Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

olume XXXII, No. 12


Official Organ of the Diocese of San Diego, March 23, 1945

PIRITU-ALLY Bishop Eulogizes Polish People, Celebrates Mass for Their Cause More than twelve hundred Pol- Reverend Ordinary pointed out ish sympathizers gathered in St. "because it is Palm Sunday when Joseph's caChedral Sunday with the story of our Divine Lord's

A ED ontifical Mass for Poland Brings Consul to San Diego Poles Throughout Nation Thank Bishop;· Informal Dinner Planned for Saturday As an expression of the deep sympathy the Church has for the heroic people of Poland, the Most Reverend Bishop of San Diego will celebrate a Solemn :Mass for the cause and sufferers of that nation and for a speedy, just and lasting peace at 12 :00 p. m., Sunday, in St. Joseph's cathedral. Many Polish notables, including Lech T. Niemo-Niemojowski, Polish consul in Los Angeles, will attend the Mass at which the Rev. Franklin F. Hurd, rector of the Cathedral, will be archpriest;


refugees from the blood-drenched Passion is impressed on our minds. soil of Poland and heavy-hearted Poland has walked faithfully and Polish-Americans, many who left valiantly in the footsteps of Jesus relatives in that land of suffering, Christ. In this, her day of sorrow, to pray for the people of that she could well cry out: 'All you persecuted nation. who pass by the way, attend and The Most Reverend Bishop of see if there be any sorrow like San Diego celebrated the Solemn unto my sorrow.' True to her his- High Mass at 12:30 o'clock, fol- tory, Poland still reflects the suf- lowing an impressive procession ferings of Our Savior, •• in which Lech T. Niemo-. iemo- "The second reason for choos- jows:ti, Poli h consul in Los An- ing March the 25th is because it geles, o.nd other honored., guests ts ordinarily dedicated to the participated, mar cl mg behind the Feast of the Annunciation of the flag of Poland. Officers, men and Blessed Virgin Mary, transferred women of the American armed this year to April the 9th. From forces followed the color guard time immemorial Poland has which led the procession with the cherished a deep and loving cult United States and Naval flags. of the Virgin Mother of God. In- The crossbearer lead the third deed, all generations of the Polish section of the procession, made people have called Mary blessed. up of officers of the Mass and In the Litany of Loretto, the peo- other members of the clergy. pie of Poland address our Lady as Polish hymns and the Polish the Queen of the Polish Crown .. national anthem sung by a spe- "It is the history of the world cial c.hoir formed for the occa- that the more fervently Catholic sion by members of the Polish- a people become, the more they American association of San Diego are called upon to suffer for be- and l:::d by the Rev. Walter Mikosz, lieving even as you and I. The C. R., brought tears to many eyes. history of the Catholic Church in Music of the Mass was sung by Poland since the first bishopric the Cathedral choir. was founded in Posen in the year Having dealt with the political 970 is a record of persecution. Out aspect of the Polish question in of t]rfs suffering was born a large his rnmarks before a gathering of and zealous native clergy destined distinguished Polish representa- to achieve a zealous apostolate tives the previollll evening, His through the thirteenth and four- Excellency confined his sermon to teenth centuries, strengthening an entirely spiritual angle. the Church for the gigantic task "It seems appropriate that of building the foundation for a these solemn ceremonies for our reunited kingdom of Poland. suffering brethern in Poland "When Queen Jadriga married should take pace today," the Most (Continued on Page 11)

the Rev. George M. Booth, deacon; the Rev. LeRoy F. Fenstermaker, sub-deacon, and the Rev. Douglas A. Moore, master of ceremonies. The Rev. James Pruainski, C.R., and the Rev. Stanley Ross, C.R., will be deacons of honor. His Excellency will give the ser- mon and Father James will speak briefly in Polish after the Mass. A small, informal dinner h as been planned for 6:30 p. m., Sat- urday, in the San Diego club, so that the Polish consul may meet some of the San Diegans inter- ested in the Polish cause. Among the guests invited are the Rev. James Prusinski and the R e v , Walter Mikosz. Letters commending the Most Reverend Bishop for his gesture in behalf of the Poles have come

Lech. T, Nlemo-JS"iemojowskl

from the Polish Ambassador in Washington, the Polish Information Center and the Polish Review in New York and the Polish American Congress, Inc., and the Honorable Edmund K. Jarecki, Judge of the Cook County Court, in Chicago. The Editor of the Polish Review, writes, Your Excellency: I have been deeply moved to learn that you will celebrate a Pontifical High Mass for Poland on Palm Sunday in St. Joseph's ' Cathedral. May I express my sincere gratitude to you for your gracious gesture. In these most difficult times that the Polish nation has endured in its history, proof of sympathy and understanding of its cause by the Catholic Church is heartening and inspiring. Respectfully yours, s/ Stanislaw L. Centkiewicz Editor From the director of the Polish Information Center: Honorable Sir: V/ec ha• e 'earned today that 011 : 1m Sun 'd..Y, :Mai .h ;!5th, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered at the beautiful St. Joseph's Cathedral in San Diego for the cause and sufferers of Poland, and for a speedy and just peace. I hasten to express , to you my deepest appreciation and most heartfelt thanks for your kindness and thoughtfulness. Now when after over five years of heroic fighting at home and abroad, after untold sufferings and agony, Poland has had half of her territory taken away and faces the possibility of being obliterated from the face of the map, Poland needs friends and her plight needs to be brought repeatedly before the conscience of the world. I am sure that every Pole in Poland and abroad will pray with you and your faithful on that day of March 25th. Respectfully yours, s; J. Junosza Podoski, Director The president of the Polish American Congress, Inc., writes: Your Excellency: Please accept my personal thanks and expression of apprecia- tion from the Polish American Congress, uniting six inillion Ameri- cans of Polish origin, for dedication of the Pontifical High Mass for (Continued on Page 6)


Ambasada. Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej W Waszyngtonie Polish Embassy 2640 16th St. N. W. Washington 9, D.C.

l\larch 12, 1945.

Your Excellency, It has been brought to my attention that on Palm Sunday, Marcb 25th, the Holy Sacrifice of the 1\lass will be offered in St. Joseph's Cathedral for the cause and suffering of Poland and for a speedy and just peace, and that Your Excellency has graciously accepted to deliver the sermon at the Pontifical l\lass. 1\lay I express to Your Excellenc~• my deep and heartfelt gratitude and high appreciation for this kind gei.ture, and the assuranc!' that the prayers of the Catholics of the San Diego Diocese will bring consolation .not only to our destitnde I eople in Poland, but to the Poles all o,·er the world. Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my high consideration. ms Excellency The fos t J".evcrend Charle. F :Bu, ~•. Bbhop of n Diego, 1528 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, 1, California. (signed) J. Ciechanowskl Ambassador of Poland

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