Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

Tirele. s in lJ' ork for Poor BI OP-ELECT TRUE FRIEND OF DESTITUTE In titution He Founded Served 3,000 :\Ieals To eecly and Gave Lodgings to Some 700 :Men Daily Bu,--------------------

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Explanation of the Coat of Arms ot The l\fost Reverend Charles Francis Buddy, Ph.D., D.D. Bishop of Sau Diego in California PiP1-rc .J)p Ch a ig-n o n L a Ro~f', C'a1ndPn, 1Ias sachas e ttf\ D e~ ignIJ Family (the Bishop's mother. Annie Farrell Buddy) are Yery simpl - a gold lion on a green background. This has been abbreviated to a gold lion's head.

I Most Rev. C. H. Le Blond, D.D., Bishop of St. Joseph - - F',-_,~;;.,~-:.,

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The New Bishop's l\fotto In Consilio Sanctorum "Dem,, qui glorifica tur in Consilio Sanctorum." "God, ~·110 is glorified In the Assembly of the Saints." (P>'alm 8: )

Bishop Buddy comes from the Diocese of St. Joseph in the Province of St. Louis. He was born on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The Diocese of San Diego iR in the Province of Los Angeles. Hence the appro]lriatenes of the motto: In the assembly of the Saints- In consilio sanctorum. The Patron of the City of San Diego is St. Didacus (San Diego), a Spanish Franciscan Lay Brother (1463). Franciscan Fathers, under the leadership of Junipero Serra, O.F.:II., began their zealous apostolate in California at San Diego, July 1, 1769. This motto is also adopted in affectionate tribute to the memory of the beloYed and saintly Bishop Francis Gilfillan, third Bishop o! St. Joseph.

Mo t Rei:. Gerald T. Bergan. Bi hop of Des .lloines

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