Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
Prelate Rani< Is Conferred on Father Cotter The Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, bishop of the Catholic dio- cese of San Dic;;o, yesterday in- vested the Very Rev. John E. Cotte;: as a domestic prelate, thus officially raising him to the rank and title of the right reverend monsignor. The ceremony took place at 4:3•) p.m., in St. John's church, where Msgr. Cotter is pastor. I Among dignitaries present were the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, vicar general of the Catholic dio- cese ot San Diego; the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Laurence Forrestal, diocese chan- cellor; the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John Mc- Carthy, Pasadena; the Rt. Rev. Jo- Very Revs. William Ford and John Egan, Los Angeles; the Very Rev. Patrick Pearse, Ocean Park; the Very Rev. Anthony Reedy, Ingle- wood; the Rev. James Maloney, San Luis Obispo; the Rev. Richard Cot- ter, Los Angeles. Solemn investiture also will b" celebrated by Bishop Buddy at 10:30 a.m. June 13 in St. Vincent's · church, when the Very Rev. Fred- erick A. Wekenman also will as- sume the title of the right rev- erend monsignor. As his church, the Sacred Heart, was destroyed at Brawley in the recent earthquake, the investiture will take place in San Diego, although plans are under way to rebuild the Brawley church. NATIVE OF IRELAND A native of Cork, Ireland, Msgr. Cotter came to America when h~ was 13 years old. His early educa- tion was received in Boston, after which he returned to his native land to enter seminary training for the priesthood. Ordained in England, Msgr. Cot- ter was in London at the outbreak of the World war in 1914. Along with rrany of his seminary class- mates, he joined the British military forces and served in the great con- flict, largely on hospital duty. Subsequent to hostilities in Eu- rope, Msgr. Cotter again was l.n the , United States. His first pastorat'c! was in Bakersfield. Then he was assigned to Los Angeles, where, under the leadership of Archbishoo John J~ Cantwell, he won high rec·- ognition for his design and building of the Church of the Transfigura- tion and the development of its new parish. COMES TO SAN DmGo Coming to San Diego 10 years agn he received the pastorate of St. John's church, and, under his guid ance, this church and its schoo have grown to represent the thir largest Catholic parish in S Diego.
ll«m~s e PAGE FOURTEEN-B WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 5, 1940 ST. JOHN 1 S CHURCH PASTOR HONORED ln tlr~ ll~ws ilbt ian Ditga ltnion
Conference With Chiefs
~--~--~ seph McGucken, chancellor of the archdiocese ot Los Angeles; the I
The Rt. Rev.
Cotter, who yesterday donned the purple robes of a monsignor at solemn investiture celebrated in St. John's Catholic church by the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop of the San Diego Catholic dio- cese. (Child's Studio photo.)
The Most Rev. Bishop Buddy, Indian Chiefs and Government offi- cials who participated in a conference on Indian affairs in River- side, Calif. Seated (left to right) Rev. Father Bonaventure, O.F. M.; the Most Reverend Bis~p; Carl Spinnard, Government official· Jack Meyers. Standing (1 ft to right) J. J. Kennedy, member of Bishop's clerical staff; Fra Alvaras, Calistro Tortes, Alex Tortes, George A. Fercuson, Government official.
Blethen, Judge E. J. Kelly, William Benson, Bishop Charles F. Buddy and John M. Shea, honor student. * * *
Principals in St. Augustine school commencement exercises yesterday were (left to right): John
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