Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

pp('al. "If it were not tor some ambu• lance chaser th rights ot many o! the poor would ha\'e been und r{oot by t;i,Tant1,, •Bi hop Buddy said. He closed rith an appeal to Knights of Columbus to awaken the public to a sense o! justice Thomas B. O'Meara~ grand knight of the St. Joseph council, prescn ed Bishop Buddy with a pur e, the gift of the councll. B. W. Murphy, a close friend of Bishop Buddy and a member of the Knights of Columbus for more than twenty-five years, lauded the new bishop for hit work among the poor of the city and pointed out hls q ltlcations for the post to which he ha been n'lmed. Career I Traced. H traced the bishop's activities from the days before ho was a ' priest to the present t,me and told of the work. that Bishop Buddy had done to make himself fitted for a high place in the church. Bishop C. H. LeBlond told of the rare honor It is to have a p1·iest of the St. Jo,eph diocese selected from among 30,000 priests in the United States for the bishopric of San Diego. The church, he pointed out, is almost militaristic in it· na• turc and It Is the duty of a priest to go like a good soldier to the post where he 1s transferred regardle:

Bishop Buddy Sees Cause for Alarm mCrime Situation. Addresses Knights of Colum- bus at Farewell Dinner Given for Him. coring the multiplicity of la tn he United States, Bishop Charles F. Buddy told a farewell dinner of the Knight. of Columbus last night at Hotel Robidoux that efforts to substitute the law_ of man for tho e of God have had a degrading result. He drew a sharp distinction be- tween ethical la\\yers and those who are not, declaring that the latter group ls respomnble for much of the crime In the nation, Last of 'Farewell Dlnne . The dinner at which the bishop spoke wa~ the final of a series of farewell dinners and receptions

an Diego's Buddy When Pope Pius XI set up a new archdiocese with Los Angeles as its centre last month, and ele\'ated Bishop John Joseph Cantwell to be archbishop, San Diego became a eparate diocese (Turn, Oct. 5). Last week the Holy Father made known his choice for bishop of that see: a tall, husky. affable priest named \'ery Re\'. Charles Francis Buddy, 49, rector of St. Jo eph's Cathedral in 't. Joseph, l\lo. orry to see 11onsignor Buddy go to San Diego. which he has never before visited. will be a number of youngsters in t. Joseph's Cathedral chool with whom he plays handball , baseball, basketball. marbles. Those ports Charles Buddy, son of a wholesale fruit merchant, learned in

:UNE, ST. JOSEPH, MO. BISHOPS AND CHAPLAINS I For Consecration Services of His Excellency the Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy , D.D., Bishop of San Diego ConsPc1·ator- His Excel Ir nc\', the :.\[ost Reverend Cha1·les Hube1·t Le l,lo~d, D.P.. Bishop of St..Joseph. F1rn Cu-ConH!'eratoi·-His Excellen- c~•. th<' Mo8t RevPrend Gerald T. Ber- gan. D.D.. Tlishop of Des Moines· Chap- lains. \-PIT Re,·.. J. ;IL Sulli\"a;,, S.M., the Rev. \Yi!Jiam D. Delaney. St>cond Cu-Cons.,crator-H is E,c,,1- the )fost Rt•v<>rend FranciH J. )fonaghan, D.D., Coadjutor Bishop of Og-densburg-. Chaplains, the R,•v. Frank J. ::Slagner, the Rev. Nicholas \V. Brink- man. .\ l'(·hbishops~Tlw )ro"t Rever<'nd F'1·unc•i:-1 ,J. Rt--<'kn1an, -D.D.. 4\1·chbislll\P 0 [ Dubuque: Chaplains. RM·. _\dolph .T. ~uhlman. S.. T.; Yer~· RPv. Jami's Y. tannery, C.l\L The :.\lost Rev..Tohn .T. antwell, D.D. Archbishop of Los An- ;eles; Chaplains, ,-ery Rev. William P. ~arr. C.:1-f.; Yer~· Rev. "'illiam P. Kell ,· ).S.•\. The )lo,at RP,·. Rudolph ,\. c;,..;.: C<'n, D.D..•\ 1·chbishop of Sant" Fe· ,"'hflol ainR, ,•~· RPv. .John .T. C'1·onin'. r:1-1.; Yery Rev. T. J. Flavin. C.M. I hP )fost RP\". .John .T. C:IPnnon, D.D., .\r<·hh1shop of ~t r ,ouis: f'hanlain!=:, f;;.;;~ 1 Rev. John .J. O':\"Pi!l, the Rev. F. J. n;shops-Th<' )lost Rt'\". \\'illiam L. .\d1·1an.. n.n.. Bishop of Nasln·illP; ('hanlatns. the Re\". \\'illiam F. Gott. the Rev. R. E. Graham. The Most Rev. Henry Althoff, D.D., !Bishop of Belle- v11Je; Chaplains. the RPv. S. 1. Tucker, 1_1W R,.,., P. r Doole~·. The Most Rev. Stanislaus \. Rona, n.n.. Hi shop of I rnnd 1 sla ncl: ('ha plains. the Rf',·. I homas F. C'oaklt.~.\-, , ...f'r.v Rt-v. .\ . .T. f;1'!-uf11ss. Tlw. )Tosl Re,·. ,JamN1 A. f,r,fttn, D.D.. TI1shop of Springfi!'lcl. Tl!.; f'hapla,ns. tlw Rev. Paul RPiran. )f.8.: the Rt>v. Herman .T. SliP1·, C'. P. The Most R~v. l<~dmond JTpelan. Bishop of Sioux City; Chaplains. the Rev. Henrv Alberg, thf' Rev. Francis 0. McCarth,:. T(!<' Most )3.ev. Louis R Kncera. D.D., 11rnhop of L111C"oln: Chaplains, Rev. Rav- mond .J. O'Flahert~·. Rev. Richard ·.J. "f!Pnne-s~y. Th,- :\lo!-it RPv. F'ranc·is "'.:\T. lv•lly, D.IJ.. Di,shon of '\Yinona · f'hap- la "'"• Yer)· TIP,·. )f. J. O'Fal'l'ell. Very RP,·. Tlwmas .T. )fcoi\"amara. The )fost I ~ev. Thoma,s F. Lillis. D.D., Bishop or h .ansa>< City: Chaplain!'. R<>,·. \'ictor ;\L ,1,,ai,-lwr. C.l'f'S.; Yen· Rev.. James \Y. nnnahlle. c.s.r. ThP :-rost R,•v. Robert 1-:. Luc:ey, n.JJ.. Bishop of .\marillo; f'haplatnS<, RP\'. Lollis F. Kellehf'r Rev HPnry \Y. Gross. The Most RPV' v\'il~ liam D. O' l11·i<'11, D.D., Aux ii ia ry J~ishop I of C'l11C"ago: f'haplains. RPV . .fORPph 'l'. }fcGucken, ·R<>v. Patrick If. no·1an. C'.S.f'. rite MoRt Re,·. T. C. O'RPill\". 11.iHhOp of Sc ran ton: Chapla ins. the ·Rev. C. A. )fax\\ <'11. n ...,.. Marsltall P. \\-inn<' . ('.M. I Tl"' :1-[ost Rf'v. -To8t•ph T-J. Riller. Bishop of Tndianapolis: C'haplains, Rev. Ed- ward :1,[allPn, Rev. T. C. Fo.. The Most Rev. Henn· P. Rohlman. D.D.. Bishop of Da,·enport; Chaplains. Re,·. Bernard S. Owrns, R<'\". i\f. G. R11pp. The Mo:st RP,·. JameH H .. R,·an. n.n.. Bishop of Omaha; Chapla111s. R<'Y. Rusmond ::llc- C:owan. Rev..)ltlius Haun. Thr Mos:t Rev. .To"_eph H. Schlarman. lJ.D., Bishop of Peoria: Chaplatns. R!'v. Lawrence f'rev1ston. R<'\'.. Jeremiah O'('onno,·. The .\lc>st Re,·. Au1nist .J. Schwertner D.D. Bishop of "'ichita: Chaplains' Rev' 1-frnry SchutlPn. C.SS.R.: RRev. 'Nicho~ las ::Sfeinhardt. ThP ~rost Rev. Josl'ph Schr!'mbs, D.D.. Bishop of C'lev,•land · C'haplains:. R,·,· ~;amnnd Connoll,· R,·v' John ~foriart~· The :.\Io,;t Rev.· Chris~ lenc~·.

Associated Press

BISHOP-ELECT BUDDY .. . will no Inn ger play marbles in 1,J issouri. St. Joseph streets. His baseball improved when he was sent, like many another bright youth with a voca~ion and the backing of his bishop. to the )forth American Col- lege in Rome in 1909. Ordained in the St. John Lateran Basilica in 1914, he re- turned to St. Joseph. rose quickly in the shadow of its Cathedral. l\Ionsignor Buddy sit on the municipal Board of Health, aid in Community Chest campaign , founded northern Missouri's first Negro Catholic church, an Information Forum for people of all creeds, a river-front shelter and cafeteria which the Govern- ment took over in 1934 as a transient re- lief bureau. In the shelter, whose motto was " \\'e never ask questions." Monsignor Buddy did such good deeds as buying hair- cut and hair ribbons for little girls who thanked him because: ''\\'e wanted to look nice for unday School at the Methodist Church tomorrow."

Honor guest &t a farewell dinner or the , Knights o! Columbus last night. This Is ~eit 1 °;!!~ P!1\:';~~! h'/:"d~~~ 0 :t } Dlei;v Cal. i his honor, Close to 300 persons at- I tended to wi h him farewell. He leaves next Sunday morning for San < Diego, Cal. i In dwelling on the multiplicity of 1 laws, Bishop Buddy said that the state legislature would do well "to enact the Ten Commandments with- out amendment.'' Congress during the 1935 sess10n passed 849 new laws, the bishop said. That number does not Include pen- sions, resolutions or private acts, he said. During the past ten years 3,683 general laws have been enact- ed by congress, he said. Cause for Alarm. "But you cannot legislate good- :1;!"s," the bishop said. ''Crime has kept pace with the law,; with the result that vice now ranks with our greater industries. There is cause for alarm." It Is the lawyers in many in- lrtJlncesJ\nsl npt the. lRWS 1t11at 1,hould be reformed, the bishop said, giving special mention to attorneys who represent criminal groups. The oath, he said, ha been made a joke. Ambulance cha~ers, said the bish-r op, are not the worst offenders among th members of the ba1·,

trnn \\ lnkelm'!-nn. D.D.. Atl'dliary Hi:sh- oi:, of S.~- Lotus: Chaplain_.,, Rev..John Z1!'l1nsk1. Ri>v. Francis \\.ileta. O.M.C. The Right Rn. Philip Rugglf', O.S.B.. Abbot •f'onception Abbey; Chaplains. 1 Rev. ,, . I. Conrad, Rev. P. J. Gilfillan. I The Right Rev. :1-lartin Yeth. O.S.B., Abbot St. BpnPdict·s Abb<':V: C'haplains. Ri>,·. Paul \Yaldron. Rev. Otho Sullivan, o.s.n. 1 Chaplains t" His ExcelJencv, the ,I "!Mt ReYerf'nd Chari<'~ F. Buddy,'D.D.- 1 hf' Rev Augustine '.\1P:\"eill and the Re,·. .Toho 'K r,ntwright.

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