Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

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San Diego {1), Calif., Saturday, March 17, 1945

Sf. !feM!f'n CaJ:lvulAal The Story of an Active Organization St. Joseph's Cathedral is the mother church of the Cath- olic diocese of San Diego. Its history is the vital link between the Christian culture brought to California by the Franciscan ! friars and the multitudinous demands of the Catholics in the j downtown area of chis war-congested community for religious 1worship, spiritual succor, counsel and religious inspiration. 'Probably half of the 6000 or more worshippers who attend various of the ten services within its walls on Sundays are migrant service men and women in from the camps, bases, schools or ships riding at anchor. The other half of the congregation is composed of the regular Catholic families and individuals w"'l-iose residences are between Upas and 12th Streets and the bay of San Diego. For these the Very Rev. Franklin F. Hurd, Rector of the Cathedral and six assisting pastors provide the Masses, Com• munions, Confessions, Sermons, Devotions and individual counsel that each may require. Some 175 students are enrolled in Cathedral girls high school and St. Joseph's Commercial College, and 300 pupils of grade school age attend the St. Joseph's parochial school. These are taught by 12 Sisters of St. Joseph. Eight parish societies, each with a appeal and work for groups of various ages serve as auxiliary forces in the life of the parish and are listed with their officers in an adjoining column. . The parish maintains a well equipped USO hall at Third and Beech.

Officers of St. Joseph's Cathedral, Third and Beech Streets, San Diego


Very Rev. Franklin F. Hurd, pastor of St. Joseph's Cathedral.

l\'EXT WEEK I Bethesda Lutheran Church '\l'.ill Be Featured

Day of Recollection Held for Priests In Northern Counties SAN BERNARDINO- A day of recollection for the reverend clergy I of Riverside and San Bernardino counties was held in st. Bernar- dine's church, here, Thursday. The spiritual exercises, conducted by the Most Reverend Bishop, had for their theme and meditation "The Immaculate Heart of Ma~ and the Priests of Jesus Christ." Both secular and r e l i g i o u s priests joined in the exercises which included three meditations' Stations of the Cross and a Hol; Hour. During the Holy Hour the priests sang the traditional Pater Noster in ensemble. I The Very Reverend Dean Father Power, was host at I luncheon served to the clergy at the California hotel.

l\llss M i I d r e d, Pres. Legion of the Sacred Heart, and l\Ilss Jeannette Du Paul, Choir Director and Or- ganist.

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