of its personnel. ceived its charter from Dr. T. B. The Serra Club was founded in Sheehan of Seattle, first president Seattle 11 years ago by four men of Serra International. who met weekly to discuss Catho- Forty members of the local lie activities and the need for ad-

vice and guidance among Catho– lic young men and women with particular emphasis on vocations. Since t,1at day the movement has become world-wide in its ..:"'o.Pe. America now has 23 clubs and a membership of 1,800✓ Fre– quently referred to as "Catholic Rotary," its inspirational force is felt from Majne to Alaska. Members of the Serr.:. Club are a representative group of the best intellects to be found in the pro– fessions, trades, the world of busi– ness and the field of civic and governmental officialdom locally. They are accepted into the club (Continued on Page 2) Nov. 11 Proclaimed As Catechelical Day In San Diego Diocese The far-reaching and zealous achievements of the Society of Missionary Catechists, which has convents in four cities of the San Diego diocese, and of the many other orders of Sisters who aid in preserving the Faith by teach– ing Christian Doctrine to children will be recognized publicly on No– vember 11, designated as CATE– CHETICAL DAY in the Diocese of San Diego.

chapter were present at the San Diego Club for the presentation ceremonies. Speakers of the evening, in the order of their appearance were: Ill. T. V. Sheehail., the .Rev. Wil– bert Kirk, OS.At, principal of St. Augustine high school, · Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. McNamara, Chan– cellor, San Diego Diocese, the Rev. Douglas A. Moore and the Rev. Joseph Luther. Cy Hebert, presi– dent of the local club presided. An air of solemnity pervaded the banquet hall as one speaker after another paid tribute to the Serra ·Intern:;,,tional whose funda– mental aim is the fostering of vo– cations to the priesthood among Catholic youth. To those of you unfamiliar 'l'7ith the Serra Club it might be well


An appeal will be made same Sunday for lay people offer their services as Catechism to

thousands throughout

of mission


the world," Father teachers, ta the end that every Moore stated, "for the men in ser– child becomes acquainted with the vice have viewed these scenes of saving doctrines of the Catholic desolation personally. No matter where our veterans went, whether for ba-sic training here in the

Religion. Various churche§ of the Diocese will invite the Catechists a,nd their charges to assist at one of the Masses and receive Holy Commu– nion on that day. In a letter to all pastors, the Most Reverend Bishop has asked that the Confraternity of Chris– tian Doctrine be organized in an parishes in which it is not already functioning.

United States, or for actual com– bat on the sandy stretches of the Sahara, the atolls of the Pacific, battling the treacherous air cur– rents over 'the hump,' in China, In– dia and now within Ja,pan itself, they found that Catholic mission– aries had preceded them. They did not have D.D.T. to fight the in– sects in the jungle, they had no bulldozers to clear the land in the interior, no planes to reach hidden sectors beyond the mountain ranges. But they reached their ob- ' jectives."

"Mission Sunday presents a,n oc– casion which transforms wishful thinking into actual accomplish– ment in the matter of world bet– terment," he stated. "It is the hope of our Society that every o'ne of the Catholics in this diocese will become active participants in this global plan to help rebuild the world upon the foundations of faith and charity."

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