Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
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holstel"J' reflect. wonderful
..J All Cars Subject to 5 D.AY~ FREE TRIAL WlTH EXCHANGE PRIVILEGE 4-Door Has iLs or:dnal metal– tires and
. Trunk Sedan. ltc grey 1m1sh. all new
U tires. Sootless UP–
ue. We have reduced the 138 BUICK Special Coupe_ Reflnlshed , green. Has all Thite · sidewa medlatelr
i1 Series Special
'louring Sedan. Finished tl!UJ Wasn1n1non blue: all white side– wall tires; extras; sPotless 1nslde and ouL .................... . 37 BUICK
a Ludlncton
full line of at ow..... . car has been refinished 1n lacquer a clipper gre,-. Has all new v.-h!t,e Silk mohair upholster:,,; larg·a de luxe radio: price of this car to sell lm- COMPANY All POPULAR Makes BODY TYPES AND YEAR l\IODELS De Luxe 4-Door m a beau– $64C: / ;·ery low mil•- Buick Distributor 137 LINCor..-. ZEPHYR tires. sidewall De $,-,67 This beautiful Luxe 4-Door Touring • Sedan. lf4!M I a~uaJa:JUO~ IX STOCK Sfa!q~ Special 38 BUICK ,Robt. D. Nlaxwell IN SAN DIEGO IS PROOF we must be the right place to Constantly Carrying 1 BUY your "Gsed Car 132 CHEVROL.E.T CO1!PE 32 FORD TUDOR 32 32 ;;;~LET 36 WILLYS SEDAN ROCKNE -1--------------1 $175 Authorized Dealer Ford. Mercury Lincoln-Zephyr QUALITY CARS LOWER PRICES EASIER TERMS OVER 33 YEARS in the Automobile Business & J-3141 . duced to sell at .•....• , . Price re- Mechanically Tires are new. And A NEW CAR DEALER BUY FROM perfect. irs original. Interior is sootless ts ling olive green. Very low mileage and everything 1276 University Sedan. soark– $467 in a Finished Custom Door - De Luxe 2• 39 WILLYS Simply drive your old car down here and select any we will positively allow you $100 for your old car regard– .less of age. make, model or con– dition, and you can write your own ticket on terms. NO RAISE IN PRICES! UNIVERSITY MOTORS 37-38-39 black finish and ls a locally owned and driven only broadcloth upholstery. phantom type steering wheel and full line of de Juxe cl\r looks and runs like new. ! Price reduced to only .•...• tras. Phllco de luxe radio. miles. This automai;lc lnclu ex- Our Unequaled Combination of 8000 $797 Has Has immaculate TIME SHOPPING WORRY Door Cruising Sedan. Has its original velvet 4- De Luxe 39 CHAMPION TO CHOOSE FROM SAVE JV WY<= 130 BUICK SEDAN 30 STUDEBAKER SEDAN car in our stock, and 1936- Over 175 Cars -.IaA!'H U! S.IJllJJ'l? U'llJPUI uo aaua.I.IJU0:> ll UJ paJlldJ:>!1.llld oqM s1111a -uJo 1uaw1uaA09 Pll'l? s1a1qo UllJPUI 'A:ppng do11s1g 'A311 isow <1qJ, • IV U<>l) P"'J'l?.JS "J!(llO 'apJS (1q.l!J,l 0'J "d"O '<1.1n1uaA1mog JaqJR.!I 'Aa'H !d sm pu;i.1aAa'H 1sow aq1 !J'l?!:>!JJ0 1u;iunuaAoD 'p.1Ruu1dS J.IllO :·w 1;J I) .liUJpU1?'JS •s.iaA:.>]N lf:>llf "f "f (Jq.l!J.1 01 JO J llJ,!1 ! JJBlS 1w1.rn1a s,doqsm: 'S.11J0J, X "V a.ll.IO.ID .I.J,!1 'uosi' 'JU 'JllJ:>JJJO S3S1:>ll3X3 lN3W:l:>N3WWO:> lY S301S:llld Aaans dOHSIB ' - tS UJ S[lldpUJ.ld '3 aJ!pnr 'U.llfl.118 'JU.IUl.13U.ltutll03 IOOl(3S .IUJlSnJ!nV dOl[S!R 'uosu.ig Ulll!Il!M ·iu.i:x ·r I i.J.11) 8JaA\ ..bp.1a1s.i.r S.ISJ3J.lxe ·11 satJlllf:J : (ll(iJJ Ol ·w uqor pu11 A:ppng Ul(Of iu.ipnis Jouol( 'u.itfs • * * *
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