Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

Official Organ of the Diocese of San Diego, October 12, 1945 AMERICAN LEGION LENDS HALL FOR MASS IN ,MIRA LOMA

A se1.mon of the crowd that attended the Mass celebrated by the Most Reverend Bishop, Sunday, September 30, in the American Legion hall, Mira Loma. Property has been donated and a church will soon be built to accommodate the.&.eo.Jlle of this aew parish, "!hich is in charge of the Rev. Michael J. O'Farrell, also pastor of Sacred He~rt parish in Riverside. DIShop Dedicates Chapel - ---------

At Corona Naval Hospital CORONA-In a most impressive ceremony reflecting the age of the Church, the new $72,000 chapel was dedicated. At sixteen-thirty o'clock (4:30 p.m.) the U. S. Naval Hos- pital's new edifice was filled and overflowing. Doctors, nurses, patients and other Navy personnel silently watched the procession of the clergy into the sanctuary.

Official Organ of the Diocese of San Diego, October 5, 1945

·September 27, 1945, is now writ– ten into the records of the Naval Hospital at the direction of Capt. Harold L. Jensen, USN, Medical Officer in command, and Capt. Frederick C. Greaves, USN, Ex– ecutive Officer, both of the Medi• cal Corps, as the day His Excel- Iency, the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D.D., Ph.D., Bishop of San Diego and Military Ordinary of the Tenth Military Vicariate, pon- tificated at the dedication of the

The new Chapel serves as a last– ing memorial expressing their so• Iicitous concern for the spiritual well-being of the men and women entrusted to their care. The building is of California Missjon style of architecture, With an attractive porch along the front side, and has a seating ca• pacity of approximately four hundred and eighty-two. The chapel is equipped with a large reception and waiting room, two offices for the chaplains, baptistry, choir room and alcove, robing rooms and adequate stor- t age rooms. Through the kindness and gen• erosity of the Navy Mothers Club of America, a ni,w H;ammond Or• gan was purchased and installed Thus to the Supreme Maker yet another edifice was built by the Navy, a'edicated to His service, re• dounding His great honor and glory. in the main chapel. ,

Church Site Donated in Mira Loma, Bishop Offers Mass for New Parish MIRA LOMA-The one hundred and fifty families form- ing the nucleus of the new Sacred Heart parish now being organized here by the Rev. Michael J. O'Farrell, also pastor of the Sacred Heart parish for negroes in Riverside, gave a warm reception 1Jo the Most Reverend Bishop on the occasion of his first visit, Sunday, September 30. Children and adults alike wore badg,es with the words, "We Welcome Bishop

new Chapel.

Assisted by the Rev. Joseph E. Wieber, USNR, Chaplain, Naval

Buddy," printed in gold. His Excellency celebrated Mass I


School Also Visioned

·t l c

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ev. Edward


ospi a, orona;

Having previously called at dif• '

'L. L~w, USNR, Chaplain, Naval

in. the American Legion hall of centrally located for the people of ferent homes where the pioneers

Mira Loma p.ost, No. 500, and m Mira Loma his sermon commended the Leg- Heights,

Glen of the new parish had gathe-red to Hospital, Corona; Very Rev. Peter

Glen Avon

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mee 1m, the ·Bishop learned that this enthusiastic group wanted to

church, Riverside, and the Rev.

ion's kindness in the matter as will probably be accepted.


M tth

"but another proof of their high

hompson, St. Edward's

Already contributed, besides the build a school at the same time a ew land, is the sum of $5,000, a mar- as the church. "The church must church, Corona,

standard of citizenship".

the Most Rev.

Three Sites Offered

school will come Bishop gave the Solemn Pontifical

ble altar, ten art glass windows,1 come first; a

di t


It is planned to build a new church for Mira Loma on a two and a half acre site donated by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jahn. The property, on a highway, has al– ready been put !n esctow by the Jahns. Two other couples of the new parish, Mr. and Mrs. Co?lbe and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kime, have also offered building sites for the church, but the Jahn property,

ene c ion.

an electric organ, stations of the later," His Excellenoy counselled. Cross and an artistic plaque of "No one realizes !:letter than I do

After the prelude "Ave Verum" and the "Ecce Sacerdos Magnus," beautifully rendered by the choir, Chaplain Edward Lew, USNR, spoke a word of welcome followed by the Dedicatory Address deliv–

that a school is most E)_Ssential in

the Last Supper.

The Most Reverend Ordinary every Catholic parish.

"In past years you had to tra-

congratulated the people of the

their vel ten miles to,church (Mira Lo-


community on payi-ng

Congratulations were extended b by the Most Reverend Military w Ordinary to the officers of the m hospital for their zeal for souls. e1

huge indebtedness on a water sys- ma Catholics formerly tem. "It shows that yo1:1 are cap- St. Francis de Sales church in ered by the Rev. William A. Mc– able of doing big things, and it Riverside) and, of course, it was Guire, USNR, senior Chaplain of assures me that you will be cap• I difficult for you to get there. In the Eleventh Naval District. attended

able of building here a beautiful I future you will have a church .in

Addressing the assembled Navy men and women, His Excellency lauded the Navy on its religious program during the war and after. \ He stressed the gigantic task un- F dertaken by the self-sacrificing c Chaplain and Medical corps in o J bringing solace and comfort, ma• c I terial and spirituat, to the men and / le ...,,..,,.,.,n in the service.


(Continued 0:1 P ::::.~;,


Catholic church," the Bishop



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